topic says it all? im thinkin of buying another game to start on VS or deleting my NC and no its not to spy
Originally posted by SilverHood
Hehe, we had 4 continents underlock earlier, with more in the way
And we get 1% bonus to our exp
And yes, we are under populated, having to rely on superior tactics to win.
Originally posted by [PS]Nova
Nice going!
And yes, our tactics are superior to the NC and TR simple "zerg4tehwin!"
Originally posted by old.ivan
MAX : jetpack and ability of AI max to switch to AP rounds, mobility , what else would you need ?
Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
The VS max is now relagated to a more general out of base support role.
That coupled with the fact that everyone and their mother seems to carry the oh so overpowered rocklet weapon with it's 'skilly' repeatedly slam rounds into the area until stuff falls over.
However, congratulations on a massively patronising post.
Anti vehicle is the key phrase.. think about it
Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
In response to your points;
1) Where did I say Terminator style? Making up things to support your arguement is never a good move. However, way to totally take my statement out of context, I guess you're new to this whole 'post, response style affair'? A Max has a large armour count for a reason; it's meant to soak up a lot of punishment, regardless of its actual functionality, be it ai, av, or aa. The most important place for this is as a barricade, outdoors this doesn't actually work that well due to the fact that virtually everything except the larger transports can go around with ease and you can stop them with a set of placed mines and/or boomers.
edit : Outside I'll kill most other maxs in my av max, indoors and in places with limited mobility I get smashed up by people who spam weapons simply because my gun cannot put off the opposition the same as NC and TR weapons can. This kinda goes against the point of a max, which is frankly a big armoured wall designed to cover and push back the enemy.
For a person playing since beta you of all people should know that max works best when it has space, infantry can hide round corners and curves etc, and your Big 650 armour goes down in 2 decimator shots, not too much of a barricade to me. I didnt make that comment up, but you failed to see what exactly i meant in your attempty to simply flame me.
2) The rocklet is stupidly overpowered, in a 2 rocket and armour gone style way which leads to vast numbers of people running around slamming them randomly around. I fail to see how it is 'shite' outdoors unless you really can't aim with it, try crouching?
edit: i have used rocklet for 8 brs i know what im talking about, at medium range its useless. It takes 6 shots at infantry legs to kill him/her, to take max down it requires 12 rounds.
3) it's patronising because unlike you, WE have to use this stuff everytime we play. Amazingly enough I'm 100% sure that I have a better grasp of what it's like to play VS than you, both from playing VS for all of the beta, and from playing VS since purchase. Your attempts to come up with plus points fail because they aren't actually true with the exception of the lasher which is imo the only decent empire specific weapon the VS get. As for the idea that the AV is powerful because it can kill a foot soldier in 2 shots I'd direct you to this;
What does patronising have to do with you Having to use them everyday ?
Do please make up your mind, are AV strictly for vehicles or not? What a conundrum!
read the post please .... Anti Vehicle .. where are the vihecles usually seen ? outdoors.
PS; an Av max is the max killer, if an enemy max is holed up indoors do you ignore it and let it slaughter your team shouting OMGS IT'S NOT MY JOB TO GO INDOORS I ONLY KILL VEHICLES, or go indoors? If you want to try and refute my points at least have a clue about how other classes are played.
hmmmm you seem to know alot about maxs then, if i were to tell you that AI max with AP rounds can take down enemy maxs faster ? why ? AI max wont have to reload unlike AV. Go to VR and test it out if you like.. oh hold on but im sure you know this already as you have been playing Vanu for sooo long
Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
My online gaming has been pretty much limited to fps, and as it stands the balance feels wrong. Yes there are situations in which VS do well, but they don't seem to be the ones that actually matter. That makes me pretty sad as you can't really plan tactically beyond get as many people there as possible.
*shrug* maybe some of the VS weaps will receive a tune up, or the other races a tune down, either way I fell something needs to be done before it turns into a 2 way contest.
hmmmm you seem to know alot about maxs then, if i were to tell you that AI max with AP rounds can take down enemy maxs faster ? why ? AI max wont have to reload unlike AV. Go to VR and test it out if you like.. oh hold on but im sure you know this already as you have been playing Vanu for sooo long
Originally posted by old.ivan
I recon the problem is in MAXs resistance to rockets, maybe get that down to acceptable levels, after all max armour has a spawn timer. Increase MAX resistance to explosives , bar landmines, maybe shotgun shells as well, ive seen people take on maxs with a jackie. AI max kills me before i manage to get 2nd decimator shot off usually, AV.... depends who jumps who, if you know what i mean.
As for the clip, well, i just dont think 8 shots cut it tbh.
PS: perhaps my VR test were wrong, but i tried it for 5 minutes on about 10 maxs, they went down in under one clip.. but then i couldnt tell if they have been damaged already before me. <edit: just redone testing, 2+ clips for AI max with AP, 15-16 shots AV, but still unsure which model <quasar / comet > could be more efficient allround, seems theres no compromise>
Originally posted by old.Dillinja
Lol I didn't even realise you could speak to enemy realms in-game. I'm going to be bugging you VS pimps all the time now.
Originally posted by Faeldawn
I get enemy infilis pm'ing me telling me they are watching me quite often when i do ANT runs.......scary stuff
Originally posted by Xtro
I wouldn't say VS are underpopulated at ALL!
Everytime I log on we are fighting VS who I have to say gave us a good kicking at Hossin last night, excellent work.
VS and NC seem to be pretty even (I'm talking about actual numbers squaring up in fights, not server pop). Its TR I don't see as much although they still get continent locks in.