I aer teh murdererer



Originally posted by doh_boy
Lemonade (or any fizzy drink) in a bird bath ;)

or bread coated in alka seltzer fed to seagulls :)


Originally posted by Trem
Nice one Mank, and a nice story Tom, I feel your pain.

All the others who find it funny to talk about killing animals can fuck off, cunts!

*puts some beef on Trem's plate*


Re: Re: Re: I aer teh murdererer

Originally posted by Tom.
You don't brake for animals at that speed.

if its a moose you do. you can brake hard for an animal, as long as you are sure its safe to do so :eek:

Testin da Cable

a couple of days ago my gf and I were sitting on my balcony having a quiet drink together after returning from clubbing. was about 4:30am and we were watching a cat moving about in the street below and talking about getting a cat for (me) ourselves. the moggy ran across the road, then sprinted back just a lone car came speeding down towards the war monument. yep, smart moggy slowed down, then decided that it would make it and ran directly into the car's wheels. there was an audible hit that I could clearly hear 50 meters away, two floors up. the bastard driver kept going and ran a red light in his haste.
the cat was dead, but luckily it has a tag on it's collar with the owner's phone number which I called. she was a very slim 23yo who cried her eyes out, thanked me several times and used some rather unladylike language when I told her that the driver hadn't even reduced speed.

by dutch law pets are not allowed on public roads, inasmuch as the owner is liable for any damages caused if an accident occurs. the silver BMW could have stopped, called the owner and hit her with an insurance claim for the dent in his fender.


Its an awful thing, and I've been a passenger in a car that hit a cat (the little thing ran off though, so we never did know what happened to it). I'm a firm believer in not slowing down or braking hard to avoid animals, simply because to do so is more risky than not to do so.

Anyway, at least birdy died quick, a mate of mine was telling me how his uncle bought a brand new Sierra 20 years ago, he had it about 5 days, was driving over the Snake pass, and a dog ran out in front of him. He said that when he stopped and looked back, the dog was about 100 yards long. Now thats not a nice thing to think about.


</evil bill and ted>

aim for the cat dude aim for the cat

<evil bill and ted>


Originally posted by Tom.
I mean, fancy driving a Sierra :eek:

My old man got airborne in a Sierra Estate many years ago, during this trip a bird also got crushed under the front wheel.

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