


Hi - I'm a newbie. A couple of points/observations:

1. I've never had so much fun with an online game as with Tribes.
2. As a 'newbie' one of the big challenges in a learning a game and various skills is learning to take on opponents who are better than yourself.
3. Now call me stupid
but do the majority of players online not spend the best part of the game complaining about defence? Surely defending the generator is the key to all forms of defence?
4. Far from putting 'newbies' off the game, IDman is one player I've come across who will happily show you things (how to defend the generator
) so that when you come up against a good team - at least you have a clue!
5. As for the subject of servers, I play mainly on the WP/Barry's World servers because they are fun and the pings are reasonable - below 150 for me and i have ISDN! Most of the American Servers are hopeless and the players on there don't cater for 'newbies' infact for the most part they're rude and arrogant!

I've said my piece and added another thread in this quest for the record! Healthy debate is fun!

[This message has been edited by Santro (edited 22 October 1999).]


Well, its about time we had a comment from someone we are trying to "protect".
Personally, I think an element of Heavy offense is neccessary, but that of course is what vehicle pads are for.. I've had to start learning it to keep up with the other tribes we will be playing against. It takes a fair bit of skill to do correctly, but is overwhelming when used en masse. Hopefully, in Tribes 2, or Extreme, they will reduce the skiing ability a bit..
[BTW, When are they coming out?]


Hay IDman get's the thumbs up from me!!!!,

I'm definatly one of those Llama wireplay newbies, an one of the few chap's who's gone out of there way to explain an make the game better for me is the guy who's name's at the start of this thread.

Were'd this guy get the idea that he can tell people to F.. Off like that???.

Is this part of the game nobody told me about.

Hmmm... Maybe its better to stay clear of the "community" an just play the game after a good session in the pub.

Mistyfied Newbie.

One Lump Or Two???

[This message has been edited by Natko (edited 11 November 1999).]


Perhaps you didn`t read the whole thread. I have apologised to IDman for publicly attacking him like that and it`s been cleared up and forgotten (though he was definitely gencamping that time
You would regret not gettign involved in the community as it`s the best gang of folk I`ve been involved with since the early days of QuakeWorld. Their may seem to be a bit of snash on the messageboards but that`s just boystrous sounding off. Organised games are more fun that a barrel full of breasts though not as bouncy if you jump on them.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Heat of the moment right!!.

Ok m8 I'll take your advice and have a go at joining a Tribe when I'm back in blighty.

Though not sure any will wont me because my work takes me abroad alot (for a couple a months at a time), so it can be difficult to be available.

PS stuck of shore Mexico at the mo, any one wont a Taco (hate em meself).

One Lump Or Two???


Well slap me sideways with a kipper.

I didn't know the thread was still going.

One slight affect of all this publicity about me and a gencamping incident (and go on, be honest, who hasn't done it?) is that I now get accussed on public servers of camping in MY OWN BASE. Thats the media for you.

Well, its all harmless fun......I think!!

But lets get to the real issues, who wants to camp in the pub?

old.emomd falcon

hey ID just read this string and all i can say is what a lot of tossers those complining against you are!
from when i first started playing tribes you were the friendliest bloke going and since then have been a joy to play against ( cos we never seem to end up on the same side )
and so what if he camped the gens its a very good tactic ooh maybe he should stand in the middle of the map and not fire then newbies ( as i was one ) will be abble to shoot him and go yeah i 'm good at tribes!!!!
i dont think so!!!!
camping the gens is a tactic that works and in my mind is well worth it in league games its not cheating its just a tactic and why not do it in open play games , how else are "newbies" going to learn about it.
ID is one of the best blokes in the tribes community in the uk because as sparky says he swaps sides helps new pple and plays for fun which it is all about so stop slagging him off or are you just a ______ ?


Who's making the indestructible gen patch for pub servers thats what I awnt to know.



This thread really shows the level of the players in GB
(Sorry for that one; I just had to!)

First of all: IDMan; Keep camping! You need the practice to get there and we need the practice to stop you! That's the way to get better.

Second: Yes, it's how the game is. If you haven't noticed it the game evolves. In the beginning the heavies stood at home trying to defend the base with mortars only or being transported in APCs. The only offense was lights attacking, at best, in pairs. Nowdays you defend with light and goes offense with heavy due to the fact that someone realized that it was possible to ski with the heavys. This giving them a tremendous speed (on land and in air). So stop whining and practice instead.

And remember we're all newbies sometime and it's just a game!

Check out the gamestats for Wolfie

[This message has been edited by [IFS]DaMaAn (edited 23 November 1999).]

[This message has been edited by [IFS]DaMaAn (edited 23 November 1999).]


/me thinks u r a stupid llama.

/me also thinks you jumped straight to page 2 of this topic and fergot to read the 30+ posts on the first page.




I know that the topic is that IDMan camped heavy on a public server and some disliked it. I think IDMan does it the right way: Play as you play and if needed help out newbies. In that way newbies feel more welcomed than rather doing the opposite; Playing 'nice' and never let them in on the 'secrets'. A natural discussion will arise during this 'mentorship' and another one is let in to the community!

Then again... If you don't want to mentor you might want to choose another server (Wolfie perhaps) to meet a suitable opposition.

That's just my humble opinion.


True, DaMaAn. The idea of having two playing styles - one for pubs and one for matches - is weird. Helping newbies is one thing, patronizing them another.


Well I have to say I agree, Hvy camping is annoying if your on the receiving end but is a very valid tactic. I don't gen camp much myslef as I prefer going in light but each to there own style of play.

With no gen the nme cant suit up, makes capping far easier. It may not be very newbie friendly but it happend to me when I first started and quickly made me relise how effective Hvy O is and also the need to stop it.

One ammusing spin off from this thread is that you can now accuse ppl of camping you during a game, its great to listen to their justifications of why, even better if they then wander out your base and in to the open
maybe thats just my strange sense of humor though

If you stop gen camping/destruction then whats next ? no skiing with the flag cause the newbies dont know how to ski and can't catch you ?

Keep camping, keep the nme gen down, allow your lights to cap with ease and force the nme to defend better on the next map. The newbies will learn just like everyone else did.

Thats my thoughts and it looks like I'm in the minority.

[BaM] mac


Its a good job too.

You have to take a mature look at play on public servers. Sides are easily balanced wrongly with far better players on one side and you should adjust your play to suit. If yer on a stonking team then whats to gain by going over and camping fuck out a bunch of clueless players gens? Oh woop! you get 8 caps in 5 mins and the maps over. What a hero!. When you`re playing public the better players have the responsibilty and the power within their grasp to make the game more or less enjoyable for others. Are you mature enough to realise and enact on this?

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Thats making the presumption that your on a 'stonking' team and the other side are full of new players who are still trying to work out how to use a repair pack. This is a very rare occurance on public servers now, most of the players are tagged or have been playing for for a good length of time. If the teams are that unbalanced then the mature thing to do is to change sides because camping or no camping your going to slaughter them anyway, makes for a very boring game.



You are quite right Mongrol even if you are a bit of topic.. If the teams are uneven it will only take moments before the game is over camping or not. The thing is, when teams are balanced, that you should play as you always do so that the not-so-experienced players will see and understand why people do things like skiing and camping on generators. It's a mature POV to share experiences rather than keeping it for your self gaining some advantage.

The only difference a gencamper (new word?)will do in a game as you describe is to shorten the agony and pain for the other team.

Check out the gamestats for Wolfie


I've been reading this thread since it started and a lot of valid issues have been raised on this subject.

Well, that's it. I think this subject is Older than IDMan himself now, so I can't think of summat to say. Just thought I'd add another response to the vast collection



Thanks Sevish - maybe you just gave me a way out of this thread. I am sure the only way I can be tagged as something other than a gen camper now is to change me name, wipe me brain clean, and start again as a newbie.

I would like that, because I had a lot of fun as a newbie....WHY you may ask....WELL I just laugh everytime I die. And I sure had a lot of deaths as a newbie.

You won't catch me, even today, mouthing off when someone kills me. Maybe you will catch me saying 'Shot' if it was a good death.

Long live all Tribes players, whatever your opinion, because without you and the likes of me we would have no opposition to moan at, groan at, admire, respect or have a laugh with.

Keep on playing Tribes and like games until your old and grey. I did and loved the way I am not grey.



Yay! 49 posts,

Let`s take it to the bridge you funky green sex machine!

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Were we after a record Mongrol - hehe.

Hope we get it, or rather you as you posted the topic.

BTW - my hair is STILL not grey!!!

Gencamper impersonator.


Well that`ll be 52 so Stampers record is equaled. I`ll let someone else do the honours.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


It's me, it's me!!!
WOO-HOO!!! What do I win??
Hehe. Although, to keep the thread going, has anyone thought of some bugs to report to the tribes two guys? So far I have:
1. The magical floating dropped flag
2. The air discs that don't hurt (it happens surprisingly often, and not just for me

3. The mines that cling to you and try to kill you when you have dropped them

That's all I have personally thought of, but I'm sure there's more.
53 YEAH!
cya tribbles



Frankie; That was the sillest Flash I have seen for months!

Anyhow; it's fun to know that we managed something with this thread anyway

Check out the gamestats for Wolfie


0wnage, is the name of the game

IDMan should be allowed to heavy camp, as long as he realises that no matter how he does it, it will affect the attitudes of his fellow Triberz, experienced and newbies. However, doing it in tournament games is an advantage which should be milked for all it's worth.
I haven't bothered reading the rest of the posts, except the ones that were short and funny (no Speed not yours
). But the general comment I hve to make is...
Camping in any form on the pubbies is very annoying, but it's a part of the game, and although we don't like it, it's a skill that must be developed like any other.
Apart from anything else, I was bored in school and this post was a time waster

But to keep the thread open, me n Speed had an argument...
How is a public server referred to in the plural: pubbies or pubbys.
hehe, I tried my best, but the pure shite I have expressed on this post will probably merit a deleting, but I tried

Plus i was dreading double maths, this was my relaxing period's worth

[This message has been edited by Irn-Bru (edited 03 December 1999).]


Fair points Irn-Bru.

About things that are annoying, well you all know them and this ain't one new. TEAM KILLERS.

Over the past month or so this guy comes on, usually about 3-4am (morning that is) and says 'Hi IDMan, you remember me?'. I reply 'Yep' as I have seen him before. Innocent I may be, but stupid I ain't. He gives me a friendly disc in the back (hes on my team) and I just ignore it as a form of hello.

However, as days go by this turns out to be more than a friendly hello. Hes very good at his team annoyances. He discs ppl on Inventories, shoots up his own teams turrets and stuff, including scouts when ppl are about to get in them. He even takes command of turrets and shoots at his own players.

Over the last few days I have challenged him and he say ' Sorry I won't do it again'. Then he persists with his suttle team disturbances. Most ppl don't notice him at first. Most ppl don't notice him at all doing this. For some reason he's been doing this on a regular bassis.

His name is 'fuzzhead'.

Far be it from me to point fingers and create aggrovation, but this sort of behaviour is more likely to ruin the game than any other. If you can't just fight the enemy in a game without having to look over your shoulder then there really is not point playing.

If you see fuzzhead, BEWARE, he is up to no good. Which is a shame as he seems to be a good player. Which leads me to believe that it may be a tribed / good player using another name just to have a different kind of kick out of the game.

This may get me into alot of backlash over this statement, but on my word of honour (whoops - thats gonna get some kickback as well) I TELL YOU THE TRUTH.

Maybe a list of undesirable TEAM KILLERS should be posted on a forum or webby site, sort of a blacklist. That way we can all be aware of the names, even if they do change them frequently. However, even this would be abused, unless monitored by some responsible people who are the only ones who can add names to this blacklist.

Well what do you I out of order to try to ensure we keep TEAM players only in the game or not.............I just know I am gonna regret this post.


[This message has been edited by IDMan (edited 03 December 1999).]



Nope, I think you are spot on.
The only diffficulty with this, is the same as with servers that auto-kick team-killers.. How do you differentiate between an innocent team-kill, eg a heavy mortaring an nme capper, and catching a chaser at the same time, as opposed to the crap that some people [eg fuzzhead, so it seems] produce..
It has to be a judgement call, and that is why i prefer the voting/kick options.
But, a blacklist sounds reasonable, so long as it is backed up by multiple players..
On that subject, I was on over the weekend, and I think it was Sunday morning, playing on one of the WP servers.. Hopefully that will jog a few memories.. The player was {SAS}Predator, who ended up being kicked, but for the rest of the morning insisted on re-joining, and carrying on with his peurile team-killing ways.. anyone else remember?
Don't worry Predator, If I see you on a server, I'll be on the other team, but you will be on my kill list..

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