I'm bored, i'm waiting, i'm moving!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I'm awsome as pac, I just need some training. But with the current groups I rather solo. :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i think midgård is missing:

* good skalds. a good skald is really nice to have in a grp. the shouts are (in my oppionion at least) great for interrupts and the snareshout is just pure love when hunting down the bard or a kite:ing caster. sadly there aren't that many :(

* aug-healers. there is really a lack of aug-healers. at the start of NF and a few months into NF it seemed like all the healers where aug, now it's the opposite. there's often a pain to get a good aug-healer. the problem with rolling a aug-healer is that it's a very specific class. ever grp needs one, but only one. all the setgrps already have a the aug-healerspot set so it's hard for ''random aug-healers'' to get grps. ironicly there's also hard to get a replacement aug-healer if yours can't play :)

* shamans. active shamans is probably what midgård lacks the most. most shmans are BBs or the 4:th alt or something (and has got as much attention equipment wise). the problem with the shaman is similar to the aug-healer. all the setgrps got one and they only need one. but it's abit easier to get into grps as a shaman though, since they really don't grow on trees.

* suppSMs. is there any suppSMs playing? i can only think of 2 active ones. but a good suppSM in a grp is love to have, especially if you got a BG-warrior to. when the support's got aggro (the MA-tain, annoying pets, etc) just run to the box and it'll clear off (most of the time:))

* BG-warriors(/thanes). good BG-warrios(/thanes) is a rare breed as well, and one of the best (imo) playing hib/excal and his zerk occationaly doesn't make things better. luckely coo coo has naglwar and we'll never let him go :)

what midgård doesn't need:

* more zerks and darkSMs. there are soooo many. although getting a good zerk/darkSM can be hard at times.

i would say the easiest thing to do is to roll a pac-healer and build the RvR-grps yourself. pac-healers are also one of the classes used in moderna so i reckon you can get your last levels there.

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