


If you walk into my base on a public server heavied up, plonk and inventory down and setup turrets in the gen room and camp like the twat you obviously are, I will personally hunt you down and bend you over every chance from now till XMas time.
You are exactly the example of poor public play that is putting newbies off, reducing the numbers of active players and generally wrecking the UK scene for everyone. Get with the picture, grow up or fuck off.

/me scratches IDman off the BR list of poachable players.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


he's only trying to break my record of 50 something posts for when I joined TD


Don't think he'd join BR anyway now he's in TD


Just read the comments about me and all I can say is you got me wrong.

I NEVER insult players and always encourage newbies. I have spent many hours on quiet servers teaching newbies I meet how to get to grips with the basics of the game. HOW MANY PPL do that!!!

The camping in the gen room was what I was supposed to be doing at the time. Its happened in reverse to me many times. ITS THE GAME.

As for the grow up bit, then I think at 47 years old I am grown up enough.

But at the end of the day you are entitled to your opion. Its a FREE world Mongrol.

Sorry you feel that way.


Ok, Fair enough, a very reasonable reply to what, on my part, was likely a too vicious an attack but..

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
The camping in the gen room was what I was supposed to be doing at the time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who told you to do this? Noone. Did you ever think of the consequences of this action? I doubt it. Yes, newbies should be helped and nurtured but this behaviour only produces frustration and puts people off Tribes altogether.
Much more thought should be exercised by the experienced among us if we want our scene to grow.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Your reply is appreciated Mongrol and much more reasonable than the first - no offence was taken.

The particular occassion this 'camping' happened I can't remember, maybe I am talking about a different one from you.

I do agree about your point regards putting off new players, and on numerous occassions on quiet servers I have backed off and given the less experienced team a good chance to have fun. I ain't the best of players and certainly have no interest in points at all, just the team win. Because I want ALL of us to have fun. I remember well my first experiences of being killed one second after the other. I think my most hated are the re-spawn killers which is something I NEVER knowingly do.

I believe our basic aims are the same and any advice or ideas other players have I will always listen to them Mongrol.

I hope we can now put this issue to rest and continue to enjoy the public server.

All these things would be much better sorted out down the pub m8.....hehe


Aah, but if we let it rest then I`m still 45 posts off Stampers record.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


I will send you 46 stamps in the post - that should do it!!

Included will be a portable / deployable genny for those camping summers.


Yeah, probably surrounded by turrets and some shielded fat bastard.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Now thats a good idea - never thought of that.

By the way I was in a game last night and there were four heavies camped in the gen room.

It was raining outside where they planned to have their picnic so they popped indoors near the genny to keep warm and enjoy the grub!

However they were continually interrupted by small people trying to nick their food.

Funny old world isn't it??


The problem with this shit is that you guys keep playing on llama infested newbie servers (otherwise known as wireplay) and walk into gen rooms and suceed in camping them.

Why don't you go play on a server like wolfie and see if you can even get into the enemy gen room, let alone camp it.

Oh, and the amount of piss poor flag defending I see on public servers makes me wonder why half of you whiners don't post things like 'flag runners are scum', after all, most of them are just capping an unguarded flag.


Well that brought the tone of the conversation back to a lower level.

I would point out that I play on WP because its fun, and so are most of the people who play there. I also spend alot of time playing on USA servers which certaintly have more players than UK and more arrogant and ego type attitudes. Also of course more bad language and some very bad loosers.

If we all take the attitude of playing on USA servers all the time then the UK scene will get even smaller in player numbers.

As for the newbie infested WP servere point. All I can say is that newbies are tommorrows potential long-term tribes players. Comments about 'llama infested newbies' is not really fair to ppl who are just starting out.

Seems to me that the more experienced players should NEVER refer to newbiese as llamas or the like.

The more I listen to the type of attitude portrayed in the last experienced and skilled players comments the more I think I should go back to enjoying myself down the pub. It certainly was less agrivation than listening to the abusive type statements on and offline that people make.

Wheres the human side of people gone. The human side seems to go offline when they go online. Strange but true. Not of course applicable to all players.

Its such a shame and such a waste of what is supposed to be a game and fun and pleasurable and enjoyable and just down right entertaining. Thats why its called a game, not a backstabbing business venture.

Maybe we should all go back to playing the game for fun and have a laugh OR just simply go down the pub, youth club or whatever which is not associated with the agrovation associated with online gaming. It certainly crosses my mind as a preferable option.

Of course the other option is to completely IGNORE the statements made by people who should know better.

You will, of course, notice that they is not one bad language word or abusive comment in this statement.


IDman! You`re my pal.

Fusion! Who tells you to say shit like that? Cos you certainly don`t have the brains to make it up yourself.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


tongue in cheek comments so don't take it wrong way... text is annoying

I only rip wireplay cause of BT.


[This message has been edited by Fusion (edited 15 October 1999).]


He's your pal?

yet you begain the thread by calling him a gen camping twat?

Cor, this has more twists and turns then the average soap opera

[This message has been edited by Fusion (edited 15 October 1999).]

old.{ velvet }

Maybe we'd rather play on servers with civil newbies than mouthy twats like yourself?

You will, of course, notice the abusive comment in this statement.


old.{ velvet }

P.S. Wireplay are no longer part of BT since they are now owned by and have been for around 2 months. But I guess you knew that and were just acting stupid for something to do?


"newbies are tommorrows potential long-term tribes players"

good point IDMan but your the one placing turrets in gen rooms.

your point about "its in the game" is also valid. If you do it against a team of expearenced players good for you, if you do it against a team of newbies shame on you.

- Zach


Again I am at fault for something I did along time ago no doubt on a newbie server when I was a newbie. Yes I have done it since, but not knowingly against newbies.

But no fear of me ever putting up one turret again anywhere on any map, even though I never saw any red sign on the floor which said "NO TURRETS HERE"

The whole discussion leads me to believe that this 'once a newbie' and 'now a bit better' player has been persuaded to no longer be a player in tribes or any other online game.

So as the whole object of this forum topic was to encourage more players, then on this occassion it failed. There is now one regular player less. One who encouraged 20 people I know to take up online gaming, because 'IT WAS FUN' to play. You may say 'good riddance' and I don't blame you if you do. The game I encouraged them to buy and join was tribes.

Remember that the newbies I was camping in their gen room, could have been some of those 20.

Enjoy the game, have a wind-up, sure, but don't be critical of things people do which they learnt of experienced players in the first place. What goes round comes round.


This is of some concern and I do feel partially responsible here. This thread started when I came across IDman shielded, in heavy costume surround by turrets in the Gen room of Scarabrae last week. Since then, he`s proved himself to be quite the opposite of your average gencamper and seems what our community needs, a sensibly minded bloke, with no big mouth. Fair enough, lapses of concentration and the thrill of the game can make us all see how far we can go. I`m sure we`ve all been guilty of gencamping. But after proving himself to be a decent chap, he`s still caught a shitload of flak from others. I`ve no idea what the argument I walked in on (server) last night was about. But I`m sure it would`ve been a load of bollocks anyway.
If IDman leaves the scene, I for one will be guilty and sorry for that. But others will be guilty too, and it`ll be to our detriment.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


Well i've gotta add something to this and this is to say when I first started out at tribes, IDman was one of the people that took me in a private server and showed me a few things that improved my game. I also have been in a game with IDman where he has swaped teams half way though becaue the other team was getting hammerd. Would we see you so called more experienced players (fusion) doing this I think not. Before you go around making coments like the one you made ealier in the thread hing about what you say instead of just saying the first thing that comes into your head. As for IDman it's a shame you've decided to leave it there but as for us (EmOmD) you certainly helped us alot. Along with a load of other new tribes that have told me about you helping them out including new WP tribe FM.

Oh and 1 more point Fusion you say the WP servers are for "llama newbies". We all forgot you were never one of these. It seems that your bitter after you defeat by TD.

[This message has been edited by [EmOmD]Sparky (edited 16 October 1999).]


servers like Wolfie....hmm, and maybe Lords? And other various euro servers, where my ping almost never dips below 350 with a lovely packet loss.

If the picture of BL I saw was correct, you don't look to old Fusion....I have a GF to keep happy, a car to run, and a full time college course to attend, aswell as multiple LANs from time to time.

If you have all this outlay, and are still able to afford that lovely digital connection known as ISDN, then congratulations, you must work excedingly hard or well.

If on the other hand, you don't have these outlays, or are able to share your phone bill with someone, or have it subsidised (or even payed for by parents, like Shaz) then I would thank you to shove your head back up your arse, where it clearly usually is, blind to the problems, feelings, and thoughts of other people on this communication media known as the internet.

Your solutions work for you, but few others.


Whenever, Wherever, Whoever

The Peoples Banana Republic


maybe all newbie servers should have NEWBIE in the name, then no one wou ld get confused.
ok mes going
cyas, have fun argueing
star trek seems soo tame compared to this bb




UK Gen Campers Final - MATCH REPORT

This long awaited grudge match took place on a recently added Fotthills map between [GC] Gen Campers and [GD] Gen Destroyers. Neither side had the opportunity to play the map due to a missing VOL file. Last minute downloads from a secret website allowed the match to take place.

The objective of the game was to either destroy the enemy generator for ONE point or hold the enemy gen room for 5 minutes for a FIVE point bonus.

The match started in some confusion with no players knowing where things were. This made the game something of a 'suck it and see' game.

[GD]Mongrol was quick to press 'C' and assess the map. He immediately lauched a vicious attack on the enemy base. Bypassing all the outside defences successfully destroying the [GC] generator for one point.

Mongrol made a valiant attempt to go for five points but was thwarted by a light IDman using blaster fire to the back of the head.

At this point the ADMIN and PRESS officials dropped. Apparently they were using BT FREE and were both on their two hour maximums and subsequently auto disconnected.

What followed next was a free for all. Team killings were taking place because some players thought this was the 'RAT' in the pack match they had missed last week. After about five minutes of language not repeatable here the players got organised and began to go for the objectives. Team killings stopped.

From nowhere [GD]Fushion launched a lighting attack on the [GC] base and would probably have been successful, but unfortunately had entred the wrong base. Having destroyed their own generator no points were gained.

The match then settled down in a 'right old' battle in midfield with neither team able to approach the enemy base. Stamper, Maddog, Velvet and Zach all fought hard over the middle ground with Velvet succeeding in a breakthrough. Going for the enemy base Velvet almost succeed in a generator kill but someone on the [GD] team had found the inventories and plopped down several well hidden turrets. Who this was has still not been discovered as the [GD] team are usually offensive (as in attacking) players and normally don't do the boring stuff.

The ADMINS and PRESS guys finally got re-connected by using another ISP. Well done guys, this was a wise move and saved the game from being a 'washout'. Without officials a game would be declared 'Null and Void' and require a replay.

What happened next was rather unfortunate. One of the [GC] was kicked for apparently asking where the enemy base was. The [GC] team were fuming and asked for a replacement.. However, [GC]Sparky who had been sneaking in around the edge of the mission area, lauched a surprise attack on the enemy gen succeeding in gaining one point for [GC]. This seemed to cool the [GC] team down and the game continued. The ADMIN at this point decided to kick one of the [GD] team just to keep things even. Nobody complained as they all thought it was in the 'Spirit of the Game'.

By now both bases were totally destroyed and as nobody could find where the repair pack was the game proceded in light basic gear only.

Although no defensive turrets obstructed either side nobody could successfully destroy the enemy generator because they were still both down from the first destruction. The lack of a repair pack proved to be the downfall of the game.

Various attempts were made at 'camping' in the enemies generator room for the five points, but with no heavy gear this proved impossible.

The game ended in a tie with 1 point each for successful destruction of enemy generator and two points to the ADMINs for the kickings.

All players agreed after the game that it was a fair match with the usual 'ups and downs' for both sides. Whilst both sides were disapointed with the result they ALL agreed to be back next season for this seasonal, but FUN, grudge match.

IDMan - stand-in press reporter.
Demo unavailable due to lack of disc space.


You have far too much time on your hands.

- Zach


Yep - and all I can say is - YEAH GREAT!!!!

Worked hard to get it and now I have it its just down right magnificient. But no worries soon I am off on a 3 month holiday.

Just to pass the time!!!


Just re-read my comments above, possibly a little harsh, but please think on that solutions available to some, are not available to the many.


Whenever, Wherever, Whoever

The Peoples Banana Republic


Over 20 posts now.
Stamper, you`re threads ass is grass. This thread`s like a heavied fusion on a locally hosted game playing skijump map with the gravity set to low.

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


IDman is a star in my eyes and always has been. You're not so bad either Mongy

Just thought I'd add my 2p for two reasons - a) to say that IDman was one of the first people I met on the tribes public servers and is one of the most curteous, friendly and intelligent players I have ever met. I'm glad you two have kissed and made up. I feel for you Idman m8, after all this time untribed you pick current public enemy number one (by their admission - see Stamper's apology on behalf of TD) to join.
b) I had to keep Mongrol happy and keep this thread rolling -

IDman - mate don't let this disillusion you - you do your thing and have fun. I know you are more than capable of sticking up for yourself. Whatever you do I, all of SS, and I'm sure all the UK tribes community don't want you to leave the scene (I think you've decided not to I just wanted this to be public).
Thanks friend.
Sean AKA [SS-02]Xtro
European SS Friendly Person



In the end we are all found out for what we truely are. Thanks Xtro, the bribe money should be delivered tommorrow, hopefully.

Just to update you all that I have now left [GC] Gen Campers and moved on to [SF] Scout Flyers. Since I joined we have been practising Scout formation flying. This is a new tactic that will undoubtably be mentioned in dispatches. The idea is to kit up 7 players with scouts. Each of the scouts has been fitted with a pretty coloured smoke canister (bought them paint spray things from Halfords auto shops to do the job),

At the start of the match 7 of us will fly over the enemy base and do a 'RED ARROWS' display. Whilst the enemy team are marvelled by the show of pretty coloured paint trails in the sky the number 8 player will dash over and nick their flag. It should take the enemy about three caps before they realise whats going on.

By this time they will all be covered in sticky, but pretty, coloured paint that has drifted down from above. Our team will then all go defense whilst the enemy becomes confused and starts shooting one another. Oh I forgot to mention, the sticky paint is in our team colours, hence they will be shooting themselves because they think its us.

Anyway, back to fitting me sticky paint canister and polishing the cockpit.

See you in the skies.


[This message has been edited by IDMan (edited 18 October 1999).]

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