Inconsiderate Smokers



Kez that all adds up to a big nothing much like all your other stringed together sentences

1 thing I will point out
I don't care how many accounts you've had, I couldn't care if you were an alias of someone I've otherwise no problem with, the plain fact is, you're a shit cunt with absolutely no clue.

What happened to all that good grammer trash you keep going on about ?

pff get a life and leave people alone, just because your a loser IRL don't think people can't see it here, oh yeh you got some mates, hey you've formed a loser's club well done and you go about taking out your anger from having no street cred on a pety forum .

I think there's a clue or 2 in there what was it..shut cunt ouch please don't hurt me....LOL


Originally posted by 1Moon
What happened to all that good grammer trash you keep going on about ?
pff get a life and leave people alone, just because your a loser IRL don't think people can't see it here, oh yeh you got some mates, hey you've formed a loser's club well done and you go about taking out your anger from having no street cred on a pety forum .
I think there's a clue or 2 in there what was it..shut cunt ouch please don't hurt me....LOL
Firstly, the sentence you quoted reads the way I wanted it to be read, and while it might not be grammatically perfect, its certainly a great deal better than anything you've come up with, so pulling me up on it is hardly worthwhile.

It should be quite clear that I have no care as to what people think of me, here or otherwise (perhaps if you'd been around for any length of time?) - I'm quite content to not get on with certain people here, as is continually apparent from my posts. How I've formed a losers club by effectively arguing with everyone on this forum (and others) is eluding me. There's no anger involved in any of my posts in this thread, I'd be happy to describe how I was feeling when I pressed 'submit reply' on each of my responses. But for simplicitys sake we'll just assume, as I cannot be bothered to surmise each post.
So to sum up, most people here can testify that I hold no 'cred' nor do I care to, its a moot point.

I'd also appreciate it if you went a little way to even attempting to spell correctly and throw sentences together in a readable format when you respond to me, its a task simply to understand your blitherings.

Much as your attempts at banter have entertained me child*, I'd appreciate if you just left the thread, you've contributed nothing and I for one wouldn't mind returning to the original topic.

*look 'mommy' - I too can pretend I'm holier than thou by referring to other people as child.


Kez man, you ain't got no street cred man, man you suck man.


Shit man I'm sorry man, what can I do to change this? Safe!


Hey Kez I have an idea.....lets talk about you

This says all I need to know m8 so stop whinging and give up

Testin da Cable

this thread is quite amusing if you're an objective innocent like me :)


Moon, you have the intelligence of the average Backstreet Boys fan. Please go and die in a corner. Thank you.


Ah this makes my laugh you geeks are still bitching when I come home from a good night out, die!! I think not sir....retarded!! far from it .

hey don't get wound up over me now I'm only adding my opinion on perticular things I'm reading here I dont see why you have a problem with that just cos there's a kinda regulars geek club and I dont fit in, hey we'r all different .

Now please get off my ankle...go download some porn or something, dear me :rolleyes:


lol, people calling others 'geek' over the medium of the internet always amuses me.

Mr B

1Moon is clearly a troll and is currently keeping glynn3rs and all his little friends company in my Ignore list.


Makes you wonder why people like glynners act they way they do eh,you can thank yourselfs for not understanding people are different and some wont agree with you, sorry but its true .

Oh I'm in an ignore list well I'm so sorry, damn I'l loose some sleep over that


are we still on about smokers or just people in general ?


This is the maon at me to jump on the bandwagon ?


Originally posted by Stu-
Moon is clearly retarded

I thank you

lol, i can just picture the irc chat:

<Bodhi> Stu, please help me, im getting totally owned in this thread. Nath, Mr^B or anyone please help me:( I cant do this on my own!!
<Stu> Im going there right now Bodhi, i'll help you!!
<Mr^B> Ill help you Bodhi!!
<Nath> So will i!!

1Moon isn't 'retarded' (which seems to be a very popular word in, its just like theres about 50 of you parasites against him. On top of that you all add your frothy mouthed rabid rantings about how someone is retarted when 'you' say so??

A message for all the people out there - we are all retards because say we are, it is so true:(

Man these boys are so hard. Tbh, im glad that these bunch of hard guys are locked up in their channel. If we were to meet one of them on the streets they'd punch our lights out surely? It must be said I sleep well at night knowing these bunch of social outcasts are not on the streets!!


p.s- I think that in years to come we are going to have a group of people that will not be able to communicate or participate in normal social activites :/

Anyway nuff said. Do you kind of get my drift after all that ive just posted? I have just abused you, and it aint nice is it? In future, when a perfectly harmless thread is started, and perfectly harmless people post on here, with no offence intented, how about you just leave the poster alone and go take your bitching/abusing/flaming to place where no one wants to listen to it?? No one, and especially the moderators, wants to hear people calling eachother retards and calling them 'retarded' all the time for no reason whatsoever. I mean OK if he has abused you then you have every right to flame him back again but its not fair when 50+ people throw abuse at someone with no justification. Can we please, please call it quits guys? What do you say??



Originally posted by Mr B
1Moon is clearly a troll and is currently keeping glynn3rs and all his little friends company in my Ignore list.

And i'd think a man of such good breeding like yourself should maybe be setting an example rather than just bandwagon jumping, Mr.B??

Mr B

And i'd think a man of such good breeding like yourself should maybe be setting an example rather than just bandwagon jumping, Mr.B??

Ah, another one for the ignore list.

The reason for adding 1Moon to my ignore list has nothing at all to do with the bandwagon, but plenty to do with what he actually wrote...

This is actually a good topic, personal freedom vs the health and welfare of those around us...where is the line drawn, etc...but 1Moon's comments (before adding to the Ignore List) were as follows:

#1: What a pathetic topic

#2: 50 pound says Kez is a virgin

#3: You still following me across this forum...get a life your getting boring

#4: Like I said take a break your only winding yourself up here, its quite pathetic

Now obviously these are terribly insightful and well worth devoting time and attention to...

Glyn^ you are the missing link, welcome to my Ignore List club.

Oh, and 1Moon, I just *know* that you said something in reply to me, but you see, you are on my ignore list - that means that I do not want to see what you have written, so you have just wasted your time.


Originally posted by 1Moon
Makes you wonder why people like glynners act they way they do eh,you can thank yourselfs for not understanding people are different and some wont agree with you, sorry but its true .

Oh I'm in an ignore list well I'm so sorry, damn I'l loose some sleep over that

^Thats what he said :)

Mr B

ta :)

As someone once said on irc:

"I refuse to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man"


Great little war and all but what's it gotta do with tabs :)


Glynn, where exactly did I jump on the bandwagon, hmm?


Originally posted by 1Moon
This is the maon at me to jump on the bandwagon ?

Naw mate - live and let live.

I only get involved when folk start fucking about with me.

Good luck



Glyn has this lot sussed tho dosnt he :D

I don't know you Glyn but your spot on about whats going on here with this quake2 group .

Its pathetic, soon as they spot a subject or post they find hard to join in on they flame it till the point where you reply then they call you a retard and run off and get their silly little irc mates to come and call you a retard to :rolleyes:

I could run and get all my irc mates to come and call them all names to but I'm a bit more mature than that .

And just so any one reading this knows whats said by them dosnt upset me at all infact I find it humorous that they reply in such a way then eventually get annoyed that someone would actually disagree with them so you then get the agressive post calling you and arse cunt or something silly like that .

I mean I use the halflife forum quite a bit but the other day we had some sarcastic stuck up bloke ( Kez ) telling us how to play and trying to turn every thing into an argument but he eventually admited he dosnt even play the game :rolleyes:

Now lets forget this quake irc group and continue with these disgusion's with out taking note of what trash they might want to flame it with next


lol from just reading some of the forum moon seems to get a lot of stick, i cant see what hes done wrong :eek: he simply replies to the geeky posts we get on here... blaa look i love this smilie :touch: :p

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