Immigrants murdering our children!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I really should close my Facebook account. I'm constantly surprised by the mind-numbing stupidity of some of the "friends" I have who post there. The latest is using this poor girl's murder to complain about this country letting any EU citizen in, regardless of their criminal record.

Because apparently, British murderers are just the sort of murderers we want. Whereas Latvian murderers really won't do at all.

And don't get me started on all the "Britain First" wankers. The only reason I keep my account is so I can chat with colleagues and the odd very close friend. I reckon most of the rest of them can just fuckoff.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Can't remember the last time I saw a genuine status update. Some random fucktard I befriended seven years ago, liked some video of a girl twerking, this other whore who I've only met once invites me to an "art gallery" opening and asks me to follow her blog, all while my drunken uncle every other days posts "IS IT MORALLY OKAY TO FLY!?" and invites to fucking Farm Day, Candy Crush and what not. It used to be a tool to keep up with friends, but now it just seems like all the shit that used to end up in my junk mail is spoon fed to me - and I gobble it up, every day!

I've been thinking of this for the past two or three weeks and it bothers me that I automatically check FB several times a day. It is 99% bullshit race discussions, "LIKE THIS VID OMFG!", Vines, "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THIS!" viruses, "Please like and share this heartbreaking story about a mother who lost all her limbs while carrying quadruplets after her husband died of a brain tumor while serving his country in Afghanistan" stories and fucking ads and promotions every where!

Worst of all.. I am no better than any of the useless cunts on my FB! I see a funny video and I fucking share it.. I SHARE IIIIT!! Fuck me! I should deactivate my account, but that would mean I couldn't use the chat system, which I use every day. If only we would have stuck to MSN
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Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Can't remember the last time I saw a genuine status update. Some random fucktard I befriended seven years ago, liked some video of a girl twerking, this other whore who I've only met once invites me to an "art gallery" opening and asks me to follow her blog, all while my drunken uncle every other days posts "IS IT MORALLY OKAY TO FLY!?" and invites to fucking Farm Day, Candy Crush and what not. It used to be a tool to keep up with friends, but now it just seems like all the shit that used to end up in my junk mail is spoon fed to me - and I gobble it up, every day!

I've been thinking of this for the past two or three weeks and it bothers me that I automatically check FB several times a day. It is 99% bullshit race discussions, "LIKE THIS VID OMFG!", Vines, "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THIS!" viruses, "Please like and share this heartbreaking story about a mother who lost all her limbs while carrying quadruplets after her husband died of a brain tumor while serving his country in Afghanistan" stories and fucking ads and promotions every where!

Worst of all.. I am no better than any of the useless cunts on my FB! I see a funny video and I fucking share it.. I SHARE IIIIT!! Fuck me! I should deactivate my account, but that would mean I couldn't use the chat system, which I use every day. If only we would have stuck to MSN

I'd say just stick to the messenger for your phone, but even that infiltrates your lives and steals your mums breast milk.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
*looks at phone with the cabability to text and have phonecalls and no internet* I luv you.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I really should close my Facebook account. I'm constantly surprised by the mind-numbing stupidity of some of the "friends" I have who post there. The latest is using this poor girl's murder to complain about this country letting any EU citizen in, regardless of their criminal record.

Because apparently, British murderers are just the sort of murderers we want. Whereas Latvian murderers really won't do at all.

And don't get me started on all the "Britain First" wankers. The only reason I keep my account is so I can chat with colleagues and the odd very close friend. I reckon most of the rest of them can just fuckoff.

This is how their brain works:

1) read Daily Mail
2) post and outrageous, sensationalised, bigoted, borderline racist, woefully uneducated Facebook status

My mum retired about a year ago and recently she's had less and less to do. When we catch up at the weekend, she'll say to me "Well, I was reading in the news..." - interjection - "when you say news, do you mean Daily Mail?" to which she says "well, yes" and I say "BZZZZZZZZZZZZT - INVALID OPINION".


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
My mum bought the Daily Mail for a whole week so she could supply me with the free lego things. She is 10% more slack jawed now.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I don't wish to sound condescending but the inability of many people to decipher the clear agendas of the daily newspapers is soul destroying. I think people buy whatever newspaper panders to their fears. Personally, I read whatever sources I think will educate me.

Speaking of which, apparently Piers Morgan is now working for the Daily Mail's US setup. Which reminds me of a Stephen Fry joke - "What's the definition of countryside? The murder of Piers Morgan."


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I clean up my FB friends list twice a year, retards disappear very quickly. Mom, uncle, niece, etc get hidden from timeline automatically, and i do try to educate my mum on what is kosher and on the do's and don't's.

I use lists for work "friends", for close friends, for acquaintances. I also have a "Restricted" list which contains sensitive people that i don't want to unfriend (wife's sister, HR people, etc), which are not allowed to see any post, picture or detail of my profile except really basic info.

It's really easy to control what you share, with who. The FB content i see is about 60-70% interesting stuff from like-minded friends, and the rest are funnies or daily viral stuffs.

The only real problem is with comments, the only way to hide comments from people is to block them.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Having grown up 10.000 km from where I live now, I find FB has connected me to some people I otherwise never would have seen or heard from again.
Clean the friendslist every now and then.....Moslty though I use FB for work.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Thanks for the reminder Tom. I'm off to cull some mildly bigoted wankers from my cunt (friend) list.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I think I'm quite lucky, I rarely get any of the Britain First shite, but that might be because I've pared my friends list down to about 70-odd people, and probably half of those don't live in the UK anyway. I still get some drivel, but its pretty easy to ignore in the main.

I do get a lot of those Buzzfeed-type "how x are you" type quizzes for some reason. I actually did one yesterday; "how scouse are you?" Turns out I'm 100% Scouse. I proceeded to shoot myself.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
i have Britain Furst on my FB as its funny as fuck, other than that, most of it is OMG WIN THIS CLICK HERE LIKE THIS WATCH THIS no, no, also, no ive got 119 people on there atm, normally cull once a year , or if im bored i check pages like Britain First and remove anyone i have who has a listed Like on it


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hey, atleast those guys ain't Haddaway.

Foreigner, black and demanding to know what is love. That's a triplestrike.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I got mine down to exactly 50.

I kept an American family on there because quite frankly they are fascinating.

My wife used to play a game where you ran a cafe, I made an account so I could send her crap and I could send more crap the more friends I had that played it so just invited a couple of randoms that played it.

Anyway, three of them were this black couple from Baltimore and their son, who was about 16-17 at the time. The dad was a prison guard and the mum a real god bothering wierdo, worked as a secretary, constant amen this and amen that, posting random jesus motivational pictures etc.

Anyway, some time last year the parents split up, the kid who is now "grown up" is in prison for armed robbery with his other brother.

I can't bring myself to unfriend them, its like my very own soap opera, proper little gansta yo's posting stuff on the kids wall "free my *****" etc The mum seems to have gone totally off the god bothering cliff and basically thinks god will sort her family out.

I had a new character introduced last week, the kids girlfriend who appears to be willing to wait X amount of years for the kid to get out and then proceed to marry him. The god bothering mum likes her but the girls family have flipped. Brilliant stuff.

Edit, we seem to have a frodo issue again with the N word being yeah, so replace the N word with "coloured chum"


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
@Raven I have just one question. Why on Earth would you want your very own soap opera?

I have 91 friends on FB now, the most in a while. I don't add anyone I don't see/talk to regularly and mainly use it to arrange to meet those people. It's not so bad.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Mostly morbid curiosity I suppose. The total collapse of a middle class American family that seemingly refused to do anything about it because "god has a plan"


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
the good lord helps those who help themselves!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Jesus says you have to forgive me 70^7 times blud ;-D


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Totally agree Tomithy.

I was going to chat to leggy on FB just now but I can't find him on my friends list anymore, strange.


Edit - this video was posted by a couple of people on my list and I was going to respond but it would of been pointless, it just blew my mind that they saw and heard nothing wrong with it, actually within 10 seconds the imbecile host makes the cult comment......

No, I won't post it actually, search you tube for 'angry muslim calls radio talk show to complain' and the host is a prat called Neil Boortz. It really will boggle your brain. Oh and see how angry the muslim is, he is perfectly polite and reasonable.
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FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I've never signed up to FB and never will, I don't like marketing tools.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its Ok, you can block pretty much every data mining tool and advert, I see nothing but the feed and the feed contains no ads or suggested "thing" You can also like random shit to mess with their figures, everyone should do that to make sure any data they mine is useless.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Totally agree Tomithy.

I was going to chat to leggy on FB just now but I can't find him on my friends list anymore, strange.


Edit - this video was posted by a couple of people on my list and I was going to respond but it would of been pointless, it just blew my mind that they saw and heard nothing wrong with it, actually within 10 seconds the imbecile host makes the cult comment......

No, I won't post it actually, search you tube for 'angry muslim calls radio talk show to complain' and the host is a prat called Neil Boortz. It really will boggle your brain. Oh and see how angry the muslim is, he is perfectly polite and reasonable.

Standard Pro-Israel American, scum.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I have people on my Facebook but I have it set so that I only see people I find interesting. I also limit who can see my posts depending on the subject matter


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
This is what i read:

This is how my brain works:

1) read Freddyshouse
2) post and outrageous, sensationalised, bigoted, borderline racist, woefully uneducated FB status



Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I've never signed up to FB and never will, I don't like marketing tools.
But if you signed up you could add me as a friend, so, you know, it's your loss if you don't.

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