Idea to lower effect of Pets in RvR


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Heh running 2 ments aint such a bad idea tbh. Keep the chanter, infact make it 2 + a mana eld and loose the vw'r. I'd renew just to try and run an 8 man like that!

Wtf are hibs complaining about :|


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
I'd have the light eld for 4 * debuff nukage (+ ns) and VW is a decent bg and pet clearer in an extend group tbh ;).

Though I tend to see les sm/rm in mid groups and more like 1 bd, 2 whorecocks, pacer, auger, shammy + 2 alts being pl'd.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Running a tank group on Ywain is about as fun as stabbing your balls with a rusty screwdriver. Besides the BM is shite compaired to its counterparts. But no stoi vs caster groups is the same screwdriver again, this time inserted anal.

mid tank grp can be fun when all works.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I'd have the light eld for 4 * debuff nukage (+ ns) and VW is a decent bg and pet clearer in an extend group tbh ;).

Though I tend to see les sm/rm in mid groups and more like 1 bd, 2 whorecocks, pacer, auger, shammy + 2 alts being pl'd.

Yeah dont even get me started on wl's. If they are smart and w8 with burning their balls, they can drop a caster like it's nobody's business.

Remeber that ments got ns aswell, can demezz, confuse for what its worth, can have a pet, can heal and still have a decent heat nuke. Debuffing cold on a chanter is fine, but lets just keep it simple and let the chanters just do some heat debuffing. 2 chanters for running 2x Boad is nice aswell.

Just don't run into too many alb groups with tics or mid groups with wl's.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
I think the Theurgist whine is a little excessive.

Read this and cba eith the rest, sorry but you know nothing of FG RvR.

Those asking for BD nerf are a little blind, without pets a BD is left with basically baseline spells and a low level insta lifetap on an 8s timer, so basically shit without pets, which is the way it should be really. How hard is to to target the lich and kill it? Not nearly as hard as clearing several thuerg pets off several different targets.

If they want to bring hibernia in line they need to change the way animist turrents work, is the only possible workable way. Add several pets to enchanters or whatever other bullshit at this point is just a rediculous suggestion. But then again, adding disease to wizards and all the other shit they have done who knows, they seem to like rediculous things.

What should be changed is the way buffs affect pets, make buffs work on pets the same as how they affect players and then that will solve a hell of a lot of problems. Pets will be so much easier to drop and will even stop the focus farming. All that leaves then in thuergs to be sorted, just reduce the range slightly so the thuerg has to put themselves in harms way to spam out pets to interupt as they rightly should. Albion has a rediculous amount of interupts with minstrels and tics as it is, a thuerg nerf shouldnt really dent FG balance. If you are losing fights as an alb group atm, /quit /delete


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Well the bd without pets really would be silly. Yet as they are now the pets + the player itself can and do interrupt 3 players if not more.

And killing the lich is hard if people know what they are doing. Leave alone that the player('s) nuking it will prolly draw the aggro from one of the pets and thus be interrupted.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Well the bd without pets really would be silly. Yet as they are now the pets + the player itself can and do interrupt 3 players if not more.

And killing the lich is hard if people know what they are doing. Leave alone that the player('s) nuking it will prolly draw the aggro from one of the pets and thus be interrupted.

Thuerg has MoC for spamming them out no matter what and an iwin rr5 when pushing in, they have some pretty solid spec lines as it is. The range never should have been increased from 1500 in the first place and should go back and remain at that. With a little boost in the other lines to counteract the fact they havnt recieved any love for so long while others have because of the OP pets.

BD may be able to interupt 3 people in thoery, with all going well, but it has to put itself right in the middle of the fight to do so a thuerg can interupt as many people as its wants from relative safety. Albion can cope without theurg interupts quite easily with minstrels, tics, cabas, sorcs..... still has vasty superiour range. Theurg changes are just common sense.

As i said, change the way buffs work on pets and that solves a massive amount of the problems with pets, would even make tank groups viable! Thuerg range to 1500 solves the rest, would make FG RvR a hell of a lot more fun, as atm its dull.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Not just in theory, I've seen it happen more then once. The bd caster pets just go bezerk and they cast a snare and desease aswell? They usually end up on your support, by which time your group starts die'ing

Anyways I agree with you 100% when it comes to theurgs and alb caster groups in general. And yes you should drop the lich on inc if possible, but it gets a bit shite when there's 2 of them.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
The buff idea is actually a nice one, but I can see troubles when it comes to normal (caster) pets. Hitting/nuking faster and possibly more for what do now. It would be nice boost for chanters I suppose.

I also remember a certain Severance luri champ getting 2 shotted by an ml9 lich back in the days (WM5, double hit, unnerfed ml9). :p


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Well wasnt thinking about buffs making them cast like crazy, just get rid of the stupid survivability they have and add some hps instead...... don't know why it has remained for so long especially with classes like the necro, its just lazy from mythic


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Heh running 2 ments aint such a bad idea tbh. Keep the chanter, infact make it 2 + a mana eld and loose the vw'r. I'd renew just to try and run an 8 man like that!

Wtf are hibs complaining about :|

you can play my ment, its even rr5 ! :>


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
so how will that work with melee pets then? i can see the logic versus caster and healer type pets but not melee pets.

but sure, i can take melee pets being interrupted if pet casters are given a AE "detaunt" type spell that interrupts PC melee classes for the same amount of time aswell.. :)

I don't really think you pet melee tank classes :eek:
And most casters got nuff toys to kite an Heavy tank (at least) almost endlessy and you won't face the prob against Light tanks since they don't have taunt or i didn't get the point? :s


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol how funny, hibs whining about albs being over powered in 8 v 8, how times have changed!


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
lol how funny, hibs whining about albs being over powered in 8 v 8, how times have changed!

TBH mate PE proved way back when that forming a highly effective Alb group wasn't that hard. Something which TT caried the mantle for as well.

Thing is that Bard used to be interupt king but as other things from other realms have got some of it's toys and things like cast speed and power pool it has made other toons highly effective and it lost its spot. Could also be said that when it really was top dog then interupts mattered a whole lot less than outright cc and all 3 realms have a very solid main cc'r - it's how good they are in their secondary role these days and Sorc and Pac are both very good in their secondary role as well (though if the bards secondary role is to get hit alot you could say it's quite good at that as well).

Pet's are half the interupt war these days and while I agree with Brite that nerfing the BD pets would gut the class the BD is still more of a pita with it's pets than the theurg. Dunno if its a combo of the pets that just go nuts (think every pet can inteupt these days?) banelord and instas but I truely hate em - though I'd rather see Hib given something to counter them and theurgs or have something that can do that job.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Dunno why people are whining about BD pets in fg rvr. With my wizard it usually only takes 2-3 nukes to take down the lich, depending if it is buffed or not or if the healer is spamming group heals

As smart theurg will put a few pets on each caster / support instead of spamming it all on one, which will make it much harder to take care of than a single bd pet. And don't say that the bd pets are CC immune because theurg pets are the same.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Smart BD pets don't assist iirc.

Also not everyone has the alpha of a Fire Wizzie (well a whorecock does but that's not a lot of help against a bd pet).


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Dunno why people are whining about BD pets in fg rvr. With my wizard it usually only takes 2-3 nukes to take down the lich, depending if it is buffed or not or if the healer is spamming group heals

As smart theurg will put a few pets on each caster / support instead of spamming it all on one, which will make it much harder to take care of than a single bd pet. And don't say that the bd pets are CC immune because theurg pets are the same.

You don't play Hiblet - that might explain your mystification. Hiblets don't have your alpha nor do we have the luxury of 2x Theurgs..... Ergo the point of the thread.

Just try playing against Albs some night as a hib and you will see what we mean.

It doesn't mean you lose it means it is a lot harder to win.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Why do you want to argue when I agreed with you on theurgs? What I said was that a BD lich ain't that hard to take down. A chanter can put its pet on a caster and then debuff/nuke it down in a matter of seconds and an eld can take it down with the light spec nuke


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
But Cornflakes wants to argue! :<

I don't agree with him about Theurgs tbh.

Unless you can alpha the dread lich you're screwed and as not many hibs run voidies that isn't easy from range. This whole chanter - sick pet on someone and debuff nuke the BD pet rarely works as chanters are sol for range.

Theurgs are far easier to lock down than an insta equipped bl BD who's pets can ether heal the bd or the main and augers drop back and keep the pet up. Lock down a theurg and he can conc3 you once every 30 seconds. BD will run around with instas and the pets will fubar a hib backline.

Still don't think BD should be nerfed mind - only thing that should be is a whorecock. More than they were. In fact if all they could cast is the frog morph I'd still want them nerfed more.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Theurg has an awesome rr5 though.

Not sure about the setup of the bd pets. melee lich, caster, caster, healer i'd think. Not sure about the commands that are set for them either (aggro or something?). A well played wl in a group is also a powerhouse. Massive range, uninterruptable casts, balls of more insta's and a good heals aswell. That's besides the massive dps burst it can have. Perhaps not all is speccable, but...

2 ments and 2 chanters will make 4 pets with atleast 2 of them casters (companion or zealot) which will be annoying. Anyhow...

Besides captain obvious, I don't think anyone is deny'ing that when it comes to 8vs8 hibs are at the low end atm. The bainshee taunt used to be an effective interrupt tool, which got lost with nothing to gain.

Imho have a look at the animist class again, cause its hardly beeing played anymore. Or come up with something like what Brite mentioned.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
With my wizard it usually only takes 2-3 nukes to take down the lich, depending if it is buffed or not or if the healer is spamming group heals

So 3-4 nukes for a hib (or 2 hibs). Just enough to get fked over.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Can't argue that the rr5 is awesome but that's once every 10 (?) minutes.

Not sure how the commands work - have definitely seen the melee and each caster all on different targets though. Might have been fixed but?

Hibs are definitely shafted atm in the interrupt war and in 8v8 that's half the battle. If they can't dps you can and your support can move from heals to interrupts meaning they can dps even less. Only reason for running 2 ments / chanter and light eld for me would be the light eld sitting back and quarterbacking with the ns. Throwing disease on inc tanks and assisting for priority spike. The red n/s would mean that the enemy casters have to get in range or just get interrupted and can't do jack if they've been cured.

Changing the pet buffs would be meh for leveling but would help in RvR. Still leave Hibs fubar though as their pets would suffer too and they'd get nothing in return. STT is now my favourite idea ;). Mids get instas and some pets; albs get loads of pets; hibs get the 'screw your pets and fuck off' option.

(That might be due to Maeloch using it on people in the past and me laughing my arse off and forgetting to demezz Gahn and Jupi).


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Dont forget that ments get ns aswell these days and a mana eld is much more effective in pet clearing and snaring/deseasing targets.

The ment sitting in the back, demezzing, ns'ing and healing(!) would be a nice idea.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
The ns is in the HoT and DoT line though (if I remember correctly), so my paper DAoC might fail a tat.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
TBH mate PE proved way back when that forming a highly effective Alb group wasn't that hard. Something which TT caried the mantle for as well.

Thing is that Bard used to be interupt king but as other things from other realms have got some of it's toys and things like cast speed and power pool it has made other toons highly effective and it lost its spot. Could also be said that when it really was top dog then interupts mattered a whole lot less than outright cc and all 3 realms have a very solid main cc'r - it's how good they are in their secondary role these days and Sorc and Pac are both very good in their secondary role as well (though if the bards secondary role is to get hit alot you could say it's quite good at that as well).

Pet's are half the interupt war these days and while I agree with Brite that nerfing the BD pets would gut the class the BD is still more of a pita with it's pets than the theurg. Dunno if its a combo of the pets that just go nuts (think every pet can inteupt these days?) banelord and instas but I truely hate em - though I'd rather see Hib given something to counter them and theurgs or have something that can do that job.

Whilst I commend you for a well thought out reply, devoid of the typical childish and pointless insults seen in many posts here I have to disagree with you still.

Yes there were some good Albion groups (though I wouldn't say TT were one of them) but the other realms still managed to achieve more with alot less simply due to having more key abilities on less classes, heck a Warden is nearly half a group by himself.
Secondly majority of the factors you mentioned like power pool and range became availible to ALL realms with toa, yes classes that previously had poor range or cast speed could improve themselves, but so can all the people they will be fighting against too! This was in no way a boost to Albion alone, and the class your all complaining about has remained mostly unchanged since release, certainly since old frontiers compared to all other albion spellcasters.
Heck it has actually been nerfed Range wise, nobody was complaining back when pets had 2,000 range, now at 1,875 everyones whining?

Only major differance is that earth spec now has an nuke and aoe nuke, but no RvR theurgists spec it anyway because they all want stun or caster pets, so even thats a mute point. And of cause that is Albions PBT, which means few groups ever have even 10 second pbt, let alone higher.

Sorry I really don't see any justification for the whine. Very little has changed and even less that can't be solved by good play.

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