im new to the game,and would like to know...



funny how 90% of the replies, has their own realm as the hardest to play/nicest people/most needing refreshment etc :p


Originally posted by -Nuked-
hibernia im told by anyone who has played alb or mid has the best atmosphere, and we are clearly most skilled in RvR (lowest population but count the RR10s)

lol, the ppl who got RR10 get RR10 because they play the same class everday for 1.5 yrs and in balanced grps killing alot of unbalanced and some balanced grps. They would still be RR10 if they were in alb or indeed mid because they wer determined < had that much spare time ^^> to get it. Skill has nothing to do with it mate :D. I cant believe ppl still think realm has anything to do with Skill, Stero-typing is always a bad thing, assumtion's are generally a bad thing.

And this .....

Originally posted by -Nuked-
(yes im a hib) i would say hibernia is the best realm to join if u want a challenge (out numbered) but at the same time you have more chance of a good solid balanced group of ppl who follow orders

So now ppl in other Realm's dont follow orders o_O. No idea where your getting this from ....... as for the more chance ofa solid Balanced grp that is because hib only need 3 class's to get the required tool's for RvR the rest is for damage or optional Supp etc < 2nd Druid >. At the end of a the day if you choose to play with ppl who want organised balanced Fun rvr you will get it no matter what realm you are in and each realm has it's share of wanker's/****s etc but also has it's share of dedicated/decent players etc.

So in answer to the poster's Question, Go to the relam which most appeal's to you most. Forget Population imbalance's and which realm is uber etc, Just play for fun and the other choices will become clear later ^^


i wuld not go alb, nor mid prolly hib is ur best bet, why?
well Mid is very set in its ways of only accepting certain classes and striving for the mid fotm grp 3-4 savages,skald,shammy,2-3 healers. so unless ur 1 of those classses ull find a grp tough to get.
Alb is very much the same but perhaps to a lesser extent people still want the tank grps, but just not as bad. Albion rvr is only really fun if ur in 1 of the rvr guilds there which only now tend to accept experienced players, same would apply to mid i guess.
Hib is prettier and there are alot of shitty retard players in alb which u may avoid by going hib. :D


Roll a Savage they are a little underpowered atm but i will be better!

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