Running a tank group on Ywain is about as fun as stabbing your balls with a rusty screwdriver. Besides the BM is shite compaired to its counterparts. But no stoi vs caster groups is the same screwdriver again, this time inserted anal.
I'd have the light eld for 4 * debuff nukage (+ ns) and VW is a decent bg and pet clearer in an extend group tbh.
Though I tend to see les sm/rm in mid groups and more like 1 bd, 2 whorecocks, pacer, auger, shammy + 2 alts being pl'd.
mid tank grp can be fun when all works.
I think the Theurgist whine is a little excessive.
Well the bd without pets really would be silly. Yet as they are now the pets + the player itself can and do interrupt 3 players if not more.
And killing the lich is hard if people know what they are doing. Leave alone that the player('s) nuking it will prolly draw the aggro from one of the pets and thus be interrupted.
Heh running 2 ments aint such a bad idea tbh. Keep the chanter, infact make it 2 + a mana eld and loose the vw'r. I'd renew just to try and run an 8 man like that!
Wtf are hibs complaining about :|
so how will that work with melee pets then? i can see the logic versus caster and healer type pets but not melee pets.
but sure, i can take melee pets being interrupted if pet casters are given a AE "detaunt" type spell that interrupts PC melee classes for the same amount of time aswell..![]()
lol how funny, hibs whining about albs being over powered in 8 v 8, how times have changed!
Dunno why people are whining about BD pets in fg rvr. With my wizard it usually only takes 2-3 nukes to take down the lich, depending if it is buffed or not or if the healer is spamming group heals
As smart theurg will put a few pets on each caster / support instead of spamming it all on one, which will make it much harder to take care of than a single bd pet. And don't say that the bd pets are CC immune because theurg pets are the same.
But Cornflakes wants to argue! :<
With my wizard it usually only takes 2-3 nukes to take down the lich, depending if it is buffed or not or if the healer is spamming group heals
So 3-4 nukes for a hib (or 2 hibs). Just enough to get fked over.
TBH mate PE proved way back when that forming a highly effective Alb group wasn't that hard. Something which TT caried the mantle for as well.
Thing is that Bard used to be interupt king but as other things from other realms have got some of it's toys and things like cast speed and power pool it has made other toons highly effective and it lost its spot. Could also be said that when it really was top dog then interupts mattered a whole lot less than outright cc and all 3 realms have a very solid main cc'r - it's how good they are in their secondary role these days and Sorc and Pac are both very good in their secondary role as well (though if the bards secondary role is to get hit alot you could say it's quite good at that as well).
Pet's are half the interupt war these days and while I agree with Brite that nerfing the BD pets would gut the class the BD is still more of a pita with it's pets than the theurg. Dunno if its a combo of the pets that just go nuts (think every pet can inteupt these days?) banelord and instas but I truely hate em - though I'd rather see Hib given something to counter them and theurgs or have something that can do that job.