How to make Americans hate you - Send em this



I refuse to call soccer "football" ! Soooocccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Fafnir
Wonder what the world would look like if we all educated our enemies in how to kill us, and give them the means to do so.

How gave the talibans their weapons, who gave Saddam all his biological weapons, hmmmm, the anthrax strain that was found in US. after the 11 september was a US developed strain that they sold to Saddam.

Free market for everyone.

Yes, Fafnir, Billy Joe Average gave the Taliban their weapons and Saddam his bio weapons. Right.

Defining people over their government might be appropriate in some ways but I personally don't handle it like that.

I know anti-americanism is "in" at the moment but I refuse to step into the chorus line.
Dumbwits and ignorant fools can be found all over the globe.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
And as always...tha US is boring as hell, just having the uber need to take everything seriously and not even -try- to be funny.

Oh what a world...and no i don't mean the freaking Free World of mf USA..i mean the world..yes the whole blue round thing in space.

Yeh I read the post as well, they tried to be funny but alas failed completly.

Just one thing I love about the Monarchy is Prince Philip, he is a star. Without him they would be just like watching coronation street ( dull ) .

And they think the teletubies where bad, wait till they get Bob the builder. I think they deserve it after giving us that stupid purple dinasaur called Barney. Oh and Big Bird.

The world war two issue. At least the US in them days could hit the enemy and not their allies like they do with all this technology . The modern US army is lethal if your on the same side as them.

Its not called gas, its called petrol. Please understand that petrol and gas are two different types of substance.

Thought for the day: the day I took up astronomy was the day the space shuttle blew up. I took that event as a bad omen and soon gave it up.


Oh my good God, the american reply was dull...

For your information Aluminium was named after a guy called Lou, who was six foot one inch tall, and he walked with a limp, yellow was his favourite colour but he didn't tell many people that because he got shy in social situations...

Realise that your language is an organic structure, and as such we will try to eat it.

"On the other hand, it would be amusing to see you try to enforce your new policy" - all we would need to do is to remove the warning labels from Hot Coffee, and the "Do not Lick" labels from the tins of lead paint, and we'd be home and dry. Us brits are crafty like that :)

The American version was not funny. Must Try Harder.

On the America bashing front Fafnir, England is hardly the Mother Theresa of the military world. Theres quite a few child friendly limb removing land mines out there with the legend Made In Britain somewhere on them. And Saddam Hussiens personal guard were SAS trained at one stage. Iraq's head of Biological Warfare was an Oxford Graduate. And if Americans are to blame for everything their country does, then by the same measure it's perfectly legitimate for the IRA to come and shoot you while you sleep for what your country is doing (assuming you're english), at least from the IRA's point of view. The Anthrax strain was indeed indentified as American, but then again, so is the prime suspect for using it.

People who live in glass countries :)

Edit:// Ok, Swedish, and I know sod all about Sweden, bar the steriotypes. Oh well... Every country has some skeletons in the closet.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Damini

Edit:// Ok, Swedish, and I know sod all about Sweden, bar the steriotypes. Oh well... Every country has some skeletons in the closet.

Remember Lindisfarne!! Hehehe...:)


*should read all of the thread, before posting*


America to UK: "We'll tell you who killed JFK when you apologize for "Teletubbies"."

Get lost you deserve the teletubbies after you gave us Barney the purple dinasaur . And that film called Dead Poets Society .

If your not careful we will send in our secret weapon. Rolf Harris.


errrmmm I am not from the US, I live in Holland. Just think what Holland gave the world :p

edit I know all about Rolf Harrison and can I say no thx.
also it was not a bad movie, I liked it. Perhaps it wasn't American gun loving style for you :)


Holland gave what... porn drugs and awful headache from the gibberish you people communicate with?


Originally posted by old.0xygen

You have a gay 12 year old friend?

At my age, I definitely do not have 12 year old friends.:p


When all comes to it, Americans is just europeans that migrated, so conclution without us there wouldnt be a United states of fucking America, the truth is they have forgotten their past, and their history is more then just the civil war!!!

And Btw i found this thread very amusing ;)...still laughing ;)


Originally posted by kr0n
Holland gave what... porn drugs and awful headache from the gibberish you people communicate with?
lol... I don't mind Coffee Shops though :rolleyes:


Originally posted by sickofit...

Remember Lindisfarne!! Hehehe...:)

That where danes, and norsemen...
The sweds went eastwards and south to Kostantinopel, and founded russia... So there is our skeleton... Russia..

And i've lived in the states for four years, and i've never meet so many stupid people, well they new all their presidents but when one asked about other countrys, well, the myth about oslo is the capitol of sweden is correct they belive that..

Remeber a episode of Jay Leno show where they where out askin peoples about history, thoose that where asked said that germany's leader durin ww2 where George Hiller. And that ww2 happened about 1972, in Vietnam.

And one of my professors at Ohio, stated that i could not have been born where i said i was born, because that town is not on the map, only the airport Arlanda is there, not Märsta. So you grew up at Arlanda.. Doh. Well its good that not all americans are like this...


Originally posted by Olgark

Ok I don't follow the american sports as they are in a word crap.
Hate the American noooo. I like them.
Hate the EU yeh.

I could never see the attraction of American Sports, and I still can't, other than American Football (well, and Drag Racing, which is just INCREDIBLE! :) ). I sort of half got the hang of it when a Canadian friend had a go at explaining it (he played a slightly different version of American Football in Canada - I think anyway), but I think we got lost somewhere in the differences and similarities between the two forms. Then chatting to a pal in the American Air Force, it turned out he was Coach of the air base American Football Team. So I asked him to explain it to me. It took him quite a while to explain the gist of it ( lot of Puerto Rican Bacardi wasn't helping), then next time we met up he gave me one of those electronic games, and I got the hang of it after.

Now, I must confess, American Football is my favourite Team Sport by a loooong ways (not that I support a particular team or anything, I just love watching it even though it isn't often that I do). When you get into it, it really is brilliant. I would really love to go and watch some games in the States sometime.

I like the Americans very much too. They seem to be a very warm hearted people, and will go out of their way to help (well, just like Walter my pal did in getting me that game to help learn about American Football, which was just typical).

I like the European people very, very much also (I'm torn between Spain and Italy being my favourite places in the World), and hope some day we can all be free of the EU.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Fafnir
That where danes, and norsemen...
The sweds went eastwards and south to Kostantinopel, and founded russia... So there is our skeleton... Russia..

I really didn't expect you to get the joke, Fafnir. You never disappoint me, I like that.

Originally posted by Fafnir

And i've lived in the states for four years, and i've never meet so many stupid people, well they new all their presidents but when one asked about other countrys, well, the myth about oslo is the capitol of sweden is correct they belive that..

Remeber a episode of Jay Leno show where they where out askin peoples about history, thoose that where asked said that germany's leader durin ww2 where George Hiller. And that ww2 happened about 1972, in Vietnam.

And one of my professors at Ohio, stated that i could not have been born where i said i was born, because that town is not on the map, only the airport Arlanda is there, not Märsta. So you grew up at Arlanda.. Doh. Well its good that not all americans are like this...

I've lived in the US for the better (the best actually...) part of my life (New England area, mostly Maine).
Two years ago, the clan and I went back to Europe because of my job... and tell you something- I feel terribly homesick sometimes.
I miss the friendliness, helpfulness, service... snacks (*cries for burritos and Mountain Dew...*).
And heck, I met alot of smart people... wonder how that could happen in stupid land?

Perhaps because I wasn't an exchange student in bumfuck Arizona?

Sure, the average level of education is not as high as in most european countries but I don't make the mistake of judging people by the educational system.
And I certainly don't judge people by their government.
Aren't the rightwing parties in Sweden really popular at the moment?

Dunno, I always thought being racist is supposed to be bad...
(and no, Fafnir - I don't call you a racist)


Originally posted by sickofit...

I really didn't expect you to get the joke, Fafnir. You never disappoint me, I like that.

I've lived in the US for the better (the best actually...) part of my life (New England area, mostly Maine).
Two years ago, the clan and I went back to Europe because of my job... and tell you something- I feel terribly homesick sometimes.
I miss the friendliness, helpfulness, service... snacks (*cries for burritos and Mountain Dew...*).
And heck, I met alot of smart people... wonder how that could happen in stupid land?

Perhaps because I wasn't an exchange student in bumfuck Arizona?

Sure, the average level of education is not as high as in most european countries but I don't make the mistake of judging people by the educational system.
And I certainly don't judge people by their government.
Aren't the rightwing parties in Sweden really popular at the moment?

Dunno, I always thought being racist is supposed to be bad...
(and no, Fafnir - I don't call you a racist)

I said Ohio... :p And about the rightwing, i dont like them much. Trying to put fear into others. And its unfortunate that they gain ground, but not as much as the news wants to make it out. And that they gain ground is due to faults in our system, we take in more people that we can help. So many refugees, are just put away and forgotten, no demands on them. And its wrong when highly educated people come here and have to clean toilets because they dont get a chance to learn the language. Hell i meet many people that have lived here for 20 years and still cant speak a word of swedish, and this is wrong.

And our welfare programs are just as screwd up aswell, if i was to loose my job, i would for certain have to sell my apartment before the system would help me out. And due to shortage of apartments here. Lots of swedish 20-30 years old still live at home. When refugees get their own apartments when they are free to stay here, paid by the social services and this is pissing many of. We need to help ourself before we can help others.

And one thing i truly dont like, is the racist, that exploit our heritage, and history making it out to be racist. Using the old norse mythology as something to justify their hate...


Originally posted by Bootae

Soooooooooo true.. It's like that Alanis song about "Isn't it Ironic", yet every event described in it is bad luck and not ironic at all :p

Shes canadian ;)

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