sorry i'll try to get some to make you feel better
IDMan/Karma: Do not get me wrong, i am full of support for the blacklist idea, but is it possible to do?
Knowing nothing of Aliases...
/me coughs violently
I would have to comment that any names on the blacklist will soon dissapear from the servers, just to be replaced by the same wank under a different name, especially if they are Tribeless, it seems to be the newbies, and people who aren't in Tribez that cause the trouble (except me n Gryff, cause i kill him woteva side he's on).
In pubby games might it not just be an option to disable team-damage? It's not as fun but it seems to be the only solution!
Alias's yeah, get your point, but not ipp's. servers and certain scripts can obtain these, and they don't often get changed. It'd have to be done server side, and that's where BW comes in, or probably not, as the case may be, Team damage off? Well, yeah, its an answer, but it detracts [again] from the playing experience for the mythical newbies, who, if joining a tribe, ends up suddenly getting kicked out for t'king, and wondering what they did wrong. Again, no easy answer
On the subject of 'newbie-friendly' games, again, in one this morning, lots of tagged players on one side, [8 to be exact] myself and 4 non-tagged players,[yep, that's right, 5 total] on the other. I saw ruWank's column about switching sides to even up teams, but even he would have been embarrassed with the lack of 'fair' play going on here..
You all know who you are, do something about it next time.
[This message has been edited by [DT]Karma (edited 12 December 1999).]
/me remembers a certain BW-CTF Stonehenge game on the weekend where 3 KT, 2 Yanks,[DT]Karma and 4 others decided to do Heavy O for the full match. On the other side was one SS, [WTc]Siefly, Speed and 7 newbies.
hmmmm...I'm sure you were thinking of us when you joined the 3 KT peeps in mortaring us. Our base was camped repeatedly and I dont think our gens made it past a full 60 seconds of operation at any one time! LOL
I ain't complaining m8, but you say you agree with the "swap to help when teams unfair" policy yet you personally didn't act any to the "teams" cries from the other team. Obviously, too worried that you'll end up with no heavy armor if yer gens are down. (This applies to all campers and those KT peeps too
(hope you all dont get pissed coz I aint accusing, just curious)
Lol, try reading it again Speed, that's always a good idea before answering like that.
3+2+1+4 = 10
1+1+1+7 = 10
Therefore, fair sides.
Swapping at that point would make the sides uneven, and unfair. Clear now?
On the camping front, let me put my position clear. In a league match, I will camp, as I expect the opposition to da as well, if we let them. On a pubby server, I'll clear out the gens, make it awkward for them to be re-taken, [mines etc] and then return to the outside. Occasionally, I may be interrupted, before I can get outside, so I won't sit back and take it.. Is that clear enough?
[This message has been edited by [DT]Karma (edited 13 December 1999).]
I was on a server a couple of days ago , 10v10 , 8 tagged on one side including me , 1 tagged , the rest untagged on the other , after a couple of games of "max score"-0 in 5 minutes , I swapped teams making it 11v9 or 7v2 tagged , this still didnt make the teams fair , but my hiding with the flag at least made the games last longer .
I know that comparing tags is not the whole story , but generally people who play for established tribes are more used to teamplaying then those that dont . I dont see how any game irrespective of numbers that ends in "max-score"-0 can be considered fair ( or a "good game" )
Couple of points to make:
Some people say 'well if u are going to say no hvy gen camping why dont u say no ski-ing away with the flag coz newbies cant catch u'
If u said this u are dull (multiple people have)
One of the joys for a newbie is the inventory station and trying out its possibilities, gen camping removes this.
It stops him/her from working stuff out, he wont ask the sacred newbie questions (how i repair stuff, lay turrets, buy laser rifle etc).
If someone is taking the flag he doesnt care, he's having a ball playing with all this exciting new kit. With camped gens he runs around naked being killed on respawn or by people with superior weapons and packs and generally has no fun. Its ok for people that came from another game and are familiar with IRC and stuff, these newbies will prolly manage to get through the phase of not being able to learn things, because they can chat about things in irc and be pointed towards web sites and things. But real proper newbies will play it a couple of times and think hmm I see why it comes free in the back of the starseige box.
Its subtle not suttle (that'll test wether u've read this thread)
It's interesting to see how this topic changes from one post to another
I don't think math is the general discussion here but if you should gencamp or not. For some reason all think that this is possible on every map in every game. This is not the case! I think that the most gencamping is on Stonehenge and probably Scarabrae (my guesses here, folks!) so I can't see that the mythical I'm-a-newbie-and-I-will-never-ever-learn-anything exists. Because then we can start to discuss, as mentioned, all other 'tricks' that people do to get an advatage. Skiing is one thing. But how about camping in the enemy invroom on Iceridge? Or constantly mortar the tower on Snowblind? Sniping? Should that be allowed? That isn't nice to a 'newbie' (damn I really hate that word!) either...
Realize this: We are all monkeys and the only way to learn is monkey-see-monkey-do
(Just check out the demo Bigfoot made when we played Iceridge in ETL. He checked out the entire defense instead of recording a demo of the game
(No offense!))
It's sad that some beginners get caught between two teams that are experienced (or a team of beginners meeting an experienced team), but when I was new I just switched server. I promise you: They learn or they leave. And if they leave, well, they maybe shouldn't have played for very long anyhow. Entering the Tribes stage now is not as when we started some time ago. Now we have heavys roaring over our heads as we go offensive and defense is like one mean cannon that noone can pass.
It's just like that and that's the way it is...
Check out the gamestats for Wolfie
Yes Karma,10v10 does not necessarily mean the teams are even. I am glad you can add those numbers together Karma, but that wasn't my point.
I agree with Rhoadie, its better to swap and make the numbers uneven but only if this appears to make the skill levels equal. Unknown and untagged players who seem to be running around like headless chickesn can be left out of the fairness equation.
When I enter a pubby and a game has just ended 10 - 0 or somthing, I bring up the Players menu and have a look at the players in server. Countless times over the past month or two, I've joined a server and heard someon go "teams ffs" or somthing to that effect. Sure, I'd gladly join their side and try to make things a little better *no innuendos plz
* even though the possibility of my gens or stations staying un-repaired annoys me no end.
Kindness to others in server makes for a better game in the end so lets stop arguing about this and talk about something else.
Noooooo, no posts for 5 whole days!!
Can't have this! anyone else think the sniper laser is too weak? I know that anyone with only three quaters health can be wasted with a full energy pack to the head, but I think it should have been stronger. I don't mean full health to 0 from a single snipe, but if the slightest ounce of health has been taken, it should be enough to get them picked off. Agreements? Fool-hardy disagreements? Maybe some thoughts for the sequel....
*You can't kill me cos I'm already inside you*
Hello en good thread ain't it =) just read through it and cus i'm bored and its 2am thought i'd give my contribution
Well on the original topic of gen camping its a valid aspect of the game it might be annoying but thats tribes.. to any1 who's ever played starcraft - zergling rushes. part of the game but can be annoying...but is just as correct as skiing or sniping.
As for shielding newbies well there's little point.. in agreement with a few ppl above they'll either stick with it and improve their game or say what a piece of shit and leave the scene well it wouldn't be a great loss...
To quote some1 that i can't remember
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..."
As for sevish's lame excuse to continue the thread ;p snipers are fecking annoying as it is specially for cappers
but to any1 who's played UT maybe this could be a good idea for tribes 2 in that the damage depends on the area hit and distance, say a head shot closer range kills but leg or torso hit longer range just damages... =) and is it just me or sniping easier in UT.. larger characters? hmm...
Lol, weak, mebbe, but we might as well aim for the triple 0.
Sniper shots can kill, in 1 hit, an undamgaed light. I know, happened to me the other day.
Very rare, like the single kill disk, but it can happen..
Thanks for your input Ewan.
I never said single hit kills straight from perfect health, and as for dying from a subsequent fall: there's always the Repair Kit. However, I accept the point made, I just remember the good old days of the Q2 railgun, Q2 being a completely different game tho.
Anyway, enough rambling..IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! LET'S PARTY!!!!
Been camping in Belgium for seven days and by the last post I just realised its XMAS. Darn, I could have stayed over there for the party.
About Snipers. Used to hate em, but now I respect them. I think that a one kill snipe would make it much harder to realise where the snipe came from. At least a snipe that hurts, but don't kill, gives you chance to possibly locate the sniper.
Never sniped once meself, never carry a sniper rifle. Maybe I should try it!!! Nope, best not as I might be accussed of hiding whilst sniping.
IDMan - and the thread goes on.............and now immortailsed on Mogrols hard disk.
[This message has been edited by IDMan (edited 23 December 1999).]
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