I really don't know what to say.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I know it's only his opinion but :eek6:


He wears a flag in his lapel! :eek7:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Oh...my...God! Gilligan should sue.
heh, there's wide of the mark and there's that. :)

Thing is, do they mean that scottish MP guy? (can't remember his name). Only thing is he wasn't in Iraq at the time of the war was he?

/edit George Galloway.

I keep thinking it's a pisstake. :s I can't believe the guy is serious.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know who that guy is, but hes a f**king idiot tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Tom said:
I don't know who that guy is, but hes a f**king idiot tbh.

Don't judge the americans!! Until you have gone their and met them all face to face.

Don't judge them!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I love how he ruins his entire report by what he says at the end. :rolleyes:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not wanting to tar the American people with the same brush - but that guy was a sensationalist prick.

During the Iraq invasion I watched a number of the news channels and the big difference between the BBC and ITN vs Sky News and Fox News (surprise they're owned by Murdoch) is that BBC and ITN broadcasts were sober and intelligent and the reporters (on the whole) tried to report the events - Sky/Fox news were all graphics, hype, sensationalism.

I would like to reiterate that the guy is a prick


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Funny how he doesn't mention the British soldiers who went out and supported the yanks in Iraq. Well, maybe it just slipped his mind, after all, we are such a small insignificant country, aren't we? :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Typical big mouthed yank twat !!

Hate em and always will BURN them all !!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Deadmanwalking said:
Don't judge the americans!! Until you have gone their and met them all face to face.

Don't judge them!

I went there. I've met all of them. They're fucking morons. After watching that and letting my anger get the better of me I hope they all die horribly with metal in their faces.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Everytime you think that the americans can't do anything even more moronic they proceeed to suprise you and succeed...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Typical of Fox I suppose, and the daily propaganda force fed to the American public...he never actually gave away any real facts at all regarding Gillingan's investigation, never mentioned WMD, the shit unreliable security information, the reason we went to war (etc etc)...just as itcheh said - sensationalist.


But that aside, there are so many unanswered questions (some pretty basic ones at that) that I'm beginning to think journalists are too scared to research, or broadcast, the topic (career suicide anyone?).


This dude in the video clip is just a cretinous grunt towing the party-line for whomever decides to pull the proverbial strings...if the USA had a President advocating an attack on the peace-loving pixie-people from a remote desert island, this guy would be on your TV foaming at the mouth about these "evil" "terrorists"... if the USA had a President who embraced sound policies on green-issues, foreign-affairs, individual-freedom, human-rights, third-world, gun-control, foreign-aid, world-politics, religion, pharmaceutical-monopolies & policies, arms-sales, international-conventions, world-economics, corporate & political-curruption, pseudo-democracies, and, their own military-expenditure, this dude would be completely vindicated and I would approve of his moral high-ground, unfortunetly for him, his President doesn't.

Wave your tarnished little metal flag at your adourning public...bandwagon-jumping...disingenuous...shit-peddling..tiny-minded...I only hope that the Americans either found it funny or sad, and can see it for what it is.


(I needed that.)



Fred's & Barry's co-founder
Dec 12, 2003
Heh, Fox news, run by Dubyars first cousin, slagging off a Dubya critic. Dont be fooled, its family business being taken care of.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
TedTheDog said:
Heh, Fox news, run by Dubyars first cousin, slagging off a Dubya critic. Dont be fooled, its family business being taken care of.

Word. Totally agree with that.

But you manged to express it in less than 1000 words! :D
(bend over for your prize...it's in your shoes, honest)

unknown...Napoleon (I think) said:
History is fable, agreed upon.

We're making history, baby!

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
First time I saw Fox News it scared the shit out of me... They should call it Fox extreme right American propaganda channel. Scary that it is crazy things like this they get presented as news.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Doh_boy said:
Only thing is he wasn't in Iraq at the time of the war was he?

Andrew Gilligan was in Iraq during the war (if that's what you are questioning), and he was quite critical of American and British efforts.

I don't wish to seem to support this obviously blatent propaganda, but it's basically correct in that Gilligan was a moron who had his own political axe to grind, and the BBC let the side down badly by supporting him, Dyke and co should have sacked him on day one on the premise that the organisation is meant to be reknowned for its impartiality, they've kind of wrecked that image now for petty personal reasons.

That American guy was a prime idiot, but TBH so was Gilligan except he was batting for the other side.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I heard hes about to become a bus driver now :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Xane I was questioning the claim that he was saying 'the iraqi's are valliantly defending bagdad' when it had been taken over. Also I didn't think gilligan was particularly pro-iraqi but anti-war. So any mistake, or whatever, he jumped upon.

I asked the question because I didn't know :)

Anyway I wasn't particularly angry at this, I just thought it was obsurd. I honestly thought it was a pistake and someone was going to say 'haha you fell for it'.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Doh_boy said:
Xane I was questioning the claim that he was saying 'the iraqi's are valliantly defending bagdad' when it had been taken over. Also I didn't think gilligan was particularly pro-iraqi but anti-war.

Gilligan, on the day American military units entered Baghdad, reported "'I'm in the centre of Baghdad, and I don't see anything. But then the Americans have a history of making these premature announcements.'"

Not surprizingly this could have been taken as "anti-American" :)

Gilligan also reported an Iraqi shop owner who said "The Americans cannot be in Baghdad after all the heroic Iraqi resistance we saw on television.", which is probably where the mis-quote comes from.

After Baghdad was taken, Gilligan reported that Iraqis "may indeed be free but they are experiencing their first days of freedom in a greater fear than they have ever known".

Yes, Gilligan was so obviously anti-war, but the fact was he worked for a company who pride themselves on impartiality in reporting and he should have kept his personal feelings to himself.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
This whole thing has shown me that there is no such thing as impartiality. Having the veil lifted, so-to-speak, I have noticed many discrepancies and leanings towards certain view points when watching a BBC news report.
They did it in the Iraq war, they did it with Peter Mandelson when the entire BBC was gagged by its director to stop reports of Mandelson being a shirt lifter or something like that getting out.
Not how the worlds largest news gathering organisation should behave really, is it?

I also remember a BBC discussion show about 9/11, which basically degenerated into a load of anti American bollocks and how "they deserved it".
Don't blame the Yanks for crowing about the Hutton findings to be honest.

Anyway, Gilligan was a liar at worst and horribly unproffessional at best. Trouble is, there are loads at the BBC like this, from the top down, so I don't see this going away for a while.

But that news guy is a bit of a prick though. :D

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Americans are stupid.
English are Hooligans (well, that might actually be true...:p)
Germans are Nazis
Dutch like cheese and ride bicycles all day
Danish are either Hell's Angels or Bandido's
... etc.

We-ell, I actually live in the US and sorry to break it to you - an amazing ammount of people here are:
- very anti-bush
- very anti-war
- and quite open-minded.

And I live in Bumfuck-Maine, not New York.

European media just loves to portray the yankees as retards who have nothing better to do than to join the NRA and shoot a neighbor child.

Don't forget - the majority of Americans voted Gore, not Bush.
The majority of Americans are actually very outgoing, friendly and warm people. But not on top of their own news... sadly.
TDD pointed it out - Fox News is ran by Bush' cousin. Bush's brother is governor of Florida... smell teh coffee.

Blame the system, though. Not the people.

Sermon over.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Uncle Sick said:
Blame the system, though. Not the people.

I say old boy, isn't there any possibility that you could just change the gastly system? mm? Before we're all goners! eh?, there's a good chap.

Let's put it this way, if you can't do it - we're *ucked.

Biometrics is just over the horizon, but I know a change of suits in the Whitehouse - unless it's a totally radical change - won't stop the "security" bandwagon rolling. Biometrics used to be a topic of debate, but now that debate seems muted (in the UK anyway). What if he gets a second term, what will he (and the cronies) get up to in the next 4 years? What will they do with all this information on peeps? What about his corporate links? What if we wake up tommorow and it's all been a big joke? What if Bush is actually an amateur actor from Alabama? Or the first human clone? (pre 1960 clones were crudely made using common household hammers - the only tool available to scientists at that time)...



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Uncle Sick said:
Blame the system, though. Not the people.

The system was once made by the people though and the people can change the system. Off course it takes time to change it, but if it is trully bad and 70% of the population (or atleast of the voting population) think it is then the system can be changed within 4 years. So on long term you can blame the majority of the (voting?) people in a country on the way their country is run and the acts of their goverment.

But yes there are good americans out there and someone like this FOX person will probably get air time on a british (or any other country's) tv network, but then with different messages (anti american, anti french, etc). Allthough I do think that the USA have the major tv networks who are the least objective in their journalism, but I might be wrong there.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Uncle Sick said:
Blame the system, though. Not the people.

Paradroid, old chap... don't you have a prime minister who announced that Iraq would be able to launch WMD's within 45 minutes?
Don't you live in a country where criminals get treated better than their victims? etc. etc.?
Time to change a system?

I'd say the victims are to blame because they helped creating the system that allows criminals to get away with their felonies. Catch my drift?

I don't say Americans are the better people... or innocent of what is going on.
They are just not the retards alot of people try to make them look like in Europe.

I dislike alot of things here (like Janet Jackson's right tit getting more attention in the news than the Mess-O-Potamia...) - but I also disliked alot of things whilst still living in Germany.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
I know that in the UK (I'm scottish btw) all I can really do is try to persuade as many people as possible to get involved, write to their fekin MPs, to demand change. As far as voting goes, there's no fekin choice at all (mirrored in the USA), how's that democracy? One drinks coffee the other drinks tea! Without proportional representation, my (and many) SNP/SDP/LibDem votes are lost in a sea of blind Labour votes (whole cross-sections of our society unquestionally voting for "their" party - because their fathers and fore-fathers voted as such, and because "Labour" is for the "workers").

The biggest lie has got to be that there is any real difference, there just isn't anymore. I'd argue that most "political systems" don't work - 'cause they're organised and run by human beings and therefore tainted by our countless foibles....in essence I think I'm a socialist/communist - I believe in everyone being treated the exact same, with the same opportunities, and to be allowed to live in peace without being capitalised upon by others.

I mean look at the world today do you people think it's right and ok that a private individual/corporation can profit from pumping a natural resource out of the ground from this planet a sell it on to you at inflated prices, it's a natural resource that every human being on this planet has equal rights to! It took X millions of years to create that oil, there'll be none left quite soon and a select few individuals are reaping huge profits from that particular harvest - and we're conditioned to think that this is ok! "Well, that's ok, he found in on his land"...Oh! That's ok then!, you buy a scrap of land and that entitles you to plunder everything beneath your feet right down to the earths core! It's indicative of the capitalists mentality - minimum effort for maximum profit, quick turn-over of cash, short-term gains make for happy shareholders. Makes me puke. Companies have a very chequered past but today companies are allowed to do just about anything they want...


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