How to make money?


Dec 22, 2003
I'm just wondering what kind of sources the rest of you have to make some serious money :)

My professions are alchemy and herbalism (oh ye and fishing too) and even though i sell some potions i give most away.

I know drop selling is a nice way to make money but i'm a bit clueless as to where to hunt for nice drops and stuff. I'm currently lvl 46.

So please post all your ideas and tips here if you like ;)


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Having two gathering professions produces money, particularly if you auction off stacks off trade goods I hear (haven't yet put that to the test though!).

If you are a tailor farm the recipe drop needed by warlocks for their quest robe and sell the robe for a tidy sum in the auction house. Two gold a shot was common a few weeks ago on Argent Dawn.

Some people on the US servers have been buying up the rare recipes that are sold in Winterspring and selling them on through the auction house. Naughty, but legitimate.

The caveat to this is my character is level 49 and has never had more than 57 gold in her pocket at one time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
mooncloth sells for 50gold a piece on shattered hand.

so get yourself a char with 250 tailoring and some felcloth and start making mooncloth!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
At lvl 40 I was short 30g for my mount so I farmed the graveyard in SM for 2-3 hours. There are non eilte mobs in there that roam in groups of 3. They drop 2-6s each and lots of green items.

I also visit the rare recipe vendors and sell those on AH.
Buy for 40s and sell for 1g-1.5g. Easy money :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i grinded 41-42, and made 35 gold from crappy green loot, and drops.


Fred's & Barry's co-founder
Dec 12, 2003
I have skinning and herbalism.
Got nowhere with herbs but skinning is making a small fortune.
Selling 10 lights for 15s, 10 medium for 20s and 10 heavy for 50s. Last weekend I made 26gold from leather (and a few drops) and I was a lvl 29 hunter then.
I give 40% of everything to the guild leatherworkers (I get free armor when i need it as a result) and buy everything else from the AH.
It seems to be working well but sometimes the AH economy is arsed and I cant sell diddly (like now) so I have to bank everything and wait a couple of days.

Anyone know any good leather farming areas for the 30's alliance on a normal server?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
TedTheDog said:
Anyone know any good leather farming areas for the 30's alliance on a normal server?

Stranglethorn Vale (south of Duskwood) is a jungle area with lots of animals, it's suitable from lvl 30 and up, quite alot of quests for your level as well which will require you to hunt animals, so you get exp and skins ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Kokelimonkelmedisin said:
the limited supply ones you mean?

You would be amazed how many people don't know about these ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
TedTheDog said:
Anyone know any good leather farming areas for the 30's alliance on a normal server?

Arathi highlands has those lvl 30-32 raptors I believe....


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Resupply is on a ten minute timer but they carry various random 'recipes' and not all of them at any one time. On some of the US servers various powergamer guilds have people camping the vendors, which has led some to ask Blizzard to make the recipes bind on pickup or only buyable if you have the specific profession needed to use said recipe ... because the guilds in question then corner the market selling the recipes at serious profits in the Auction House.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
when i hit 40 i had 30g.. abit low for my mount.
took me till 42 before i got it from a combination of just questing and drops.
i got about 9green drops which i thought were all average except for 2 with nice stats for their lvl and put em all on AH for 24hours... and this is the best bit. the 2 nice items i put on for 15g buyouts abit stupidly high for wht they were imo but i do it so i get what they are worth from normal selling as no1 buys the buyouts and put the other 7 drops on 5g buyouts.
in the 1st hour i sold every single 1 for the buyout price.... i was amazed.
this has happend to me 5or6times now people paying high buyout prices for items i wouldnt have said were worth it.. but tbh. if people wanna gimme their money i wont stop em :D
am 46 now and back upto 70g now. altho it seems im abit lucky with getting good drops so not needing to buy anything.

i dunno if people do actually sell them bit there are always loadz of silk and MW etc just general tailoring stuff for sale on AH for absolutely ridiculous prices i.e. silk goes to a vendor for 1.5s per piece ( i think cant remember at work) but it sells on ah for aroudn 2.5s or 3s a piece. which i know people are making money but imo is greedy. help out ur fellows every1. now i cant gain lvls in silk anymore i sell it at npc price tailors i know who are needing it. (gives me a warm fuzzy felling being nice to people :D )

Vantros of the Delerium

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
i'm lvl 58 (50k from 59) and i have 260g. i make 5g a piece on 14slot bags on ah. I also selling green drops on AH. The best way to sell drops is to slightly undercut your competators. If its drops your after i would recomend you farm the sailors in tanaris or in STV, they drop mageweave and drop greens alot.. i have also had that purple ring u and flub where admireing from there. When u get the bigger mana pots sell em u can make 1g for 5 easy.. sometimes more on AH.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I realised before I turned 40 what a money sink enchanting was so dropped it and took up skinning.

On the Friday 11th of March had 86s to my name on Monday 21st March I had 126g and nothing to spend it on (I really wasn't that interested in a mount) so I got one anyway.


I am a skinner / tailor (tailoring is at 299 skinning at 250ish I think). I farmed leather / silk / mageweave. Sold any leather I didnt use in tailoring and made lots of bags with the rest. I also made some wise investments in some runecloth and rugged leather. I can transform felcloth to mooncloth but the cooldown is 4 days my second piece is on the AH at the moment.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yoni said:
I realised before I turned 40 what a money sink enchanting was so dropped it and took up skinning.

On the Friday 11th of March had 86s to my name on Monday 21st March I had 126g and nothing to spend it on (I really wasn't that interested in a mount) so I got one anyway.


I am a skinner / tailor (tailoring is at 299 skinning at 250ish I think). I farmed leather / silk / mageweave. Sold any leather I didnt use in tailoring and made lots of bags with the rest. I also made some wise investments in some runecloth and rugged leather. I can transform felcloth to mooncloth but the cooldown is 4 days my second piece is on the AH at the moment.

I had skinning and I made alot of money out of it, but recently changed to enchanting because that will be better to have at high level.

Currently lvl 58, and only got 240g :( .. I won't get my lvl 60 mount anytime soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
at 57 i've got just over 500g, made 270g of that from an Epic dagger called Shadowblade though, other than that atm i farm Jaedenar warlocks etc in felwood. real easy mobs lotsa mageweave and a fair amount of drops.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
300 skinning 225 Mining

Realised in Beta I wanted a mount asap and had plenty to buy one when I hit 40.

I now have 250g+ at lvl 51. I sold one epic drop in-guild for a reasonable 70g - other than that I try to sell drops at AH and only bought my first item on the AH this week at lvl 51!

I have also given lots of stuff to guild crafters so would probably have more if I had been totally selfish :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
275 tailoring,263 enchanting and skint :[

avoid doing these two together, luckily im a lock and got free mount.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
is it jsut me that cant find people 2 buy my crap then? lol.

would any1 advise skinning and enchanting? im skinning and leatherwork atm but so many LW'ers and im bored of LW while still enjoy skinng (probably coz its easier)... anyway is there any rough guide as 2 how much u should have at a certain level 2 b safely on ur way 2 gettinga mount at 40? im lvl 34 and only got 8g now :( (tho ive found an amazing way 2 make money :D)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Ziva said:
I'm just wondering what kind of sources the rest of you have to make some serious money :)

Get a job, sell your kidney, or become a lap dancer

Ziva said:
My professions are alchemy and herbalism (oh ye and fishing too) and even though i sell some potions i give most away.

Its probably best if you sell your herbs, think 20 gold for a small bag is the usual price

Ziva said:
I know drop selling is a nice way to make money but i'm a bit clueless as to where to hunt for nice drops and stuff. I'm currently lvl 46.

Hanging around retail outlets and jewelry stores is a good way to get drops, also you might want to take the Griffin route to Liverpool, its in the plaguelands.

Ziva said:
So please post all your ideas and tips here if you like ;)

Do you do "massages" *cough* ? :wub:



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Raes said:
275 tailoring,263 enchanting and skint :[

avoid doing these two together, luckily im a lock and got free mount.

280 tailoring and 300 enchanting. now i just need crusader and the money will come all by itself :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I was grinding 40-44 at scalding whelps, and got about 100 gold in drops + leathers. But at 42 i went and trained my skining.

And got really lucky and got 2 tiny black whelpling drops, the little dragon pet, and they are going on the AH for 30g/100g. and i have a feeling they will got for about 50g ish.


Dec 26, 2003
I have a mate who makes a lot of gold at the Auction House - he looks for short auctions with items that are undervalued - buys em n re-sells.

Or he buys stuff while its cheap during the week and resales at weekend when demand is higher and consequently so are prices.

Plus he does the limited numbers on a merchant recipe resale scam.

Hes really working on that merchant class ;P

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