I changed oppion about zerg's



Zerg's are about 30% of all the posts here on BW ..

and the general "elite" oppion is that the only real rvr is 1fg vs 1fg..

this is with the middis as banner carryers in the "unless you 1fg vs 1fg figth you sux" army..

i my self has prefered to 1fg figth for a long time..

but now i changed oppion... mosttly out of a social point of view..

60% of the albion player base dont have the necesay class for 1fg roamning....

ppl who play


will never get a fair chance in 1fg vs 1fg becuase nower days daoc is ruled by the tanks..

a lot of ppl (mostly mids) scream that we should make ppl reroll as class's which can be use in 1fg vs 1fg figths...

this i disagree with..

first of all i found out many ppl do have fun in larger battles...

Secondly why do we have to let other ppl dictate who we should play this game ?

most of the middi chars in elite rvr guilds sux in zergs... imho i think they should reroll to some chars who fits better for the zergs :)

so i will encorage ppl not to be afraid of forming the zergs.. becuase you a casual player who dont have time or dont want to reroll as a tank you are still allowed to play this game and have fun...

some of the "elite" groups claim that you ruin the fun for them becuase it is not fair to have larger numbers ...

but daoc is never fair ... i have lost 1-2 fg's vs 1 other fg melee's without a death on their side becuase no1 on my side had instants up and the enemy got all up..

i have lost figths becuase we had our frinedly and nice guildmates with us who play scouts/cabbies etc .... sometimes becuase they dont know as much about the game as other "hardcore" players....

there is no reason that you should be RPS cow becuase you play a wizz or something else who is compeltly useless in a "perfect" rvr group set..

if mids/hibs complain about zergs they should go lvl RM's or eldritchs..

so short resume:

dont let "elitist" 10% ppl dictate how you gonna play this game ... dont feel bad if you form up some groups who follow each other becuase the chance's are that in 1fg you will get steam rolled becuase you dont have the sorc or what ever you miss...

the ppl who wanna do 1fg can move to another zone if they get steamrolled and dont like it .. it will cost em the hugh amount of 80 S..

i know this oppion will offend some ppl... but this is the essen of the post .. it dosnt matter... there is no reason to bow and let em ass rape you becuase you are a fire wizz or a cabby...

take things in own hands and ram a zerg up their butts....

Minser with balls


Minser with balls

hmm that should be changed to:

Minser with the zerg i think

:clap: :m00: :clap:

zergs sux etx whine whine ....

oo dinner T_T


What is funny?

Data from camelot seer with data on last weeks activies on us servers:

Last Week Realm Points
Realm LW RP Population
Hibernia 189,138,456 13,201
Albion 189,059,008 16,317
Midgard 177,425,614 12,550

Average Last Week Realm Points
Realm AVG LW RP Population Graph
Hibernia 14,328 13,201
Midgard 14,137 12,550
Albion 11,587 16,317

Albion leads in population by a far margin, still they are behind the other realms by a good margin in realm point per character. It shows that Albions are not performing as well as Mids and Hibs on an individual basis, but by putting numbers on and zerging they still manage to collect as many RP as Hib and Mid in total.

It looks like part of balancing albs is forcing them to zerg. Maybe they should allow Albions full group to consists of 10 members. :)


I'm sure a guy that loves zergs got balls...just not very big. oO


Originally posted by old.Filip

Secondly why do we have to let other ppl dictate who we should play this game ?

soooo true
still ppls do not get that point

very good post imo
noone is in position to tell someone how he gonna have fun on a game.......
games are to have fun
why should some1 play a "realm needed" class when he enjoy playing the "most players play this" class ?


i agree, too many twats telling others how to play, and id much rather see a large scale battle than wondering around for 5 hours looking for other fgs.


Brave post Filip but some valid points.

Most valid point is do what you enjoy and dont let others force u into doing something u wont enjoy. Some ppl like zerg's some ppl dont.

Anyway we need less m00's in alb anyway :D


Well said, Filip. I actually sympathize with the average Joe in Emain on occasion. My guild does not zerg, but 90% of Albion guilds (if that) are in the position to field reasonably balanced groups (i.e. ones with cleric, minstrel, and sorcerer).

Originally posted by Coim-
cba to read it all
Then get lost and stop polluting this thread, Mr 10-Second-Attention-Span.


the challenge is to move unnotice behind the big zerg and kill all inc groups ;)


Originally posted by Belomar
Then get lost and stop polluting this thread, Mr 10-Second-Attention-Span.
ok ok i read it now, and i agree with most of it, some people do like large scale battles, and it is very hard to have fair battles without zerging in someway, although i am sure no one likes running around emain only to be zerged by 4fg hibs/mids
zerging is not so bad, it just depends what mood you are in when you are playing, some days it doesn't bother me, other times it's really annoying. but i do like the idea of a arena of some sort to field 1fg battles
think this sums it up quite nicely...


Originally posted by old.Aragone
Minser with balls

hmm that should be changed to:

Minser with the zerg i think

:clap: :m00: :clap:

zergs sux etx whine whine ....

oo dinner T_T

Unlike you he didn't get rr7 running in 2fg of your own guild + random adds :x


I've thought for a while that zerging emain was acceptable and imo people whining about it is stupid, just make a different frontier fg v fg. And also i get the feeling that afaik alb population on all servers worldwide since the begining has been greater Mythic have made usbtle changes to balance it so in order for albs to win in most cases they do need a slight advantage in numbers, only slight though, i'm not suggesting 4fg to take 1, more like 1.2fg to take 1 fg.


I agree, the only thing we see out there are well balanced mid and hib grps, mostly guild-ones. And albs, we do random grps, lack clerics. Hell, lets zerg. We get the rps and the mids/Hibs the challenge.

Cause I won't put up to getting pawned fg vs fg just cause they like it like that. Na, zerg4tehwin.

If u wanna roam alone as an albgrp, well, just tell the other grps that.

Get zerging, have fun.


I agrre too.
But I like Zerg
I like roam 1 Fg v 1 Fg
I like Solo .
Depend time , group , even ect ect .....
I have fun whit all .


I agree with ya filip
yes true shouldn't let others dictate how to have fun in daoc :)


yeah right

quote: old.LandShark
Unlike you he didn't get rr7 running in 2fg of your own guild + random adds :x

yeah right back when i got rr 7 it was 1 fg all the time we dident need more and we pwned everything.

get your fackts straight LA dident have 2 fg back then was after wuren and crey and fame left and it lasted oo so short.


Im with you, lets nuke them out of emain. :)
VP 4 TEH W1N!!!!!!!1!!""12"!!! :))


Mix casual players, roleplayers and fps players and you get whining.

Casual players want fast action, easy laidback gaming and not so much /releasing but won't sacrifice hours on end to get it. /Releasing is followed by a "GAH, HE MUST BE CHEATING!!"

Roleplayers don't care that much, but use sarcasm and advanced words to mock the FPS gamers. They like elves. /Releasing is done as fast as possible before someone gets to rez them as an excuse to write rhymes about their death.

FPS gamers want action where they can show their skill and virtual grace. Willing to spend obscene amounts of hours to get this. /Releasing is followed by a "FFS!!!!!!!!!11111thirtysix111 W4STED PURG3 ¤#&%#""

Now mix all these into one game and please all. No can do.

Zerging means that everyone can hit stuff. Everyone has some fun. But the ones who spent obscene amounts of time to get skill won't be very satisfied. They want FG vs FG battlegrounds! Clanwars, guildwars, they want to show that they are the best. They want to use their honed skills.

How do you do this in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game where everyone is supposed to have a chance? Is this game the wrong game for the FPS addict, the casual player or the roleplayer? What playerbase did/does Mythic target? I don't know.

What kind of players play it now?

Both alot of FPS gamers and casual gamers/roleplayers. But to make a game where you can mix them and please all is difficult, if not impossible.

It's hot, I'm bored and I can do both solo and zerg, though my fps past tends to like soloing. To have done stuff myself. Games where a single person can be last man standing and take out the entire enemy team(by luck or skill or both) tends to draw my attention back again no matter how much I've played and gotten bored of them earlier. :)


I think you are right Filip, the game should be about fun,and to have some freedom to do stuff you like. And many peeps who aren't in RvR guilds can't do anything but make random groups. Random groups means you get owned 90% of the time, simply cause you are most likely to encounter guildgroups, which are often well-balanced and consist of ppl who know what they are doing (ignoring the 'which realm is overpowered' issue on purpose).

Now i am not fond of zerging, i would like to roam in 1FG meeting with other FGs as well, but i can tell from experience that it means you are feeding rps to Hibs and Mids.

Since i like it in my small guild with a few friends, joining an RvR guild is not an option.
So i have to make a choice:
- Keep roaming in my random 1 FG
- Join up with other Alb Fg(s) to stand a chance against the much more efficient Hib and Mid groups.

Well after getting owned so often and not being able to do much about it, i tend to go with the second option.
Because let's face it, biting the dust 9 times out of 10 isn't the general perception of fun, not in any realm i imagine.

Seems i am pretty much repeating what others said alrdy, but i had to ventilate this ;)


there is a difference between roaming in alb random FGs and zerging as 1.

where is the fun in steam rolling a hib FG with straight lag.

where is the fun in running into that same FG and casting 1 spell and the whole FG is dead. what did you learn? did it make you any better as a player? were the rps worth it? wouldnt it have been more fun as 1 BALANCED FG vs 1 balanced FG, and wining. its true you do have the wrong skills on the wrong classes but if you had the skills on the same classes as hibs or mids what would be the point? same class with a different name :rolleyes: any class can be fun if you learn to use it the right way and sucessfully in battle. the fact that you turn to zerging so often doesnt help the matter of you getting better at fg vs fg. if you get killed 1fg of random albs vs 2fgs of guild group hibs, come back with 3fgs imo. bottom line is, you can zerg all you wish. but it will just put people off the game, they will quit, you will have no 1 too zerg and then no 1 is having fun. albion has a few problems and its been said by everyone, but if albion is so bad, why do pryd albs do so well?

sorry for the /rant
i just dont wana quit coz i get bored of the same old zerg. its not like we can zerg also is it :( just try keep it balanced!


I don't think anyone enjoys one-sided fights. We have 12 frontier zones out there - if we could atleast keep the large scale fights to emain ( unless there are big keep/relic raids on), then those who really only want 1fg battles have other options to use. What isn't an option is thinking that ALL frontiers, including emain, will be free of large numbers of people - there are just too many people playing for that to happen now. Complaining about a zerg in emain at peak playing time is like wishing the grass wasn't green - and generally comes from those who want to maximise their rps. They claim it's because they want even 1fg action and yet we have seen posts from people who have issued challenges to others for 1fg fights in quiet places only for it to be turned down. There is plenty of space out there for those who really want 1fg action - sadly I think it's less that they genuinely want even 1fg fights, more that they want maximum rps.


so why must the alb zerg be in emain. take it to somewhere where its wanted. im sure no 1 would mind if they zerged HW ( know its hard to get too but with a zerg it shouldnt take 2 long to bypass mobs. your own frontier! its like not being able to go in my own back yard :D:rolleyes:

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