How's it going pod pilots?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
How are your days nowdays? Walking among the stars....

Personally am very much comitted in MJ-5F9 nowdays, alot of pew pew going on there...

Just want to get the ball moving about EVE again (it's a great game) :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
resubbed one of my accounts just to have a look and all i'm really doing is sitting in a station trading and waiting for skills to complete >.<

corp was dead when i came back so don't really have anything that would warrant undocking :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
I've been blown up lots over the last 10 days so currently reduced to a frig :). Looking forward to being able to try these Khanid changes from Rev2.2 though & the alt is now in a hulk so not all is lost!

Joined a new corp about 4 weeks ago, well had already flown with many of them before so was really just paperwork. Cracking bunch of people - one of the most important reasons this game works.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
yeah a new nice corp would be great. but i'm not sure i'd want to spend 2 days straight hauling all my junk + ships across the universe again >.<

almost drove me nuts doing it when i joined my last corp...

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
yeah a new nice corp would be great. but i'm not sure i'd want to spend 2 days straight hauling all my junk + ships across the universe again >.<

almost drove me nuts doing it when i joined my last corp...

Hehehe, that made me laugh :). But it should be this way, mobility comes with a price :).


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Or maybe just join a corp in the region you're based out of? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
well for us it was a slow August when everyone was either offline or out looking for what little sun appeared. We had that war dec and then shortly after one of the guys still in the corp cleaned out the hangars for Ucntkilme. There was nothing too expensive in there so it really did not matter that much but it stung a bit.

I only found out last night it was the geezer who caused the whole war thing who orchestrated it using one of the long standing members to rob us. The guy who did the theft has subsequently come back and asked if he steals from the other guy in return for getting back in would that be ok.....

So Ucnkilme's corp seems to have flagged slightly - it seems anti pirate hunting can be a bit boring. :D

So the great space opera continues. We have now been starting our PvP running ops into low sec hunting down whatever we can find and showing people how to scout etc. We have new people joining us this week and are now growing very steadily.

Our first contract offer came last week but to be frank we were close to ready but not fully ready just yet. We ought to be fighting later this week in a war to get our guys used to PvP.

I am loving it - the hard bit is getting things organised and keeping them going, trying to keep PvPers interested can be tricky. ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I started playing again after a long break thanks to moving house and being on holiday. I'm very much a casual player but myself and a few friends have a corp running now.

I'm still a noob character but most of the others are flying about in carriers and all sorts. They haven't started any wars yet so I don't get my backside handed to me but I'm guessing they will soon!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
The soap opera that is Kaminjosvig continues. We recently hopped over to a different corp. Ucnt that guy who war decced us still had shares he would not return so for security reasons we had to move to a new corp and bring all the active members with us. Having moved I get a conversation from a member of his corp called Sraan Prime. Sraan is complaining that he is bored being an anti pirate.

He tells me our corp thief was Ucnt and that he could steal our kit back from Ucnt and if he could maybe rejoin us. I chat with him for a bit then bring it to the corp who totally reject the idea on both counts. They did not want anything to do with corp theft even if they would like to have hit back at Ucnt for being, well being a ****.

So we vote on this and reject the idea.

We then move corps and get ourselves ready for our first decent war dec - we found some decent targets who hopefully would not swamp us on the first night.

Then I log in this morning as usual to check for mail and update skills etc. I get a convo from Ucnt. Here you have the convo:

Natasha Donnan > hello
ucntkilme > saw you arent ceo of kjg no more? what happened?
Natasha Donnan > well largley as a result of you refusing to give back shares we decided to reform under a new corp name for security reasons
ucntkilme > i see
ucntkilme > in 0.0 space yet?
Natasha Donnan > nope having a war right now
Natasha Donnan > good fun
ucntkilme > i saw the one someone declared on the other corp.
ucntkilme > we're getting our 7th pos up right now.
Natasha Donnan > aye someone did declare but they never undocked
Natasha Donnan > so that was boring
ucntkilme > lol!
ucntkilme > same thing happened to us
Natasha Donnan > aye :/
ucntkilme > someone declared war on us, a 12 man corp -- and we knew all 12 people in the corp and none of them ever logged in lol
Natasha Donnan > yeah seems odd to be frank but there you go
Natasha Donnan > I am glad your able to get your POS's up though you guys wanted a different thing
ucntkilme > yep -- we got our pos's going.. we're not as big as your corp (yet) but we'll get there. we're just doin the anti-pirate thing out here in providence and catch
Natasha Donnan > we will never be huge there is no need for that in our business
Natasha Donnan > just tightness and being able to kill those who outnumber you
ucntkilme > yeah though bigger is definately better.
ucntkilme > yeah definately.
Natasha Donnan > one of our pilots held 9 ships on him last night and they all ran from him
ucntkilme > nice
Natasha Donnan > yeah - thats what we want to see being outnumbered but still scaring the crap out of people and winning
ucntkilme > yep, that is goodness -- we use the same techniques out here in 0.0
Natasha Donnan > the biggest problem in eve is having people you can trust
ucntkilme > yeah. might adopt the way we do things... (not the anti piracy thing).
Natasha Donnan > in what way?
ucntkilme > when we recruit someone, we flat out tell them they have 6 weeks of being active and faithful to the corp until they get ANY roles and that includes access to corp hangars.
Natasha Donnan > Ucnt
ucntkilme > yeah?
Natasha Donnan > you have people willing to sell you out right now mate
Natasha Donnan > I am not joking
ucntkilme > oh yeah? who is this?
Natasha Donnan > I am gonna be honest with you - Sraan came to me and offered to clear out your hangars. He also informed me that you had stolen the gear from us.
ucntkilme > its either sraan or dar'tain
Natasha Donnan > We discussed this and everyone was still very angry at you but none of them would ever want to do this kind of thing to any other corp
ucntkilme > well i didnt -- he did but i told him i dont want it so whatever he did with it i dont know. i was already out of the corp.
Natasha Donnan > so they voted against it and said tell Sraan no on both stealing and on his request to come back
ucntkilme > thank you for letting me know that though. i will revoke his roles now.
Natasha Donnan > nah you did it
Natasha Donnan > he didn't have enough acces to do it all
ucntkilme > i wasnt even in the corp lol
Natasha Donnan > its ok all is fair in love and war Ucnt mate
Natasha Donnan > it was done through an alt
ucntkilme > when he came to me he had a bunch of stuff and i was no longer in the corp lol
Natasha Donnan > it was an alt that did it
Natasha Donnan > The alt was deleted shortly afterwords - look at the end of the day it was my mistake
Natasha Donnan > I was too trusting but people in this game cannot be trusted at all
ucntkilme > yeah true.. but thank you for letting me know about sraan -- and if ya guys ever stop off in our system we'll hopefully someday have a station you can dock at.
Natasha Donnan > if we do we will be shooting you
Natasha Donnan > trust me
Natasha Donnan > /emote grins
ucntkilme > lol.. that's fine we'll be shooting back lol
ucntkilme > you dont still happen to have any logs on that chat you and sraan had do you?
Natasha Donnan > I do
ucntkilme > might you send them to me?
Natasha Donnan > but I think I have done enough for you - you tried to do us a lot of damage and you were involved in corp theft
ucntkilme > I wasnt even in the corp! nor do i have any alts... but whatever... just think -- sraan said he is 'willing' to clear out my corp hangars, what makes you think he didnt somehow clear them out himself?
Natasha Donnan > he could not do it
Natasha Donnan > he did not have the access to some divisions and the person who did it I gave access - Sraan informed me that you did it
Natasha Donnan > through an alt
ucntkilme > you said there was an alt -- dont ya think its possible it was HIS alt? ive never had an alt
ucntkilme > well except for my corp placeholder
ucntkilme > which i STILL have
Natasha Donnan > it might be possible yes but I cannot trust you after you went back on your deal with the shares
Natasha Donnan > basically you lied to me so I am inclined to believe Sraan - well a bit of it
ucntkilme > i seriously thought i gave them all back.. but if ya want that -- hell i'll give them back no problem now that i actually KNOW that i still have them
Natasha Donnan > after all what he offered to do was low very low
Natasha Donnan > the funny thing is I am still helping you even after what you tried to do
Natasha Donnan > forget it
Natasha Donnan > we have moved now - shares are a bad idea
ucntkilme > yeah they can be lol.
Natasha Donnan > well you live and learn
Natasha Donnan > Ucnt at the end of the day be careful - he took stuff and come to you and has offered to take stuff to go back
ucntkilme > yeah like i always said -- lifes a bitch and then you marry one
Natasha Donnan > and then you die
ucntkilme > ive revoked his roles already. thanks for the heads up
Natasha Donnan > - that the Northern Irish add on to that one
ucntkilme > sweet
Natasha Donnan > ok well I am telling you simply out of courtesy. It might well have been Sraan and it might have been you. I can never prove otherwise. Sraan said it was you.
Natasha Donnan > so be careful
ucntkilme > I will. Thank you very much. Fly safe.
Natasha Donnan > yeah fly safe Ucnt
Natasha Donnan > /emote waves



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
so what, him having shares still make him a threat to the corp?

so what could he have done with those shares?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
he would have been able to know who we were war deccing and he could have given the enemy all targets etc. so quite a problem.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
ooh ok.

yeah that cold have been a slight problem huh? :)

well, as long as ur not taking a shot at me i'm cool ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
do not worry right now we are only getting going - we are no major threat to anyone at this stage. ;)

Having fun with this war though we happen to have stumbled on a really well organised bunch so it is making engagements tricky.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
we are no major threat to anyone at this stage. ;)

lol, talking to a guy wich has a harbinger as "best ship" here ;)

well i can "fly" an apoc but can't fit one >.<

~12 million SP's and cant even fit a BS >.< having fun with my Omen tho :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
lol, talking to a guy wich has a harbinger as "best ship" here ;)

well i can "fly" an apoc but can't fit one >.<

~12 million SP's and cant even fit a BS >.< having fun with my Omen tho :)

Hehe, I've passed 16mil and have yet to sit in a BS :D

Only thing that might tempt me to train it is if the Black-Ops BS looks good.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Hehe, I've passed 16mil and have yet to sit in a BS :D

Only thing that might tempt me to train it is if the Black-Ops BS looks good.

What? Battleships aren't THAT skill intensive :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
What? Battleships aren't THAT skill intensive :D

Of course not mate, I like the agility of smaller ships though, enjoy flying hacs and recons. Cmd ships are next on the list. I have good tanking, cap & gunnery / missile support skills, could prolly be in an adequate BS setup (short of T2 guns and BS V) inside of 2 weeks, just don't want to :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Of course not mate, I like the agility of smaller ships though, enjoy flying hacs and recons.

problem with me is that i dont even have those skills lol.. the only T2 anything i can fly are the assault frigs and the battlecruisers... >.<

oh and the Apoc, but i still dont even have the large energy turret skill...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Of course not mate, I like the agility of smaller ships though, enjoy flying hacs and recons. Cmd ships are next on the list. I have good tanking, cap & gunnery / missile support skills, could prolly be in an adequate BS setup (short of T2 guns and BS V) inside of 2 weeks, just don't want to :)

Yeah HACs are well fun. I went half-assed the capital route myself. Got the jumpskills, BS5, advanced ship 5. But I only fly my trusty Tempest and nimble Vagabond :)

You are 7 months younger than me and only 6 mill skillpoints behind me. What is the secret!!


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Additction most likely :p

I did train learning skills to V-III and a bit more since but I mixed them up to prevent boredom, a mate who started at the same time HAD to max his stats and got bored and quit before he trained anything else :eek7: . Also his char was Achura and therefore fugly!

Capitals are bloody handy but unless yer rich as hell you don't want to be throwing them around - not exactly cheap.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Vagabonds - mmmm really nice HAC - anyone anything on the new Deimos changes?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
from the whines i can read on the newbie corp chat it actually isn't that much of a change, but i can't tell as i can't use one :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
it has a fairly good agility and damage is still nice. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Checked out the new t2 ships and new modules?
Index of /rev3

Warp disruption field generator, that was about bloody time. :D


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Warp disruption field generator, that was about bloody time. :D

great. now the pirates doesn't even have to pay attention when they gate camp.

/edit: and lol @ cloaking battleships.....


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Hehe. Yeah its pretty popular among gate gankers, but I see the point in fleet snipers. When you log off in a hostile system before you go to bed etc.

The blackops ships won't be "solo pwnmobiles", they will be very skill intensive and shit expensive. As of now, the covops jump portal looks like its gonna cost like 400-500 mill alone... My guess is that blackops ships will be good for fleet planning and hostile system invading (prelude to taking down pos etc).

Personally I am going for heavy interdictors among the new t2 ships. Then train for carrier, which will take about 3 months for all the required and support skills.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I have seen a fair few do that in my relatively short career.


yeah but there was never any purpose built battleships that cloaked. now there will be.

expensive or not, they will probably be alot better then just taking a normal BS and fit a cloak on it.

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