Hows stealther RvR these days?


Loyal Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
Im loving the irvr stealthwars atm , it couldnt be better ( 20000-35000 rp ) a nite for a stealther LOVELY .

Great stealther grp fights and great solo fights keep them coming .

Win or LOSE its all good fun atm ( keep irvr in hib land ) .


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Vipr said:
Go to to emain and you get added on by Fg or tower camping scouts and after a while they all seem to look like the same as there are soo many of them.

So you tire of this and think " i know ill go to Bled" cant be any worse. Then ..

Go to Bled and you get retards camping Bled corner / Bridge and the boat drop off point cause they dont have the skills to play their chosen classes in proper visual rvr. (*cough* SH *cough*)

So at the end of the day you do a few runs get hammered, quit for a while have a time out, etc then log back on and rinse repeat. And guess wat if were ever you choose to go the retards are still there!!
Can you reply to any thread without mentioning SH? your sig should read 'Lover of SH'...........:p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
ive had a quite a few nice fights over the last few days, been about 20-25k a day, and i only really play in the evenings (uni etc)

personally i either solo or duo with slytale

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
deal, but your 2000th solo kill should be me. ;)

without any ailline bears on me that is ! :p

Sorry for leeching off you yesterday, but you touched my mezzed Mids :O.

Looking forward to see you have a try vs my Arms.

If I had any plats left and some support I'd get my Infi going before 1.81 to be more on par class-wise.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
Sorry for leeching off you yesterday, but you touched my mezzed Mids :O.

Looking forward to see you have a try vs my Arms.

If I had any plats left and some support I'd get my Infi going before 1.81 to be more on par class-wise.

ye I figured you wouldn't be able to take them all so I gave it a try, but instead of you going for the mids inc you went for me. /shrug :p

anyways, bring on the armsman ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
I finally got round to getting my my scout to 50 and hes in rogs and finally ready (2.5 yrs in the lvling) to leech/add/fuckup decent 1 vs 1's & 8 vs 8's and generally be 1 shotted and /ruded - everything a good low rr non toa'ed scout should be.

brings a tear to my eye.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
having one infil grapple and 3 scouts shoot the target down must be nice rps indeed. it made me laugh though, especially since i got my 1v1 later ;) <3

hehe you put up a good fight tho :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ging said:
I finally got round to getting my my scout to 50 and hes in rogs and finally ready (2.5 yrs in the lvling) to leech/add/fuckup decent 1 vs 1's & 8 vs 8's and generally be 1 shotted and /ruded - everything a good low rr non toa'ed scout should be.

brings a tear to my eye.

if you have any kind of respect in you, you get bored of that within 5 mins. lets wait and see :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
if you have any kind of respect in you, you get bored of that within 5 mins. lets wait and see :p

I lost any skill/morale/respec/personal hygiene and had my mental age reduced to 14 when i clicked on "the cup" a few years ago.

tbh i wouldnt hold out much hope. Anyway im questing for 600k lwp on my cabby atm.

Anyway i went out tonight and got beaten up by everything - didnt find any fights to leech off of and only got 116rps because i happen to be SLLLOOOOOOWWWLY stealthing past one fo the crim towers which according to the game i was defending with my life!

Oh i lie, i killed a champ who was on 1/2 hp with a crit shot after he had wiped somone on DC bridge west tower. Oh and a rr1 luri NS who had previously beaten the crap out of me - funny thing was he was only worth about 100rps. I tried to do some good running away skillz on illusb but he has LW2 :(. Oh and that nasty chav fuck denarius beat me up as well.

I only wanted to find a nice safe tower/keep fight where i could shoot in safety and let the rps flow - alas no.....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ging said:
I lost any skill/morale/respec/personal hygiene and had my mental age reduced to 14 when i clicked on "the cup" a few years ago.

i think its so funny that people cba "playing fair" anymore because they aren't treated in the same way. :p playing like that doesn't make other people treat you any better, nor should you enjoy it. if you don't like adding then you don't, regardless of what happens, unless its the very occasional revenge. if you like adding, then by all means just do so :D

its yourself that decides with what attitude you want to play the game, not the actions of others :p

wasn't aimed at you directly ging, just my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
having one infil grapple and 3 scouts shoot the target down must be nice rps indeed. it made me laugh though, especially since i got my 1v1 later ;) <3

Lol he learnt that he can fire at a grappled target then? 0o attacked him one night sharkshady grapples pinkscout stands there for 10 seconds wondering wtf is going on :p and then ofc xyrostofer adds on me WTG hypocritical twat. anyway 2 seconds later all three got zerged so who gives a fuck :)

eggy said:
Originally Posted by Yeke
gay cait sidhe's hunt you

Not any more, been patched.

Thats live on EU now? if so great :)
Dec 31, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
i think its so funny that people cba "playing fair" anymore because they aren't treated in the same way. :p playing like that doesn't make other people treat you any better, nor should you enjoy it. if you don't like adding then you don't, regardless of what happens, unless its the very occasional revenge. if you like adding, then by all means just do so :D

its yourself that decides with what attitude you want to play the game, not the actions of others :p

wasn't aimed at you directly ging, just my opinion.

couldnt agree more vf, if more ppl thought like that then it would be a mutch better game :p
Dec 31, 2003
Porkbelly said:
Im loving the irvr stealthwars atm , it couldnt be better ( 20000-35000 rp ) a nite for a stealther LOVELY .

Great stealther grp fights and great solo fights keep them coming .

Win or LOSE its all good fun atm ( keep irvr in hib land ) .

Not sure why everyone seems to connect rps to having fun ? Not like rps mean squat all it says is that you have played for xx hours, doesn't say anything about ur toon and how it performs since more then one person have proved it possible to leech your way to rr10 :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Ging said:
I lost any skill/morale/respec/personal hygiene and had my mental age reduced to 14 when i clicked on "the cup" a few years ago.

tbh i wouldnt hold out much hope. Anyway im questing for 600k lwp on my cabby atm.

Anyway i went out tonight and got beaten up by everything - didnt find any fights to leech off of and only got 116rps because i happen to be SLLLOOOOOOWWWLY stealthing past one fo the crim towers which according to the game i was defending with my life!

Oh i lie, i killed a champ who was on 1/2 hp with a crit shot after he had wiped somone on DC bridge west tower. Oh and a rr1 luri NS who had previously beaten the crap out of me - funny thing was he was only worth about 100rps. I tried to do some good running away skillz on illusb but he has LW2 :(. Oh and that nasty chav fuck denarius beat me up as well.

I only wanted to find a nice safe tower/keep fight where i could shoot in safety and let the rps flow - alas no.....

I wouldn't worry too much - I'm sure you'll make nice RP soon on silentscope :> Last night was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. You really have to find the right spot as a stealther to get into good fights, and last night the RNG saved me a good few times :> Survived a few fights on miniscule health, had a huge amount of 1on1's that were good fun - and most people just watched fights going on around them, really enjoyable.

There were a few people that were extremely tough for me (excuse my spellings here) auddrey, fiotan, and every time I ran into censi+thesa(?) someone would be next to me and we'd end up 2on2ing or censi would get zerged down :/

Good stuff.

Oli - Illu

PS And I have LW1 :>


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 12, 2004
Vipr said:
Go to to emain and you get added on by Fg or tower camping scouts and after a while they all seem to look like the same as there are soo many of them.

So you tire of this and think " i know ill go to Bled" cant be any worse. Then ..

Go to Bled and you get retards camping Bled corner / Bridge and the boat drop off point cause they dont have the skills to play their chosen classes in proper visual rvr. (*cough* SH *cough*)

So at the end of the day you do a few runs get hammered, quit for a while have a time out, etc then log back on and rinse repeat. And guess wat if were ever you choose to go the retards are still there!!

Sounds familiar mate, I run to emain and get trampled solo so go back to bled where 1/2 fg's are running about and so no solo stealther will have a pop at me. Take a run through agra to alb bridge and its dead so head back to bled to try and get a solo fight, nearly had a fight with you this afternoon but someone spotted you and you split!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
So what im hearing/seeing is that its rather zergy at peak hours and the more obvious spots, but its deffo. possiple to find good 1vs1's in more remote areas, also some lower RR stealthers out so I dont have to be raped by Illusb all the time?

Am I wrong in these statements? :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Jarahl said:
So what im hearing/seeing is that its rather zergy at peak hours and the more obvious spots, but its deffo. possiple to find good 1vs1's in more remote areas, also some lower RR stealthers out so I dont have to be raped by Illusb all the time?

Am I wrong in these statements? :)

that's about right. also higher rr/reputation will give you lesser chance of getting added on.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
You really have to find the right spot as a stealther to get into good fights

bryno. is only spot really. I refuse to go to fight albs atm unless i have to.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Flow said:
Sounds familiar mate, I run to emain and get trampled solo so go back to bled where 1/2 fg's are running about and so no solo stealther will have a pop at me. Take a run through agra to alb bridge and its dead so head back to bled to try and get a solo fight, nearly had a fight with you this afternoon but someone spotted you and you split!

Aye i was tryng to get ure attention at one time, but an add came along:p, after that i couldnt get a window of oppertunity due to the constant stream of SM's + Warlocks:p hopefully soon we will meet:p


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Only if you like to group up imo :mad:
Even if you wana duo, 80% of the time you get ganked by a fg of stealthers or atleast 3+ or adding casters be it your own realm or an enemy realm!
From what im reading here on this post, the majority of the stealthers that are posting here prefer to group up and have more fun that way anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Blizard said:
Only if you like to group up imo :mad:
Even if you wana duo, 80% of the time you get ganked by a fg of stealthers or atleast 3+ or adding casters be it your own realm or an enemy realm!
From what im reading here on this post, the majority of the stealthers that are posting here prefer to group up and have more fun that way anyway.

i've not joined a single grp since i started again ;)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
For the mostpart high rr infils and sbs didnt add on my shade who is rr3 , but there are retarded high rr mos5 scouts who make it their business to uncover u infront of full grps , marricus is one paticular gimp i have come across who really makes me think ..... is nt it past your bedtime :twak:

But Jax rr9 inf and afew high rr sbs like nuxo have been standing right beside me and just waved or let me atleast finish a fight against higher rr opponents i have beaten , so regards and u both and those who do likewise deserve a plug for that :D

Lol even censi and afew other high rr shades have watched me lose to higher rr albs/mids and not even tryed to help which is good and i respect that attitude , lol on one occasion last week i remember censi and a low rr shade being behind me and watch me have a close fight<that i was winning> against a rr7 mincer and after she blew ip3 and i cursed in main i heard censi make a joke about ip ftw ^^

Not all people are assholes , tough love ftw


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 12, 2004
Vipr said:
Aye i was tryng to get ure attention at one time, but an add came along:p, after that i couldnt get a window of oppertunity due to the constant stream of SM's + Warlocks:p hopefully soon we will meet:p

hopefully not via your PA ;D

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