In case anyone is looking for me.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 17, 2005
Sad to hear your going thesa m8, always enjoyed the fights we had, u shouldent of deleted though :( Best of Luck in your Future Denni xxxxx

and a big /salute from SH always fun in the stealth wars with PM :)

xxxxxxxxxxxxx :cheers:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Aye GL with real life m8, shame you deleted but I kinda understand why (burning bridges n all).
Always a challenging fight when you were involved.



Jan 19, 2004
Sad, you always pa'd me, n usually had another fz friend or so, but enjoyed the fights :) Later on you never added on me, was nice :)

Toughest ns there is really, not many that beats my zerk without stealthing


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bye mate have fun outside daoc

Just don't understand people deleting chars they put weeks/months/years of work into. You can just aswell not login anymore & let subs run out no?

I've been away 6-7 months too...and returned also, but never even crossed my mind to delete the chars...just let subs run out has the same effects = can't login anymore...but if you ever decide to return at least you don't have to start from O.

Anyway suppose it's too late for all the best


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
dark and light is another mmorpg that was being talked off moving to in the PM/IG Teamspeak channels, but apparently we are getting a bit sceptical on it nowadays and might not play it afterall.

Its a new kind off mmo with only 1 server and 100000 ppl or so on 1 server.
The worlds are 10 times as big as WOW or maybe it was even bigger.

Give it a google :)

Thanks for the replies from the people that arent infected with the leetness virus :) i wub you all


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
just a few more PM members to go then it might be worth rolling stealther

stand down pm and let the man of honor through!

classic newb shit from a classic newb :)


Jan 28, 2005
The best nightshade i have ever seen. Good luck with that game m8 :)
Thesa i ll miss you :fluffle:


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
So you deleted your chars.... why?
I hope for you they can restore em, cuz you're gonne want to.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It´s a pity you´re leaving.

Take care out there, no bindstones in RL or at least so I`m told.


Dec 22, 2003
Theseus, it sucked when you, censi and other PM's zerged be, although on my reaver I did laugh a lot when it happened and I nearly killed 1 with twf :D
When you soloed you were always a good fight, and i'll be sorry to see you go.
Even if you're quitting i'd get your charachters restored as even if you dont plan to come back, you may still want to in the future and you'll hate your self for deleting then :D
Just uninstall daoc!

And Andy, chillax a little! Don't need so much meanness!



One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Because off the many requests to restore my chars, i have sent an email via rightnow to restore them. I heard that someone remade my chars to save the names so that others wouldnt fake me or something. I don't know who this person is and would like to thank him for it, but i reckon that you will need to delete those chars if goa wants to restore mine with the original names.

Thanks all for the kind words; didnt expect it from some off you :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Theseus said:
Because off the many requests to restore my chars, i have sent an email via rightnow to restore them. I heard that someone remade my chars to save the names so that others wouldnt fake me or something. I don't know who this person is and would like to thank him for it, but i reckon that you will need to delete those chars if goa wants to restore mine with the original names.

Thanks all for the kind words; didnt expect it from some off you :)

I think you will have to pick a different name for your chars now, unless the guy that took your name already deleted his before goa attempted to restore. Not sure though...


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
didnt know they actually would restore on-purpose deleted chars, thought it was only if someone had hacked the account ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ashala said:
didnt know they actually would restore on-purpose deleted chars, thought it was only if someone had hacked the account ?

nah - most of the time they'll restore for whatever reason chars got deleted.. thing with the hacking incidents is that often the guy replaced the chars with level 1 gimps, and only the last x chars can be restored. then goa will wajn and if people are lucky they get their char returned but without items or so

i think :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 10, 2005
Sad to see you go Thesa, one of the finest NS's out there!
Allways so polite!

You will be missed! :fluffle:


Oct 23, 2005
[21-10-2005] The Camelot Reporter

Tip for the server clustering
When the clustering is run, one of the servers will be considered as the "main" one and one of the main after-effects of this appears in the character files of the second server. Those are then considered as characters of the first server and are duplicated in your game folder. You may have noticed that the names of the characters are followed by a number in your game folder, for instance, mike-177.ini. Those numbers correspond to a server and in this case, 177 is for Prydwen. When you play your character on the cluster, a new file appears, mike-33.ini, which corresponds to Excalibur. It's this file that will now be used by the game, since Excalibur will be considered as the "main" server. But when you will play your character on Prydwen for the first time after the clustering, you will notice that you will have to redo all your settings, quickbars, etc. To avoid this, you simply have copy the file of your character and to create a new one by replacing 177 by 33.
But this is possible only if you don't already have a character with the same name on Excalibur, because, in this case, you would already have a file name mike-33.ini. The easiest way in that case, is to contact the customer support asking (exceptionally) to rename one of the two characters. Give a list of 5 names you would like to give to your characters. But if you really want to keep both characters with the same name, there is another solution : copy in a folder your Prydwen character file and in another one your Excalibur character file and then place the one you want in your main folder before playing. You will have to take care not to overwrite the other file when you copy them before switching from one to the other, since they will both have the same name - mike33.ini here. Besides, note that we will not restore any character deleted on Prydwen and Excalibur, be it before or after the clustering. As it has already been indicated, if you have characters of different realms on these servers and you delete all the characters of one server, you will only be able to create characters of the realm of the other server for this one. So, think twice before typing "yes" to confirm the deletion


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Kadayn said:
[21-10-2005] The Camelot Reporter

Tip for the server clustering
When the clustering is run, one of the servers will be considered as the "main" one and one of the main after-effects of this appears in the character files of the second server. Those are then considered as characters of the first server and are duplicated in your game folder. You may have noticed that the names of the characters are followed by a number in your game folder, for instance, mike-177.ini. Those numbers correspond to a server and in this case, 177 is for Prydwen. When you play your character on the cluster, a new file appears, mike-33.ini, which corresponds to Excalibur. It's this file that will now be used by the game, since Excalibur will be considered as the "main" server. But when you will play your character on Prydwen for the first time after the clustering, you will notice that you will have to redo all your settings, quickbars, etc. To avoid this, you simply have copy the file of your character and to create a new one by replacing 177 by 33.
But this is possible only if you don't already have a character with the same name on Excalibur, because, in this case, you would already have a file name mike-33.ini. The easiest way in that case, is to contact the customer support asking (exceptionally) to rename one of the two characters. Give a list of 5 names you would like to give to your characters. But if you really want to keep both characters with the same name, there is another solution : copy in a folder your Prydwen character file and in another one your Excalibur character file and then place the one you want in your main folder before playing. You will have to take care not to overwrite the other file when you copy them before switching from one to the other, since they will both have the same name - mike33.ini here. Besides, note that we will not restore any character deleted on Prydwen and Excalibur, be it before or after the clustering. As it has already been indicated, if you have characters of different realms on these servers and you delete all the characters of one server, you will only be able to create characters of the realm of the other server for this one. So, think twice before typing "yes" to confirm the deletion
Tip for the server clustering
When the clustering is run, one of the servers will be considered as the "main" one and one of the main after-effects of this appears in the character files of the second server. Those are then considered as characters of the first server and are duplicated in your game folder. You may have noticed that the names of the characters are followed by a number in your game folder, for instance, mike-177.ini. Those numbers correspond to a server and in this case, 177 is for Prydwen. When you play your character on the cluster, a new file appears, mike-33.ini, which corresponds to Excalibur. It's this file that will now be used by the game, since Excalibur will be considered as the "main" server. But when you will play your character on Prydwen for the first time after the clustering, you will notice that you will have to redo all your settings, quickbars, etc. To avoid this, you simply have copy the file of your character and to create a new one by replacing 177 by 33.
But this is possible only if you don't already have a character with the same name on Excalibur, because, in this case, you would already have a file name mike-33.ini. The easiest way in that case, is to contact the customer support asking (exceptionally) to rename one of the two characters. Give a list of 5 names you would like to give to your characters. But if you really want to keep both characters with the same name, there is another solution : copy in a folder your Prydwen character file and in another one your Excalibur character file and then place the one you want in your main folder before playing. You will have to take care not to overwrite the other file when you copy them before switching from one to the other, since they will both have the same name - mike33.ini here. Besides, note that we will not restore any character deleted on Prydwen and Excalibur, be it before or after the clustering. As it has already been indicated, if you have characters of different realms on these servers and you delete all the characters of one server, you will only be able to create characters of the realm of the other server for this one. So, think twice before typing "yes" to confirm the deletion

Read it all, not just what you want to see.

Edit: I understand that this could be taken in 2 ways, but I am sure that characters still have the possibility of a restore regarding that they meet the requirements.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I think all they are saying in that post is that if you delete your characters completely from one realm, and you used to have both realms, then you have to make a choice what realm you want to play in. So hopefully if you delete all your chars from both realms, you can still play in one ^^.

Hopefully. Or something like that.

I could never delete my character/s. But I know my ex-girlfriend wanted to :> And I'm sure my lovely woman that I am with now has been tempted at times :> but daoc playing time can be arranged, albeit you pay for it later :>

"Yes honey - I'll do somemore ironing in a minute....., and decorating.......and take the rubbish out...." :eek7: *whip*

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Bah, now i will never get that 1 on 1 i've been looking for each time i see your deathspam. :(

I did fight you a couple of times(with no other NSs around:)) with my zerker though and you were a tough NS!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004

I hear you buddy & will miss you - I know you and I had some differences sometimes but at the end of the day I still respect you -

Best of luck & hope you'll still keep in touch


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
Uber guy and very good player :( .
But m8 it was stupid to delete all your chars cause maybe u will decide to come back. Hf anyway in your rl


Loyal Freddie
Sep 9, 2005
Oo Thesa think first before u move man :D

i was about to post nooooooo now that im close to comeback to daoc again u have deleted ur chars ^^ , hope they gonna restore ur chars and we gonna have some nice fights again, i havent played any daoc after clustering and im curious how it will be ... cu in game soon i hope ... will take half a month for me to come back or somethin /hug


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
I might be trying to restore my characters, but i am definately quitting the game for now. I don't expect to return, but you never know.
There is also a chance that goa is having problems restoring my characters as somone has deliberately made characters with the same names most likely to screw me over.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
my experience with character restores is that characters can be restored even though someones already taken the names - they're saved anyway

however, i am positive that they can only undelete the last 4 deleted characters, if they can undelete them at all, sometimes they just become curropt and are not playable anymore

anyway - take care and have fun with whatever you're gonna be doing next

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