I changed oppion about zerg's



Originally posted by -Nuked-
and wating for more ppl and setting off and hitting the RvR guild with 2fg = more than zero rps and more rps then u would get with 5fgs = more fun then both getting owned with 1fg and owning with 5fgs .. is that easy enough to understand

It's easy enough, just wrong. 2fg of random albs (note the word random, this means there's probably no sorc, maybe 1 cleric for 16 people) who 's highest RR is 3 (this means most don't have IP/Purge etc) will lose against a high RR RvR guild fg. You'll need more than that to stand a chance. Or are you saying that they should throw rps at this group upping their numbers each time until you reach the fairest fight possible? If a RvR guild group don't give you a chance I fail to see why you should give them a chance?

Originally posted by -Nuked-
LOL just gota say thats the stupidest responce i have heard yet. nvm :)

Looks like you topped it.

But I'll assume you don't have an answer to the question since you avoided it completely.

Your argument is that it's not fair to zerg becuase the RvR group doesn't stand a chance, but you think it's fine for the RvR group to attack random groups who don't stand a chance against them? Sounds like double standards to me



It's not that simple. "Hey, they were 1 fg, lets run with another". Figure 3 random alb-grps in emain, 2 of em decide to roam together. What happends to the third? It's a solo fg again? Ofc this fg will join the others, and here we go, now we have 3 fgs going.


for those of us here who are not from albion and wish to understand the mind of an alb, what is so fun about zerging? sorry im clueless as to what it can be. not skillful, its not like you get loads of ppl to kill, cant be for the rps, and you got the other 2 realms screaming "noob" at you every day!

Hi Nuked

First of all I have chars on pryd hib - had chars excal mid - now excal alb.

I don't know or care why people zerg. Understanding why they do it won't stop them doing it :) Its also a bit ludicrous to try and say what is or is not acceptable in rvr. Its a war and some players will do whatever it takes to win and get rps - be that zerging or be that stopping playing their favourite class to make a class that is needed in rvr by the whole realm.

As regards the noob comments - that (with the exception of a few posters) is all I have seen in 90% of the threads talking about any of the realms. I think its a case of random group gets 'owned' - omfg alb noobs or zerg 'owns' group - omfg alb noobs. It seems as though we're damned if we do, damned if we don't in many cases.

I can understand the frustration of good skilled practiced players being overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers - but I do think you're pissing in the wind trying to change it here. I would guess maybe 30% of the albion realm read it and I would guess maybe 10% of those that do actually care what you think, and why should they? This is a game - nothing to do with real life - why should they care what someone who they will never meet with 3 lvl 50 chars thinks of them?

Like I said in my first post - if you enjoy and it - more power to your elbow :)



I think Fagane'spost really sums it up pretty good.

I have been RvR'ing quite a lot lately and I have found that its hard to get an even fight if u go into RvR with just 1fg

When u have 2 or 3 fg's u have a much better chance for even fights. (and admittedly also some roleovers when u meet the occasional 1 fg)

Imho its better to have balanced RvR, and the truth about that is that usually u need 2 or 3 full groups to meet the standard in RvR.

And before u start flaming me - the 2 and 3 fg's I have been with have have lots of long fights won some and lost some, but a lot of them have been 5 + minutes fights (unlike when THE ZERG is in a fight)

Btw. curious as it sounds we have also lost a number of times TO SUPERIOR NUMBERS (4+ fg's)

Every realm zergs, its just a qustion of having met superior numbers enough times - then u either log to an alt or try to put together a force equal in numbers to the one who has steamrolled u a few times.

Just my 5c :)

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by boogyman

lol u cant comment on shit back up company the guild that loves to hang on to the coat tails of red guard and nolby pride!


ooh look if it isnt boogy roaming as 5fgs:m00:

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