How the fuck can we be running out of grit/salt?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
1. I'm not lazy
2. grandparents were coming soon so had to do it asap.
3. Would of taken them 3 weeks to get it done.
4. Grit box is really close.
5. Whats the fucking difference between me doing it and the council doing it? I'd rather try to get greased up monkeys with no limbs with mental illnesses to attempt to do it.


More than likely because people take it from the box and put it into side streets to grit their drives, Grit which should be getting used for the main roads

At a guess

What's ridiculous is the airports closing though, the airlines should sue the airport owners for not having adequate provisions


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
We have a couple of grit boxes in the village now, most of it gets used on the pavement outside the pub :)

Got an inch or so of snow now, if we get much more snow and they don't grit the single road into the village then we won't be getting out tomorrow. The hill out of the village with snow on top of compact ice is just stupid to drive on. Its parked cars on one side and a stone wall (right next to the road) on the other. Still, its great when the village gets snowbound, everyone just goes to the pub, great community spirit.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Wow. I love the whole sea view you have there

Also, you fucking britons can't drive for shit! Fact.
Yeah, we have quite a sea view from here. The only thing that distracts you is the wind turbines of the Rhyl Flats wind farm half way to the horizon, and the Douglas gas rig on the horizon itself. I personally find them interesting.

I totally agree that Britons can't drive for shit. There are two ways to my village from the main road and they're both hills. There was a bloke in a rear-wheel drive Mercedes estate and he had NO chance of getting anywhere. Then there was a driver who was trying to use first gear and was just spinning wheels on the spot.
When they both gave up and pulled over to the side, I just stuck it in second, balanced the accelerator and clutch and eased my way up. The look on their faces was "WTF?" as I just coasted up the hill past them. I think they must have thought "If I can't get up here, no-one can".

Part of it is the car (FWD vs RWD), diesel engines have more torque than petrol engines, but in the end it comes down to I knew how to coax a car up an icy road and they didn't.

I'm still buying an 4WD MPV for my next vehicle. :)


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
ok so we actually have snow here in bmth now, what puzzles me is that they grit the roads but not the pavements and we've got pensioners going everywhere! They're like gingham clad skittles...10 pen bowling anyone?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003

agree dude (even though I am in the NL). my parking spot of choice is a snow covered ice skating rink tbh, and now I see the poor sods with the high powered rwd cars failing to even get out of their spots in the morning (the outside spots are canted slightly down, the surface is bricks laid in a fish bone pattern), whereas my ickle diesel Polo eats it all for breakfast :)

Only issue I ever had was trying to get up on a work parking ramp, where the situation was an extreme left turn onto a 10deg slope covered in axle deep snow, with idiot cars parked on both sides of the street. This didn't work because I had to apply maximum wheel lock and a low gear to get the car even near the start of the ramp and it couldn't get the go to clear the crest :/

My next car certainly will be a 4wd too, even though it is massive overkill in this country hehe o0


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Ahh bollocks, Greater Manchester is running low on supplies now and the roads are fucked as it is. Another bad day of snow and this place will end up closing down for a week. It is playing fucking havoc with my working life, if I can't get there I don't get paid. :(


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
To drive properly in the snow you need different tyres just having a 4 by 4 does not mean you can drive quick in snow. Means you can get out of trouble in snow but i dont 4wd = snow speed.

I had a bad one where a guy in his 4 by 4 drove though the outside lane which was totally covered in snow. This meant he covered everyone in the slow lane in snow causing the person in front of me to panic and break which sent them sliding so i had to try and slow down but as soon as i left the tyre tracks i slid into the kerb. About 4 people behind me had the same all so one guy could do 10 mph more than everyone else.

I think thats the hardest thing for me and Toht to understand. We have to have winter tyres by law between 1 december and 31 mars. So we don't have problems with snowy/icy roads :p
Where I'm from (an island called Gotland) they don't even use salt on the roads, they think winter tyres are enough and always vote against salt cause it makes the cars rust. Just get proper tyres.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I think thats the hardest thing for me and Toht to understand. We have to have winter tyres by law between 1 december and 31 mars. So we don't have problems with snowy/icy roads :p

See we don't generally have more than a couple of days of snow, if that, every year. Snow tyres are not worth it here, you live in country's where it snows for a large part of the year.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
See we don't generally have more than a couple of days of snow, if that, every year. Snow tyres are not worth it here, you live in country's where it snows for a large part of the year.

Question is if you don't lose more as a country on not using it than you gain for not paying for it?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Would not become law here i dont think at the moment Grit costs you nothing (included in road tax or council tax i suppose). But if i had to pay to have 4 tyres changed and balanced twice a year i would be pissed. Mind you if it meant driving was a bit more sane and not so slow i might consider it ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I think thats the hardest thing for me and Toht to understand. We have to have winter tyres by law between 1 december and 31 mars. So we don't have problems with snowy/icy roads :p
Where I'm from (an island called Gotland) they don't even use salt on the roads, they think winter tyres are enough and always vote against salt cause it makes the cars rust. Just get proper tyres.


You can change them yourself, it's a one shot buy (with UK winters, the pins would last several years) and it would solve a lot of problems.

Winter tires cost what...300-500€ for a set and then you're pretty much set.

Lazy buggers :p


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
what about motorbikes?



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Same problem as in Denmark it seems, people all of the sudden realize that snow and ice is slippery ?!?! Then they go WTF !! GIVF SALT !!!!!!!!!!

Then 4 years later their cars start to rust, and they go WTF SCREW THE DAMN SALT FFS GRRR :mad:

Get a good set of winter tyres and you can drive through most snow. Compact ice is sometimes a problem, but you can use different methodes to improve your winter tyres as well.

Also Denmark is also running out of salt, and it seems we will have sub 0 degrees for another 14 days at least :)

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