This have been asked a couple of times, and answered with "not yet"; but given the time I think it is time to do so again:
When do we get server names?
Another question:
When will we get our "Herald" page with guild info etc?
At Launch/live, "soon(tm)" after launch or ..... ?
Not yet. Probably for Headstart, some will of course be revealed tomorrow.
At launch is the current plan I believe.
I have studied webdesign in school. Sure I failed, but that was only because I failed to deliver an important assignment in time. That is not the point though. The point is that the class left me with enough knowledge to honestly say that this guy is completely right in every one of his points. Flash IS great, but like most things in life, it can be overused. I personally have to refresh the site 2-5 times before everything works relatively well.In response to IanC's assurances about the development of the current EU webby: If i may say, the look and feel of the EU site is not the problem. Personally I think it looks fine. The problem with it is the flash platform it's been built on, and here's why:
Flash is ideal for displaying rich content such as streaming video, animated graphics etc, but serving an entire site through it is so much more cumbersome and inflexible for both server and client, and more importantly, does not offer any level of end-user accessability and web standard conformity.
The same look and feel of the current site can easily be achieved with an XHTML/CSS approach, with the interactive functionality currently being implemented by flash done with server side technologies such as PHP/ASP/JSP etc, finally with flash being used for non-critical rich content.
A few good reasons for doing so are thus:
- text content in perticular is served directly to the browser, not to the flash plugin, allowing end users to style said text at thier discretion via thier browser's functionality. This is a critical function of web accessability which has been completely removed with the current EU site.
- flash is a 3rd party addon, and thus should only be used for content that the browser doesnt know how to display natively. Forcing users to require a 3rd party browser add-on to view plain text, still-images and content layout is comparable to asking people to breathe through a mouthpiece, even though they are already fully equipped to breathe through thier mouths. I can't stress this point enough when it comes to the critical systems like account management - to have interaction with these systems done via a 3rd party addon is just plain irresponsible. We as end users simply dont want it, and I for one plain dont trust it.
- A large aspect of good web development is seperating content from layout. Lets say I have an HTML document that contains all the text, links etc, with an attached stylesheet that defines all of the layout, static image content (color schemes, background images etc) for that HTML doc. As a user, I can choose to disable that stylesheet via my browser, or even apply my own, while still having all of the information from the page I want. Flash as you have implemented it completly flushes this concept down the toilet, forcing users to view the page as defined by the flash file. I ask you to try this yourself: open freddyshouse in opera, stick it in user mode and youwill find all the information you want for the page is still there. Do the same for the WAR EU site, and you find that nothing at all is there. only image content.
There are of course many other reason why using flash to deliver the entire site's contents are detrimental to the end-user experience, but I believe the above highlights my main concerns. The bottom line is, flash should not be how any web page is delivered to the end user.
Please, if you really do plan on improoving your website, take the advice of everyone here when we say that the most significant thing you can do to is at this time is move away from flash. Trust me when I say, the effort is worth it.
Knowing the state of the account center:
When will we be able to enter our Head Start keys? And please do not say the same day as Head Start begins or "before" Head Start begins.
I do not have access to my account so I can't check if it is possible already?
How come I can't create a thread yet? I have some questions and things I'd like to ask about the game, but don't have the ability to do so. I'm pretty sure I have probably 50 posts by now. My title changed.
Even if you get in to Euro Beta i hope you want to play Order. Destruction is currently full![]()
Obvioiusly I see it. Otherwise I would be asking where the new thread button is. Everytime I click on it, it says I don't have authorization to make new threads. I'm just curious why that is, because I'd like to create don't see the New Thread button?
Obvioiusly I see it. Otherwise I would be asking where the new thread button is. Everytime I click on it, it says I don't have authorization to make new threads. I'm just curious why that is, because I'd like to create one.
Question for the GOA guys : Will the account database be wiped before head start? As a software developer I ofc see the positives in starting with a clean slate, but considering how many, MANY!!!, angry gamers they have now it would make sense to re-think that and only wipe the accounts that have never logged into the game during this week.
(I mean, how many duplicate accounts was created on sunday when we never got the e-mails?? I created like 4! So only whiping the ones that never logged in would save a big f*cking headache for everyone involved! Ofc that's just my opinion and experience talking...)
We intend to have all of our servers open for the headstart. We don't want to force everyone onto a selection of servers just because all their friends with pre-orders had to start there.
For the love of god why are you not telling us which servers WILL available for headstart? You tell us which servers will be available for launch then say SOME won't be there for headstart. How is that supposed to help guilds/alliances co-ordinate? You know, the serious ones who all have pre-orders and headstarts just waiting to go...
You also do a press release stating how GOA will be showing of WAR at GamesDay UK. How many people (particularly GM's like myself) at GamesDay would love to have the issue of which server to roll on settled by then so they can tell their guild where to play? Instead it's all going to be phone calls here and there and trying to find someway to post it on a forum.
This is a ridiculous decision, please reverse it and announce which servers WILL be available for headstart. It wasn't so long ago you told us this:
Why change such a sensible idea???
I finally get a confirmation email that everything is sorted and that I can now patch...and the email says my beta period ends tomorrow!!! WTF?? I'm at work today and at a conference tomorrow! So this has all just been a massive waste of my time!
Is there any way to extend the beta period?
I must say, I'm really pissed off by this whole experience.
I finally get a confirmation email that everything is sorted and that I can now patch...and the email says my beta period ends tomorrow!!! WTF?? I'm at work today and at a conference tomorrow! So this has all just been a massive waste of my time!
Is there any way to extend the beta period?
I must say, I'm really pissed off by this whole experience.