Inferno test...



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

I think checking "do you masturbate often?" gets you at least to level 6. :D

I can confirm that's not the case. I only got level 2.


I answered honestly, I didn't think any of my views were extreme, and certainly did not involve fucking people over to much. Its just a very dated test is all :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well... the test is kinda vague.

"Do you masturbate often?"
Define often ffs! :D


It should have been worded

"Do you masturbate thrice daily?"

Then i'd feel sure that I was answering correctly.

Neural Network

If this test has anything to do with the real story, it's not like it's an achievement to be a level "higher". You're transferred to the level that represents the majority of your bad behaviour. To reach level 9 you have to disrespect God (like worshipping Pagan gods) and be treacherous to your family and country. It doesn't matter if you masturbate a lot, that’s for level 2 :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Neural Network
If this test has anything to do with the real story, it's not like it's an achievement to be a level "higher". You're transferred to the level that represents the majority of your bad behaviour. To reach level 9 you have to disrespect God (like worshipping Pagan gods) and be treacherous to your family and country. It doesn't matter if you masturbate a lot, that’s for level 2 :p

... that's just a wild theory. Pffft....

Don't forget that masturbating is a big, bad sin. All the life ones going into the hanky could be god fearing christians.

You are basically committing mass murder ffs. :eek:
Level 9 for all of j00!!!11


Why is your avatar an amplifier with negative feedback?

Neural Network

Originally posted by leggy
Why is your avatar an amplifier with negative feedback?

I like those. They make the modern world go around :)

EDIT: And just as you don't forget it: Vo = (Z1+Z2)Vi/Z2

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Neural Network

EDIT: And just as you don't forget it: Vo = (Z1+Z2)Vi/Z2

Blasphemy! (yarrr!)


The sweet light no longer strikes against your eyes. Your shade has been banished to... the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge


Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer.


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low
Level 2 | Very High
Level 3 | Moderate
Level 4 | Very High
Level 5 | High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low
Level 7 | High
Level 8- the Malebolge | High
Level 9 - Cocytus | High

Second Level of Hell


You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.

Is this a bad sign?:(


I only made level 4, But I did register an Extreme on 3 different levels..

Purgatory Repenting Believers Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers Very Low
Level 2 Lustful Very High
Level 3 Gluttonous Moderate
Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Extreme
Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics Extreme
Level 7 Violent Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous High

Neural Network

According to the book the first 7 levels are for sins you're not totally in control off, but are more or less driven by animal instincts like hunger, sex or plain stupidity. Level 8 punishes the same sins as the first 7 the difference is you have made your crime as a personal choice. Level 9 is only for the very evil, who is determent to destroy and ruin the world including themselves.
So gratz to all you on level 8. Don’t blame society for your misdeeds, you’re evil by choice :flame:


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Low
Level 2 | Very High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | High
Level 5 | Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Moderate
Level 7 | Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge | High
Level 9 - Cocytus | Moderate

Looks like I get to play with Helen of Troy and Cleopatra :sex:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Y0ni
Looks like I get to play with Helen of Troy and Cleopatra :sex:

Looks like those two didn't masturbate enough either... well, guess they didn't have to.

Just make sure Jup behaves.


You're talking shite Leggy. The only 'sins' I recall admitting were atheism, wanking, pre-marital sex and being a good liar. Being a good liar shouldn't make me a level 6. Never said I made a habit of it did I ?

I'm being persecuted ffs :eek:


Originally posted by Wij
You're talking shite Leggy

Of course I am?. I admitted the same things and got level 2.

So either you're a liar or the test is a load of dick.


Originally posted by leggy

So either you're a liar or the test is a load of dick.

I would say both of those are true

Moving Target

Fifth Level of Hell

The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.

Purgatory Very Low
Level 1 Low
Level 2 Low
Level 3 High
Level 4 Moderate
Level 5 Very High
Level 6 Very Low
Level 7 High
Level 8 Moderate
Level 9 Moderate


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | High
Level 1 - Limbo | High
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | Very Low
Level 4 | Very Low
Level 5 | Very Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very Low
Level 7 | Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge | Low
Level 9 - Cocytus | Low



Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge

whats eigth ?

Level Who are sent there? Score
Purgatory Repenting Believers Moderate
Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers Very Low
Level 2 Lustful High
Level 3 Gluttonous Low
Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Moderate
Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy High
Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics Very Low
Level 7 Violent High
Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers High
Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous Low

Uncle Sick(tm)

9 is for wieners... 8 is the place where all the cool sinners hang out lately.

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