Infil vs. SB after relics got lost.



Originally posted by doneagle
Never met a sb yet who hitted me for 250 dmg.

Most i had was 160 on main hand + around 50 on left axe. Maybe they were all non left axe specced. Don't know a sb, just know that i have never seen the 250+ dmg you guys talk about.

My hits are also for 120+ around 60 on second hand + criticals + procs... So i think its close in dmg.

hm Cordell dunno but u never got hitted for 200+ by sb? normally i'll get hit for 200+ :|


As most stealthers are now buffed , its no longer an advantage to be buffed, mearly a disadvantage not to be.

agree with carrot here

with some recent changes to the game, (middies taking relics, evade rendered almost useless in RVR etc) ive found it increasingly difficult to put up any kind of fight.

i love hunting for stealthers. i feel if provides me with a challenge of the mind predicting where stealthers are hiding. but now due to recent changes, even if i find em i get my arse handed to me much more often than not. only being able to evade a hit 1 in 10 times against a styling buffed opponent makes me defenceless. my only chance is dragonfang, and that usually gets purged. ive even had my arse kicked using PA, dragonfang and all end on several occasions.

having recently started to level a buffbot up, ive found RVR to be a much more level playground (cept against zerkers... ouch :( )
i dont feel it gives me an advantage at all, but more of an equal chance. (although it is kinda embarrasing to be killed and wonder what the enemy thinks of me when he sees the green buffdrop spam :p)

i also get the fun of playing me buffer in battlegrounds as a cleric (ive actually specced in rejuv too :D)

conclusion :
i like me buffbot and im sure the people im fighting will much rather have the challenge of killing me rather than the chore of HAVING to kill me.

/me bows


on another wee note, i really feel sorry for nightshades :( theu really need some loving.

was rather funny at hmg in odins the other day tho, me was on me lonesome have a poke about, and allovasudden i see an icckle luri ns pop into view :D, i fink 'awwwwww cute', then 3 of his mates jump on me and kick the living poop outta me.

i could hardly fight back from laughing so much, was hilarious, i thought 'my god, im being mauled by cute icckle people'. most fun. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Originally posted by Gorbash
on another wee note, i really feel sorry for nightshades :( theu really need some loving.

was rather funny at hmg in odins the other day tho, me was on me lonesome have a poke about, and allovasudden i see an icckle luri ns pop into view :D, i fink 'awwwwww cute', then 3 of his mates jump on me and kick the living poop outta me.

i could hardly fight back from laughing so much, was hilarious, i thought 'my god, im being mauled by cute icckle people'. most fun. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee



btw cordell i just got hit for 404 dmg and 2 times for 300 dmg from Firani and i have 27% resist on slash he got away on 10% hp got lucky that my DF was in otherwise i wasen't able to take him that hard down and about that dmg i think its just a bit to much, i presume he was buffed and did crits so don't tell me that u never got hit for 200 dmg can't believe that really no offence tho


dunno what spec venomis is, and the perf might have included a crit (i hope to god it did), but i got perfed for 450 (wasn't even a 2hand weap) and then killed in 3 250dmg anytimes. (df animation, was NOT CD or SS)
Apart from the perf, that is around typical damage for me.


About capping melee resists - what are the options, except the racial bonuses (normally 5%?), items (26% at lvl 50), and the odd Necromancer buff?

Absorbtion on armor?


Originally posted by old.Fangrim
About capping melee resists - what are the options, except the racial bonuses (normally 5%?), items (26% at lvl 50), and the odd Necromancer buff?

Absorbtion on armor?

Only 26% from items and racial bonuses (2% to one, 3% to another, 0% to the third).

Absorb (whether from armour-type, Necro buff, BoF or Avoid Pain) goes to AF, not resist.


cplcarrot, I understand you do not have the strengh to stand up for your cause, but it's your weakness, not something obvious.

You don't join the darkside just cause they are superior, principals wages more than that.


if u can get buffed accept it and say thx ,simple as that fighting a buffed sb when u unbuffed is like him being lvl 55 and u 45.
And killing an unbuffed Sb is no harder then kill a blue con thane.
But why discuss its like it and noone gonna change it.

BufFs > all


Originally posted by Jergiot
yo, its not like thrust is ur only option.

Give me a break. Slash is pretty gimped for Inf. Low weapskill, enervating destroys it even further. No melee-stun, CD aside, but it's not like that doesn't get blocked/parried half the time, not to mention it requires PA 1st... For? Ammy-slash, an anytime style which is nice & all, but what's it gonna help when your opponent outdamages you by far anyway?


Perfed a champ today, he was wearing epic armor. Nice, 411 damage from PA (around average unbuffed for me I think), before the CD-stun ran out, the other styles added my damage up to 910 damage total. Well, he proceeds to debuff me (ofc) and hits me for 380 damage with his nice hammer at minimum using an ANYTIME style, 403 at best. Makes me angry, I get everything right and he just whacks me just like that, 3 hits. Giv PA-luv...


PS. for DK's :uhoh:

Oh, could people stop shorting Solitaire to Sol on /gu? Thx :p


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Me and Ichor did a few tests today..
It turns out that I can PA him for as high as an SB hits him with their anytime style, ie, 250dmg.. Great hope for future infil playing seeing as I hit him harder then I hit an SB..


ninjastyle hit my ex-sb for 950 with a pa. thats on thrust-resistant leather with cap thrust resist (norse has 2 or 3% natural as well, i may be mixing this up with slash though :eek:).


Originally posted by katt!

ninjastyle hit my ex-sb for 950 with a pa. thats on thrust-resistant leather with cap slash resist (and i think norse has 2 or 3% natural).

thrust resistant leather with cap slash resist? :eek7:

Was ninjastyle slash or thrust?


(edit: cleared up my delusions about armourresists)


mids got our strength relics

we have 20% less dmg in melee combat
mids now have 20% more dmg in melee combat.

40% different when melee against a melee mid. That's gonna count for a lot. Consider the difference if you hit 400 before, you would now hit for 320. They changed from 320 to 400. A lot of difference :/ I can no longer properly challenge SB's with my cleric :(


Originally posted by Tranquil-
thrust resistant leather with cap slash resist? :eek7:

Was ninjastyle slash or thrust?


(edit: cleared up my delusions about armourresists)

uh tired brain not working. thrust resist ofc :p


As far as PA/CD goes it seems unfair that you perform your class defining attack combination, wich isn't that easy to pull of perfect in the first place since the tollerance on a wrong angle/strafing and distance is fairly small and have your opponent hit you for more damage as soon as his stun breaks with an anytime style wich every 3 year old can pull off if you explain him what button to hit. With the recent removal of IP the least they could have done is give PA some love. Just putting the CD and the dragonfang stun on a different timer would go a long way as far as the infils are concearned maybe other options of enhancing it should be considered for NS, SB.


hmm i must say i still arent afraid of the sbs. . tho there are 2-3 really really hard to kill. The 200 dmg they do is not something i am afraid of.. but a 343 is.. considering i am buffed and slash resist maxed. I have stoped the rvr right now. Trying to replace my 98 quality rapier and my 99 long dirk with mps for the time. I need the more dmg i can get right now. The only thing that bothers me is that we got really gimped after the evade cap. It seems they just put a cap at the evade + buffs dodgers thing, and then they apply the others weaponskill and all.. making us having a very low evade during the battle. They are gimping our df


23% in crush if I remember right, so that gives me 13% actual because of armor penalty. 403 translates to being 87% damage, which means he actually did 463 damage. That is ~52 points more than my PA and as far as I can remember, he was fully thrust neutral. Bloody f00king great anytime styles LW has! Hibs have 0 causes to complain about their LW anytimes. Hammer-skalds didn't hit that hard when mids didn't have our relics.

So what's LW has to do with SBs? If an SB can come close/surpass LW damage, somethings wrong and I want to take that nerfbat to their LA-specline even more.


met some buffed up Sbs last nite and they DID hurt... 300 dmg, sometimes more. But is it coincidence they were after an evade? Don't know the LA styles but i noticed alot of damage after an evade. Can be coincidence offcourse.

So don't leave atk without buffs :p , i know i won't anymore.
My PA hitted a sb for 750 dmg btw :) not bad i must say. 520 ( -125 ) + 125 crit + 100 offhand.

Personal record, but i was buffed at that time.


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Any other infil besides myself that feels its slightly useless trying to fight an SB in 1on1?
Approximate dmg log:

You hit sb for 70 (-45)
You crit for an additional 35
SB hits you for 200
SB hits you for 50

;repeat until dead.

I will give it a few more goes until I move back to playing cleric or cabbie but atm it feels fruitless to even out into rvr nowadays.
I can solo red mobs unbuffed with hardly any hp loss, but one SB and im cut in half in a couple of swings..

Yes, someone got PWNZD.. But what do other infils think, do we still stand a chance?

You hit sb for 140dmg(-60)
You crit for an additional 35dmg
You hit with lefthand for 70dmg(-30)
You crit for an additional 5dmg

yes, SB's outdmg us now, we need the relics back ;>

the hardest SB's ive meet its down too the very last hp who wins. If they got no Purge up, fine then its a easy kill, but with purge up, its a very close fight.

also, never fight a sb at mpk/mmg. endregen/dmgshield/add is v overpowered.

highest ive been hit for after mid got relics is like 240(main) with a DF from a sb.



yep the 343 after an evade. Bust stil its in the program. we evade them why not they too.


Originally posted by doneagle
met some buffed up Sbs last nite and they DID hurt... 300 dmg, sometimes more. But is it coincidence they were after an evade? Don't know the LA styles but i noticed alot of damage after an evade. Can be coincidence offcourse.

So don't leave atk without buffs :p , i know i won't anymore.
My PA hitted a sb for 750 dmg btw :) not bad i must say. 520 ( -125 ) + 125 crit + 100 offhand.

Personal record, but i was buffed at that time.

on 19% (studded etc) armor i hit for ~200 before resists on a 5spec sb. normal damage on infils with average resists were 170-230.

and yes, comeback after evade is very nice dmg.


basicly DF needs a fat nerf

having played a zerker i know how much that style owns any other style (in the game?). The shortfall was that it uses uber-end but with end buffs who cares :/

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