Im thinking of...


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
... Making a half ogre Armsman... Any1 got some ideas 4 a 2H spec?
Btw, what are their, stats?(Im EU, so I don't have ToA... Yet)


Cya all CorNokZ :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
90 Str, 70 Con, 40 Dex/Qui.

As for a 2h sec, sensible choice is 50 2H, 50 (effective) damage type and rest parry.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
What would u do?

I am wondering, if I'll do slash or crush... Im auto slash, so I dont know what would be best... Atm im going 4 slash, because of the auto.b What would u do?

Btw.. Thx m8 :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Go crush to start off with and auto-train slash up, respec to slash at 48 if you really want to squeeze everything you can out of it.

Personally though i'd go thrust if you plan to RvR alot, thrust is best damage type for enemy armours in general, followed by crush in my opinion (though im sure some will disagree with me).

Thrust also auto trains up for armsman as well though so you can auto both slash and thrust and decide what you want at 48.

And yes the 50/50/28 spec is best for a fully offensive armsman that a half-ogre would be. You can probably make that 50/50/31 with auto.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Thx m8

I think i will do thrust all the way then, if it's like that. I think i'll go check out some webbies 2 see what will work the best :)

Once again thx m8's

Cya all CorNokZ


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Thrust is nice..especially against middy support. Also consider dropping a little parry and putting some points in shield...enough to get you guard and engage atleast is a good idea.


Dec 23, 2003
42 shield 45 th 45 crush imo

dont know which one effect WS most tho, could be better with 50 TH?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I'm still praying Mythic will someday wake up and fix our need to doublespec :)

But anyway, 50 2h, 42 shield, 30-37 (respec every RR :p) thrust... rest parry


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Shields are for whimps, besides, with half-ogre dex his blocking wont be that good anyway, and he wouldn't be using a half-ogre if wanted to act defensive. Be as well going whole hog and full offensive.


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
7 shield 7 shield 7 shield 7 shield 7 shield 7 shield 7 shield 7 shield


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Kagato said:
Shields are for whimps, besides, with half-ogre dex his blocking wont be that good anyway, and he wouldn't be using a half-ogre if wanted to act defensive. Be as well going whole hog and full offensive.

lol this is funny.

Now lets be serious, Having an ANYTIME 9s stun negates the fact that you can get 2% damage increase with that silly old wifes tale of 50/50 ;). or some uba extra % to parry when the assist train target u after your grp is dead.

502h 42shield 39 Crush/etc Rest Parry.

Change your Crush/etc spec every realm rank and at about rr10 you will have very decent parry :D.

Dont listen to these Relic's from the past insisting that you must spec 50/50, those times are over now that people can actually see there is a stupidly small increase in damage, All these ppl claiming that using a shield makes you a whimp lol wtf? so because you can defend your self and SLAM enemys so they cant run ur a whimp ;) ? I guess that applys to all Pallys to then. I pretty much only use slam as an offensive tool because the pally handles the def while I stun the enemy letting my merc friends in grp do some high dmg Flankage :D. Forget the hype you hear, 50/50 has a 2% dmg increase as opposed to 50/36+14 Base weapon spec, I tested it my self and so have many other arms who refuse to believe what there told or what mythic say ^^.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Anytime stun with 0 bonus to hit thats usually evaded. i've had fights where they've run out of endurance without landing a single slam before because they all got parried. And you still get nice positional stuns in two hand or pole now so its not like you do not have access to a stun you can use in group fights anymore.

Shields are over rated, if you want to be offensive, be offensive, if your going to hide behind a shield do it properly and roll a paladin.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004

Why is 42/50 shield bad on an Armsman? I play alot with Ialkarn, a RR9/10 50/50 thrust polearm Armsman, he complains alot about his damage output/variance. Its seems to me that Armsman are trying to compete with the merc interms of damageout. Why not add utilty to the assist line, looking at it logically,the only real problem to alb tank group is pbae, there are no ra's protecting it from magical damage or suppressing it, with this setup <expect the sorc ra>. One of the main problems is stopping the heals slaming moc'ers, instead of the paladin being drawn into the cage for moc chanters/elds, he could instead be interupting outside the cage with the minstrel, stuning druids/bards/wardens to more success, if there where a slammer in the assist line. Maybe a reaver could perform this role more effectively, but an issue of det....


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
slam eats endurance - it's crap solo, it's good if you have an end bot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Because Armsman do not get enough spec points to have much utility without sacrificing something somewhere, due to the double-speccing issues.

And whos competing with mercs? Mercs win over time for damage but armsman win on front-load single hit damage, which sounds fair in my opinion, both have their advantages.

Im not saying that hybrid spec is bad, though I do not like the idea of it much myself, however if your playing a half-ogre offensive tank like the original poster is saying then you might as well do the job properly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Weapon espec dont do a shit to your 2H/Pole dmg over 50 weapon, there are millons of test who proves it, you need 50 weapon bonuses included, it only helps if you fight whit the 1H. Go and ask about the 50/50 espec, but dont say you have it if you dont want they laught at your face. Ah, and bonus to hit only affects your chance to miss, and whit near 2k WS and against yellow cons targets (enemie players) i doubt you need a lot of bonus to hit to land a slam. AND whit 42 shield and guard on the MA you can prevent the hero/warrior of enemie group slam him and stops your assist train.
Ofc you can go 50/50 and gain 4 pts damage in your base cap.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Wow... Thx all, lots of ideas on such short notice.

I think i will start out, by going 50/50... If it sux I will buy a respec stone, and try out shield.

Thx all.

Cya all CorNokZ


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
meatshield forum is the biggest pile of crap ever

anyone who plays and understands the armsman class would see it from the start


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Amazing how ppl can say something about something they never even tried.
I have tried both hybrid and full pole spec. I like my 50/50 better, it fits my playing style. Atleast when I am in the kind of group "I am supposed to be in".

Sure, the hybrid spec is more versatile and can suit some playing styles, but _imo_ the 50/50 is better. But then again, it is a matter of taste.

Try it out and _then_ comment and give advice to people when they ask for it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Play wichever wep setup you like .. All work kinda well with a arms, shield/sword for the defensive, 2hand/pole for offensive, personaly I also think pure tanks got few specpoints for more then 3 speclines...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Kagato said:
Anytime stun with 0 bonus to hit thats usually evaded. i've had fights where they've run out of endurance without landing a single slam before because they all got parried. And you still get nice positional stuns in two hand or pole now so its not like you do not have access to a stun you can use in group fights anymore.

Shields are over rated, if you want to be offensive, be offensive, if your going to hide behind a shield do it properly and roll a paladin.

What does the bonus matter ?

That only effect's your chance to miss.

I see very few solo armsmen about, but then again kagato I do remember you wanting the defenders style changed back because you couldnt solo as well dispite the fact it gave love to armsmen as a class, so you any decent group has a paladin in grp which negates the end problem also.

Also, There is a HUGE difference to having to land 2 moves on somebody with a 2h weapon before you can stun them than being able to INSTANTLY stun somebody at melee Range. This is a huge factor and tbh dont see what the problem is, armsmen shud have slam. Its fantastic utility, something lacking in alb grps as it is, and to shun it because of some old wifes tale of less damage without 50/50 spec is silly to say the least. Anybody who actually testes this can vouch for the damage and ofc the added utility

Now as for this gem

stighelmer said:
Amazing how ppl can say something about something they never even tried.
I have tried both hybrid and full pole spec. I like my 50/50 better, it fits my playing style. Atleast when I am in the kind of group "I am supposed to be in".

Sure, the hybrid spec is more versatile and can suit some playing styles, but _imo_ the 50/50 is better. But then again, it is a matter of taste.

Try it out and _then_ comment and give advice to people when they ask for it.

Been there done that, Played pretty much ever spec for armsmen there is from,

50 slash, 42 shield ,39 parry
50 slash 50 shield 28 parry
44 pole 44 slash 42 shield rest parry
50 pole 39 slash 42 shield 6 parry
50 pole 50 slash
50 pole 44 slash rest parry 30..... err something
50 pole 36 thrust 42 shield rest parry.

I have tried a few to say the least and I have done 1000's of swings on my poor brother's character testing damage output whenever possible with various specs.

So I thnk I am pretty well informed and can actually say I know what Im talking about unlike alot of people that have closed minds etc.

Basically it comes down to what you enjoy, sure if you enjoy just staying 2h the whole time because you cant switch between s/s when needed and then goin 2h, then fine stay full pole/2h etc and be happy but DONT tell other ppl wanting to roll armsmen that its gimped / crappy if u play u dont play full 2h/pole. Give people the facts and let them make up there own choice. Hybrid will be always be harder to play than pure pole spec because you have to know when to change to s/s and 2h and when not 2 etc, you can actually play a guard for the MA / other members 2 omg no ? :0

Double speccing to 50 2h/pole and 50 base weapon dmg crush/thrust/slash gives roughly about a 2% dmg increase as opposed to speccing to 39+11 < with items>.

The Higher your base weapon spec the better chance you have of hitting with your 1h and Shield. < It means more ws, more dmg etc>

The more you spec in 2h/pole the more damage you do and the higher WS you will have.

+to hit bonus styles in rvr have nothing to do with your chance to hit, your WS determines. The + to Hit bonus only dictate your FLATOUT chance to miss.

Speccing to 42 in shield gives you access to an anytime 9s stun < HELLO MISTAR CAPTAIN OBVIOUS> Yes this is insanely uber.

The main tanks of mid and hib both come with slam as standard, they dont suffer a penalty using it, neither do armsmen so we learnt painfully and slowly over time.

Its about time Armsmen came with Slam as standard and stopped worring about some myth they heard from there friends neighbours sisters cousin's twice removed aunt's dog.

Now lets all :drink: and get some :sex:

Peace :D


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
such facts and figures zzzzzz

who cares how u win as long as u win


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
slam eats endurance - it's crap solo, it's good if you have an end bot.

Small shield for offensive slam :drink:

Play whatever spec floats your boat ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not going to quote all of Vinds rabble so will just post this under, firstly, who said anything about 2 moves with slow weapons? He is on about a half-ogre two-handed Armsman, the stun is back positional, no need for 2 moves.

And yes, I wanted the old pole styles back and still stand by that, I do not think the new changes are enough to off-set what we lose, Mangle is not enough damage to warrent the extra end cost over Disabler, Poleaxe is inferior in every way to Rage and huge endurance cost, the Damage cap is also about 42 points less then what Revenge used to be when it still followed on from Rage. As for Revenge itself the damage has dropped 30 points on that too, I wont bore you with figures but I have them all written down if you want me to go into details.
And the worste part is Aegis is not utterly obsolete now, variety is nice but its a huge waste of a level 50 style to simply reduce to a 'second choice' if you do not need to use Revenge.

Now the new styles have there uses but they sure as hell need some work still before they can justify the changes.

But this is not about polearm styles this is about two-handed styles and specs, and with positional stuns now hybrid spec is not as much a valid choice as some people believed it to be before.

But hey, keep hiding behind your shield if it makes you feel safe, its your spec points.

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