I-RvR good? bad?

Do you think I-RvR is a good thing?

  • Yes, i think its great for casual players who dont want to travle far and also get's lower RR's out

    Votes: 134 45.0%
  • NO, i can't stand it its a zergfest an takes away from the point of RvR of invading other realms.

    Votes: 113 37.9%
  • Care!

    Votes: 51 17.1%

  • Total voters
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Nov 28, 2004
TheBinarySurfer said:
Hahah pip ill dig up the screenie of me waving to your 4 warlocks on /assist group around crim earlier - if you do that do you really expect people to feed them piecemeal into the grinder that is a warlock assist train? :)
comon lol we giv more rp than we get grps with instant heals/mezz/stun peeps make it sound like we get all the rp thats BS might be lucky to take 1 out of a fg and thats like once every 10 runs :(


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
I give more RPs than you! <feels a competition he can finally win coming on>


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
When i try to solo with Bowmaiden, i just run into group after group of assasins :(

I guess that will never change

Still haven't convinced the fg's running that i'll not start a pet spam, powertranfser and ask the paladin to spam EF when pets start landing melee hits etc. Daoc sucks when your labled as a PvEr.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
I like the insta rvr. I think it takes some - getting used to - thus tho know where to roam, if your fg, or even solo. When you know this, its kinda fun imo :)
Altho Cluster+island is gonna rox nf´s box :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Ogen said:
Altho Cluster+island is gonna rox nf´s box :)

the island is gonna be the biggest load of bollox yet, everybody and their mother will be cmaped there plus it will b a ranger/scout heaven... ohhh look theres a fight lets add, theres another lets add, wtf all these arrows come from.......... knee jerk


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
Jupiter said:
the island is gonna be the biggest load of bollox yet, everybody and their mother will be cmaped there plus it will b a ranger/scout heaven... ohhh look theres a fight lets add, theres another lets add, wtf all these arrows come from.......... knee jerk

im gonna be there adding on j00 jup u fat nub!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I'm in two minds about IRvR ...

In group sessions, IRvR is great when it works... It's nice to have an area where you can go quickly and easily and be pretty much guaranteed a fgvfg fight... Loose and it's just release, rebuff and straight back into the action within 2 minutes... Unfortunately with it, comes the constant add (from all realms) and the whine that comes with it.

I dislike IRvR when I play as a soloer. Find a 1v1 and 99% of the time you get added on to hell or steamrolled by groups who are never very far away from solo fight spots...

I hate IRvR as an Alb... It' pretty universally accepted that HW > other IRvR locations... The terrain just seems to suit it better (although I wish someone would remove the damn villa with its wall bugs and abusers). The problem is it does disadvantage the realm it's in (normally ours). Two keeps down before the action even starts makes it far too easy for anyone who decides to exploit it for relic raiding.

But, no matter what you think about it, IRvR is here to stay... It's become part of the culture on our server now, it's the microwave dinner of the RvR world. It's not as good for you or tastes as good as a properly prepared meal but it's quick, convenient and easy to do...


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Dakkath said:
But, no matter what you think about it, IRvR is here to stay... It's become part of the culture on our server now, it's the microwave dinner of the RvR world. It's not as good for you or tastes as good as a properly prepared meal but it's quick, convenient and easy to do...

nice quote ! A great summary. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Didn't vote as there was no

"yes, because it's actually easier to get fg fights this way while roaming hadrians"

Only that zone is good for irvr, the other 2 are utter crap :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
iRvR is good imo, as Zebolt says, Action > all, even if it suddenly turns to an AJ slugfest and you want to smash up your keyboard; 5 minutes later youre back and roaming.

If you know where and how to move around, its great, FG vs FG fights, Hadrians has great terraint for it aswell.

Didnt like Hib much tho, but perhaps it could be an idea for duo/trio area? and Odins area for ze stealthers or smth ;)?

It has been mentioned, and it could work, iRvR in all three realms, Hadrians for GvG, Odins for stealthers/soloers and Emain for small groups ;d?

imo ofc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
I keep trying the iRvR, but not getting anywhere much with it.

I like Keep/tower RvR, in OF and NF. The days of there being a BG up (in Alb anyway) for the frontier, and (semi)organised frontier forces seems to have been dead for the last few months. So that's the sort of RvR I prefer dead, anyway.

HW IRVR seems to mean no Epic questing for Albs, which is a pain for non-50's in my guild. It's also a lot harder for 'noobs' to get started in that sort of conflict than in a keep/tower fight, where the pace is typically a little slower. That would seem to push new players starting the game out again, which isn't what I want - I want more players out there!



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Irvr is a good concept, too bad people feel forced too zerg up more then the other realms when loosing so we end up with a zerg from 1400 - 0200

Quest for the holy RP wins of the sake of a good fight i guess..

I think the fault of Irvr lies in the layout of the maps putting the bridges too close too the keeps, maybe the new island will bring more widespread action and invite people too stray from the zerg...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
No idea so I ain't voting. Bet it sux though. Lag and more lag etc.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
MKJ said:
No idea so I ain't voting. Bet it sux though. Lag and more lag etc.

Thought lag didnt matter when you abused run through and strafe


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
You lot at 50 think you can cope with me? Eh ----> if I devoted time to getting properly equiped and specced? Wot if I decided to play as an inf or ns at 50 with all the bonuses they get? Nah, wotever I decide upon (too late now) I would be the best and you lot know it too. You think there is so much diff between Thid and your scenario? - nah - not met a single person that can take me out when we both unbuffed - a couple of years too. I too good and always will be. I might take a a long rest and decide to show you lot too at 50 - you never know. Take it from me you will meet something you ain't met yet in this game. Wot makes you think you can take me when you can't in Thid? Eh wot?


Loyal Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
MKJ said:
You lot at 50 think you can cope with me? Eh ----> if I devoted time to getting properly equiped and specced? Wot if I decided to play as an inf or ns at 50 with all the bonuses they get? Nah, wotever I decide upon (too late now) I would be the best and you lot know it too. You think there is so much diff between Thid and your scenario? - nah - not met a single person that can take me out when we both unbuffed - a couple of years too. I too good and always will be. I might take a a long rest and decide to show you lot too at 50 - you never know. Take it from me you will meet something you ain't met yet in this game. Wot makes you think you can take me when you can't in Thid? Eh wot?
Ha! Priceless ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
MKJ said:
You lot at 50 think you can cope with me? Eh ----> if I devoted time to getting properly equiped and specced? Wot if I decided to play as an inf or ns at 50 with all the bonuses they get? Nah, wotever I decide upon (too late now) I would be the best and you lot know it too. You think there is so much diff between Thid and your scenario? - nah - not met a single person that can take me out when we both unbuffed - a couple of years too. I too good and always will be. I might take a a long rest and decide to show you lot too at 50 - you never know. Take it from me you will meet something you ain't met yet in this game. Wot makes you think you can take me when you can't in Thid? Eh wot?

Oh c'mon MKJ... You've been spouting the same old nonsense for as long as I can remember...

Ever heard the phrase 'Put up or shut up'?
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