Inconnu Unfair!?

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I guess Highlanders get cold because they are mostly half naked. You generally adapt to things like that. :p


Originally posted by Ekydus
I guess Highlanders get cold because they are mostly half naked. You generally adapt to things like that. :p

but I mean WTF?! Saracens don't get it either!

They live in the fecking desert for crying out loud!


They should be like HOT, and be IMMUNE to COLD!


(oh btw, being sarcastic here... guess who I'm pretending to be :clap: :p)


Originally posted by Arwen
n3wbie your name says it all you fool, if you can't understand a sarcastic comment, you need to stop playing and go to special needs classes.

moo_work thank you for sharing that obvious fact, I don't think that was in debate, my argument was that that itself was unfair, if you can't keep up with the conversation don't embarrass yourself.

Ekydus, besides the point, I think your whole post is beside the point, do I want the 'nerf stick' whacked over my head, what is it i'm aiming for, well the answer is fairness and equilibrium. As for your comment on a 5% resist doesn't mean anything anyway, well i think you will find when capping your resists any extra 5% over all the other realm's races means quite something indeed. And as for me wanting to say "I h4v3 the uber F1sh!!1one121two"... I’m sure.

no that was in debate, what's not is the fact that you are a fucking twat :great: , stop trying to sound like you know what you're talking about


Originally posted by Arwen
Well, for a start my highest level is 50, both my friar and my necromancer being 50, i just havn't updated my profile for a month. Secondly, i knew more about the game the first day i played than you will ever know about your entire life, every post i make, makes sense, unlike yours, and i make valid arguements rather than pointless wannabe flames.

twat :great: i seen all your lame crappy posts when you first started the game and they havent got any better.


zzz :sleeping:

well as long as you're whining about resists

OMFG! Look at that! Saracens get 0! yes 0% CRUSH RESIST! OMFG! EVERYONE USES CRUSH! OMFG! Highlanders get 2%!!! GAH! Mythic sucks! Everyone sucks! Why can't saracens get the extra 2% crush??? wtf!!! nerf!! Change it!! I want my 2% crush damnit!

Well, once again, the point i was discussing is not what resists they have, it's the total amount they have. If no-one used the resist, they wouldn't have it, if you think it's useless and crap, than the other race with it must be totally crap, as they have 5% less than everyone else.

wow.. you can count

... yes, it would appear so...

heard that excuse before

Yes I’m sure you have, try logging on the game at about 8pm and typing /who Kaligan, that goes for the other one as well.

you know mate.. that's not something to be proud of

Well, 'mate', if you had the sense you try to portray you do have, you'd release it was a comment symbolising his lack of intelligence, much like yourself.

I fail to see any sense in your post, nor do I see any valid arguments... while what I do see is a wannabe flame

Well, it doesn't surprise me that you wouldn't have a clue what i was talking about, you have demonstrated your an idiot, try including comments about the topic, and not half wit insults, and you can use the comment 'all i see is wannabe flame'.

but I mean WTF?! Saracens don't get it either!

They live in the fecking desert for crying out loud!


They should be like HOT, and be IMMUNE to COLD!


Once again your silly ramblings don't deserve much answer, but if you read though and think very hard you might release what the post is about.

no that was in debate, what's not is the fact that you are a fucking twat , stop trying to sound like you know what you're talking about

The only twats around here, are the ones who have made countless pathetic responses trying to be funny.. but failing. Stop trying to sound what I’m talking about, don't let the fact i make sense and you do not upset you, read the manual (or get someone to read it for you), stop claiming things you can't prove, and grow up.

twat i seen all your lame crappy posts when you first started the game and they havent got any better.

And what lame crappy posts would they be, and congratulations for knowing how to use the search function.

Arwens final thought.

If you don't know anything about what the post is about, and obviously can't flame someone very well, then don't try, and go back to class, it's clear you need it.


no matter how long you make your shit posts your still a total fucking twat and should die irl :great:


Sylvan 3% Crush 2% Thrust 5% Matter 5% Energy


Valkyn 3% Slash 2% Thrust 5% Cold 5% Body


Warhawks thought for the day:

A web forum is for discussion, plain and simple. Just because you are the author of a thread does not pre claim you to being right and just in your views. Let me point you back to that word discussion, you made a point - people discussed, like the ever ticking clock of evolution it just happens as it's what the forums are for, no?

Just because they don't agree with your view doesn't mean that
a) they don't know what they're talking about


b) They're flaming you.


Originally posted by n3wbie
no matter how long you make your shit posts your still a total fucking twat and should die irl :great:

The only reason my last post was so long was to respond to your ending stupid comments.

Originally posted by -Warhawk-
Warhawks thought for the day:

A web forum is for discussion, plain and simple. Just because you are the author of a thread does not pre claim you to being right and just in your views. Let me point you back to that word discussion, you made a point - people discussed, like the ever ticking clock of evolution it just happens as it's what the forums are for, no?

Just because they don't agree with your view doesn't mean that
a) they don't know what they're talking about


b) They're flaming you.

I accept that, however if you read the replies you will find
a) There are people not even talking about the discussion.
b) I don't base the fact they don't know what they are talking about on the fact they disagree with me, i base it on the fact i am talking about a race having an extra 5% resist, and comments such as this are made:

OMFG! Look at that! Saracens get 0! yes 0% CRUSH RESIST! OMFG! EVERYONE USES CRUSH! OMFG! Highlanders get 2%!!! GAH! Mythic sucks! Everyone sucks! Why can't saracens get the extra 2% crush??? wtf!!! nerf!! Change it!! I want my 2% crush damnit!

If you can't see a direct relationship between people not knowing what they are talking about - and making posts like that. You need to re-read the whole thread until you do.


Originally posted by n3wbie.
no matter how long you make your shit posts your still a total fucking twat and should die irl

Extract from terms of conduct.
Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another Member or guest that is unwanted. This means: don't say bad things about them, don't keep sending them unwanted messages, don't attack their race, sexual orientation, religion, culture, etc. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person.


blah blah more bull shit, but you still didnt comment on -

Sylvan 3% Crush 2% Thrust 5% Matter 5% Energy

Valkyn 3% Slash 2% Thrust 5% Cold 5% Body

which means all 3 realms have it fair since they all got a class with 5% extra crap resist on their new races.

brinx on the scene i see this thread being closed :cheers:


People express their views in whichever way they choose arwen, saying

OMFG! Look at that! Saracens get 0! yes 0% CRUSH RESIST! OMFG! EVERYONE USES CRUSH! OMFG! Highlanders get 2%!!! GAH! Mythic sucks! Everyone sucks! Why can't saracens get the extra 2% crush??? wtf!!! nerf!! Change it!! I want my 2% crush damnit!

Is an expression of sarcasm, pointing out the fact that your being rather petty about a 5% resist, thats merely stating just how petty they think your being.

Oh and Don't worry be happy :)

Your so negative your hurting my vibes man!


We're not going to close the thread because its still being discussed, but n3wbie you know for a fact that we don't like people bantering around these "Die irl" comments, whether you mean them as a flame or an actual threat, so I really recommend you drop them.

If you guys can carry on discussing this without having to slap around the testosterone and flames, then it can live, otherwise we'll have to stamp on it.


I'd like to apologise to everyone (even n3wbie and co.), I tend to be very argumentative, and I was probably in the wrong throughout most if not all of the post. Sorry if I annoyed anyone, try not to hold it against me. Sorry :(

I won't bother replying any more, I’ll just accept I was wrong on this particular issue, and I hope in time, I can be forgiven.

P.S. I didn't like the 'die irl' comment either and I was the one who reported it I don't think it was necessary, you may not like me but I don't say things like that to you it's just uncalled for.


Originally posted by Arwen
n3wbie your name says it all you fool, if you can't understand a sarcastic comment, you need to stop playing and go to special needs classes.

no you didnt wish it upone anyone to die irl like i did but you did say that, which is just as bad. why make fun of people who might have to go special needs class? but now your just gonna say "dont you understand sarcasm or something" then i could just say the same thing about die irl.


i knew more about the game the first day i played than you will ever know about your entire life

Errr... weren't you the one that kept on asking for sorcerer specs? You made like two or three topics asking the same question. And every few days you asked where to exp.

And now you've obviously rolled or bought the easier leveling class in the game, a necromancer. Seriously, people have helped you loads when you started out here, why don't you give them some respect back? Being level 50 doesn't make anyone a god, it only shows you've figured out the leveling routine.

Sure you can call it unfair towards non-inconnu mages but it's just 5% spirit resist. Have you ever, since the moment you started daoc, seen 5% spirit resist of all things make a difference between life and death? I doubt it.

You are talking about 5% of a useless resist in a useless fantasy world, why are you so overreacting? I know it's a cliche, but it's just a game. Why don't you just conclude the majority of people tries to make it clear to you 5% spirit resists doesn't do anything usefull in this game.

Stop calling people dumb just because they try to tell you you're overreacting a bit over something so extremely pointless it's making you look incredible dumb and nerdy.

Ok :)


necros aint a class

any class that can casually solo it's way to 50 in 6 days ain't a class worth leveling (unless ofc it's to enable stlong PL of alts - like mine was).

Anyone who's "main" is a necro I laugh & spit at


Originally posted by Damini
We're not going to close the thread because its still being discussed, but n3wbie you know for a fact that we don't like people bantering around these "Die irl" comments, whether you mean them as a flame or an actual threat, so I really recommend you drop them.

If you guys can carry on discussing this without having to slap around the testosterone and flames, then it can live, otherwise we'll have to stamp on it.

ps damini, die irl please.

only a joke please don't hurt me! :(


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Errr... weren't you the one that kept on asking for sorcerer specs? You made like two or three topics asking the same question. And every few days you asked where to exp.

And now you've obviously rolled or bought the easier leveling class in the game, a necromancer. Seriously, people have helped you loads when you started out here, why don't you give them some respect back? Being level 50 doesn't make anyone a god, it only shows you've figured out the leveling routine.

Sure you can call it unfair towards non-inconnu mages but it's just 5% spirit resist. Have you ever, since the moment you started daoc, seen 5% spirit resist of all things make a difference between life and death? I doubt it.

You are talking about 5% of a useless resist in a useless fantasy world, why are you so overreacting? I know it's a cliche, but it's just a game. Why don't you just conclude the majority of people tries to make it clear to you 5% spirit resists doesn't do anything usefull in this game.

Stop calling people dumb just because they try to tell you you're overreacting a bit over something so extremely pointless it's making you look incredible dumb and nerdy.

Ok :)

w00t!! Very nicely said. :clap:


Originally posted by n3wbie
no you didnt wish it upone anyone to die irl like i did but you did say that, which is just as bad. why make fun of people who might have to go special needs class? but now your just gonna say "dont you understand sarcasm or something" then i could just say the same thing about die irl.

N3wbie, from someone who said "your so fucking stupid it makes my brain bleed" I think your high horse is off limits. You're both as bad as each other for flamage, but you went overboard with the die in rl comments. As we know for a fact there are several people who play this game who have terminal illnesses, and some frequent these boards, these comments are exceptionally crass and unwarranted.

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