Inconsiderate Smokers



Originally posted by Wij
Embassy No 1. Always :)

Oh yes!

I smoke Filters if they aint got no1. Trouble is they last as long as I do in bed.


Um, thanks for that. U'd need a six-foot fag to last as long as me in bed.

Hey Perp, come here :D

(oops, here come the lawyers again :()


I'm a rolly man. Smoke Golden Vagina.

(Possibly my most boring post. :()


Well the type of smoking i do you dont normally do in public place



I've only had meh haircut 3 times this year. I'm so damn lazy. But 2 round the back and sides and 8 on top. :p


Malboro Lights, plzthxggwpn1bye.

Better of course, mixed with some nice fresh skunk. :D


Re: Re: Inconsiderate Smokers

Originally posted by Bodhi

So we have to toodle off into private just because we choose to smoke? So not only do we have to pay generous amounts to Her Majesty's coffers to smoke, we also have to go somewhere where whinging holier than thou Daily Mail reading fuckstains such as yourself dont hang around to enjoy the simple pleasures of a *insert brand of choice here*. People like you can suck my fucking cock. No offence meant.

/me parps on sausage boy

Hey keep up that smoking, the quicker you die, the happier everyone will be!


oh joy shabazz is back. I was praying your absence was due to some horribly fatal rectal disease, caused by talking too much (think about that one. I know it may be hard, but the penny will drop eventually)

I smoke Marlboro Reds btw. If you're gonna die from lung cancer, may aswell do it in style :)


Originally posted by 1Moon
What a pathetic topic
You don't have to join in. Its one thing me trolling your HL forum, its another you coming in here trying to out-lame me. Now cunt off.


uh... i dont smoke, for two good reasons...
1) Im not old enough
2) Its discusting


Re: Re: Inconsiderate Smokers

LOL what a fucking retard. Lemme just start of by saying that when i bitch about smokers i meant the INCONSIDERATE ONES. I dont mind the ones who are considerate, the ones who go away to another place quieter and smoke. Not the ones who saturate places with smoke and give the nation lung cancer.

Originally posted by Bodhi
So we have to toodle off into private just because we choose to smoke?

Well yeah....the thought occured. Why must us clean, healthy non-smokers have to breath in the disgusting, toxic bad breath that people like you blow out?? Too bloody right you should go to a private place.

Originally posted by Bodhi
So not only do we have to pay generous amounts to Her Majesty's coffers to smoke

Well you aint exactly gonna smoke for free are you? if anything you blow your money on fags, wasting thousands each year on the things a recent survey revealed?

Originally posted by Bodhi
We also have to go somewhere where whinging holier than thou Daily Mail reading fuckstains such as yourself dont hang around to enjoy the simple pleasures of a *insert brand of choice here*.

LOL this really does make me laugh. Why in the flying fuck do you think you are superior to everyone else becasue you smoke? If anything you are below the status of non-smokers and you should go outside to smoke. What a big-headed twat, thinking he has the right to smoke freely in front of everyone else so they have to breathe in the bad breath. And yeh, like the guy said above, it would be better if the smokers of this world ( will die quicker so we wont have to hear them flame all the time.

Originally posted by Bodhi
People like you can suck my fucking cock.

No thx greyteeth.:upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours:


I did a report once on smoking while attending school my final point was quiet good.....why do smokers pay so much to kill themselves when jumping off a building is far cheaper ;)

TBH I find smoking stupid although the government doesn't do much to help smokers quit, well why would they ;)

If you must smoke then at least be considerate enough to think of the people that don't....thanks going out on my bike for my daily in take of car fumes ;)


Isn't it down to personal choice ?
If I want to blow my money on fags, and smell like an ash tray then thats my choice. I will not smoke in cars/houses of non-smokers, near babies, or anywhere where it isn't allowed. No problem.

But these peeps who have an obsession with smokers - we are 'dirty, unhealthy, emit toxic fumes' to paraphrase Glynners - if we are smoking in a place where it is allowed, why should we give way if someone don't like it ? Glynners - it 'aint that smokers feel superior - it's the patronising bast's that say I shouldn't smoke who get on my tits. I can make that decision for myself thanks.

As for unhealthy, I've worked in NHS/Healthcare for a long time now, and the most densely populated area of any hospital is the smoke room. This includes nurses, doctors, consultants, and in one of the hospitals, a consultant oncologist ! How's that for hypocrisy.


Originally posted by Bodhi
I smoke daddys sausages btw. If you're gonna die from lung cancer, may aswell do it in style :)

if you say so. Ill let you and kez get on with it



Re: Re: Re: Inconsiderate Smokers

Originally posted by ^S0LIDUS^
Well yeah....the thought occured. Why must us clean, healthy non-smokers have to breath in the disgusting, toxic bad breath that people like you blow out??
Because you're content to breathe in the same air thats filled with garbage from cars etc? :)

I'm not inconsiderate about smoking btw (I only smoke when I'm out doing things - drinking mainly, which is invariably in the park) I just think that banning it in all public places is slightly out of place and silly. Focus your bloody efforts on stopping general pollution rather than on a brief moment of concentrated smoke (which doesn't actually have that much effect, it does take prolonged exposure for your lungs to suffer)

Incidently shabazz, why not actually make a point? All I can see from you in this thread is you throwing insults at bodhi (and myself) ... lets be honest, you're not even doing a good job of it. Since when did you insist on starting flames? I'd thought that was 'bad evil kez & bodhi''s job.

End of the day, I'm considerate because I've never really thought about it, as I said I only do it where people can't complain (bar those considering defining open spaces as public and wanting to ban it, which is silly)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Inconsiderate Smokers

Originally posted by Kez
drinking mainly, which is invariably in the park

Heh heh. :D Try a pub next time, Kez. They let you drink indoors.


23:42:15 <Kezabelle> Do you have such a vendetta with bodhi Shabazz that you 'insult' him when he's not even here, or the subject of conversation?
23:42:31 <ItchyTrigaFinga> maybe it's a crush?
23:42:34 <Shabazz> yeah


People such of Bodhi only really regret smoking when something bad happens to them..........don't be a fool and make light of a situation that is not only a killer but can be very painful and long lasting before the final result, death.


Originally posted by Bodhi
You wanna live forever? ;)

No its impossible. I would like to live as long as possible and not die in a lot of pain :p


I don't like pubs, thanks all the same. I'd much rather be out doing something, rather than pissing about sitting in a pub* ... and I'm wary of doing drugs in a pub, because they're crowded, and stagnant (except in EastEnders queen vic, one would assume) ... As I'm also not the clubbing type (which would amount to doing something) the park is the perfect go between.

Why am I justifying myself to you when I could be trying to get Shabazz to make insightful (yet ignorant) comments on IRC?

* smoked filled, it might be worth pointing out to those against smoking.

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