IMPORTANT - changes in store



*remains unconvinced*

I'll see how the sign ups go for next season - if the league is still popular next season i'm prepared to be proved wrong ;)


I spoke with a representative of the Powers That Be this afternoon and there's a chance now of a U-turn on a clan-subs package. Although this isn't confirmed yet, the clans package would look something like this:

- £60 per year for a CS clan (3 seasons per year, so £20 per season)
- Payable as a single installment
- GAME reward cards not required, which is good news for non-UK clans
- 5 normal BW subs accounts included in that price, usable for publics, bookables etc

Would this change anybody's mind on this matter?


yer that sounds a lot better considering its for 3 seasons in a very well run league


It's a lot better, I would thinkk it would change peoples minds a bit if it became a reality. Quick andersachm, survey time again!

Johnny Bravo

I think thats a far better deal and far easier for us clan admins to sort should see the replys I got when I tried just getting info on who's got a GAME reward card.

Rogue this information would probably be better off in a new thread to gauge peoples replies, the thread could then be used to convince Mr powers-that-be that this is the way to go :D


problem is Grem, CS-B already has 3 memebrs with subs, so a package like that won't help.


Originally posted by Ch3tan
problem is Grem, CS-B already has 3 memebrs with subs, so a package like that won't help.
It will for other clans that don't have any subbed members at the moment. I'll probably end up getting a sub anyway just to continue to play with CS-B - full price of course, none of this reward card nonsense ;)


Originally posted by Ch3tan
It's a lot better, I would thinkk it would change peoples minds a bit if it became a reality. Quick andersachm, survey time again!


I don't think that "Instead of paying 5X£12 for a year would you be prepared to pay 1X£60 a year?" would change a lot of the survey results ;)

But seriously its a good step if it comes off - saves the hassle with reward cards and helps centralise payment.


A one off payment of £60 for a year i think is defenitly a step in the right direction.

(I can pay that outta me own pocket if need be... :) )




I wont go over the old well trodden ground.
  • We know you dont want to pay a lot of money "just for a league"
  • We dont want to spend lots of money on you (the league) for no return
  • A compromise is needed
Also, there wont be leagues that are outside of Subscription yet charged for, its pointless for us.

So, our compromise offer is:
  1. Clan Subscription Bulk Discount offer. 5 x Subs for £60
  2. Clan Subscription Bulk Discount offer. 10 x Subs = £108
    For this deal, the GAME Reward card has no relevance. Its 2 fixed price offers.

    I'm guessing there is an alternative. The hardware cant cope with 2 game servers per processor, so reduce it to 1 and dramatically reduce the size of the league (remove at least 50% of the clans). Then it can be still be a free league which, if its still too much despite the discounts (the other bits of subscription will be of use to some), will be a pre-requisite if the league is to continue.

    Harsh reality sucks doesnt it.


Great stuff

When will clans be able to subscribe with the two above discount offers please?

My clan [M/A] look very likely to be joining BWCSL this season, upon accpetence from rogue :)



We are just putting the finishing touches to the backend part, it's going to be a bit clunky initially for people to sign up for as the validation of the players will be partly done by a manual process, if it proves popular then we will spend some more time making it a more automated system.

Johnny Bravo

It does sound good, but can someone (in the know) clarify a single point please.

With reference to Ted's post:
Why would we need a 10 clan subscription, if the most players we can field in the league is 5. From reading previous posts I beleived the clan subscription to give 5 generic subscriptions (ie not associated with a particular player). Is this the case or will we need to take up the 10 slot subsctiption in order to have a squad larger than 5 to choose players from.

Also has Rogue sent out the emails yet, cause we haven't got one and are very keen to join (we were short listed last season :( )



I've not sent out the e-mails yet, because I'm waiting for confirmation on when the new servers, HLTV servers, and all the other niceness we should get with pay-to-play will be ready to go. I'm still in two minds as to a start date... it's possible we would be able to start before Christmas, but this would mean having a 2-3 week break fairly early in the season, since many clans will be unable to field teams over the Christmas period and I suspect that many admins would be unavailable for at least some of that time.

In addition, I think that Ted was saying that there are two available offers, one for five players and one for ten. For CS purposes, the five clan offer should be sufficient. However, BW does run leagues for games other than CS and some of these, such as TFC and RTCW are played with much bigger teams than CS.


The 5 Subscriptions are tied to 5 individual accounts, there is no other practical way of doing it, however you can of course "lend" your account to a team m8 if he is playing instead of yourself. That way with 5 accounts you can get 5 players on the server for your game so that is all you need, however it would obviously be easier to have individual accounts for each active player in your squad.

Johnny Bravo

Thanks for the replies guys :)

Rogue: I kinda guessed the emails hadn't gone yet but wanted to make sure as the only info I had was from the news page (hint hint ;) ), also maybe setting the leagues up but not starting til the new year would make alot of sense :)

bigfoot: I would love to have everyone in my clan with an individual account, however its not really practicle as we have 18 players any of whom could be available at any time, obviously if rules dictated then I would have to select 10 of them and have a 10 man subscription, but for me it would be preferable to buy a 5 man subs and set them up as TCUK-Player 1, TCUK-Player 2 etc. Would there be a problem with this?

Personally I would prefer them all to come and buy a sub, I got one purely for the 25mb web space, but you know what people are like ;)


Well I’ve read all that I can (whilst at work, under the nose of my boss :p)

For what my 2p's worth...

I've paid the £60 fee for my clan. This irradiates the problem of who gets to play (due to whether they have paid or not) as I have control over the 5 accounts. The way I see it, I play a lot of CS online and it’s a justifiable cost as CS is one of my hobbies. In addition, £60 for the year (or £20 a season) is not a huge amount to fork out when you get to play in a widely exposed and well-known league. Again, I’m not assuming that everyone can, or would be, willing to do this, but it’s just the way I’ve approached the situation.

In addition to this, and this might be a controversial thing to say, but going to a p2p system will surely improve the general level of the teams playing. I may be making generalisations here, but a lot of the lesser clans, that do not as someone mentioned “last the entire season” will probably not be willing to p2p. Therefore, the teams that DO pay, will surely be getting better matches, verses better teams, who are likely to last the season. From my own personal experience, there is nothing more frustrating than playing a league where half the teams drop out or can’t field a side. Default wins are just no fun.

I suppose it depends what you want from your CS. If you want to mess about, have a laugh, and play without spending hours on tactics and teamwork then play in a free league. If you want good quality gaming, against like-minded teams, then p2p will attract those. I just feel that if you are going to pay to be in a league, then there will be an onus to perform to a higher standard, and play to win.

I am really looking forward to the start of the new season as I know that the teams competing this year will potentially be more stable, less likely to leave half way through the season, and we’ll get to play on well sorted servers.

Well done BWCSL, keep up the good work!


I'd just as soon get a reply to any one of the three emails I've sent in, asking for clarification as to whether tbZ are actually in, which league and what time slot we have.

I've had an email stating we're in, but the league pages have no trace of us. I've got five or six players with BW accounts, and have persuaded three more of the guys to get accounts as I thought this league was going to be professionally run and I was very keen to participate - how do I get answers to the questions above?

We want to play and I really need to get back to the guys and let them know what we're doing.


Goofy: at the moment, the league is full. However, there are still a few days to go before we start and if we have any clan-drop outs, tbz are high on the replacements lists.

In addition, I should apologise to anybody who's been finding it hard to contact me lately. I've not been at home much, due to various Christmas-related things, but normal service should now be resumed.


As it stands, my clan M/A are in division 4, but on the subject of clans dropping out, i fear that we may have to. So Goofy, if you're looking to get in div 4 then there's a space open :)

At the moment it doesnt look like we'll be ready for the start anyway. We're in a mess due to the christmas break, ISP problems, pc breakdowns etc, so i think it would be best to drop out from this season.

I'll be emailing Rogue1 as soon as msn sorts itself out :)



This is, to say the least, disheartening - I have a mail stating we are most definitely *in*, and I've persuaded clan members (some of whom are students) to buy into subs.

I realise it's usually against forum etiquette to post an email without permission, but on this occasion, I think I can be excused:

"Hi there

Thanks for responding to my mail about season 6 of BWCSL. You'll be glad to
hear that your application has been successful and you have been accepted
for a place in season 6 of the league. Provisional divisions for the next
season have been posted and can be found at Please note that these are only
preliminary divisions and if you wish to request a change to them, you
should contact me as soon as possible. However, while I do try to accomodate
requests I receive on this matter, it is not always possible for me to do

I hope this can be resolved as we're cracking to go, have about ten folk with previous RCON experience as admins for BY and WP, some of whome I dare say would be willing to assist in admin duties for the league if you were strapped for folk, and we're a jolly nice bunch of chaps and chappettes (note the complete lack of FFS! J00 w4nk0r" sort of response for instance)

Help me out here mate, we've done our best to be co-operative about this.




Very sorry... had you mixed up with another clan. My bad.

TBZ are in the league. I'll correct the website.


Re: hmm.

Originally posted by nak

And YOU are in no position to talk for everyone. There are probably just as many people who can afford it as there are not.

but i'm not denying that am i, nor am i insulting people who aren't willing or cannot afford to pay

i would have thought that was obvious to the stupidest of people, obviously i was wrong, and for you had to explain it a little better

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