How old are you?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
You know wot could be a good idea to start sum age guilds. I would be in the 45-50 yr old guild. Damn good idea if you ask me cos to be around your own age group is and would be a calming experience - I think? I hate youngsters you see. No idea wot they are for. We should all start life as a 35-40 yr - eh womb thing - you know tis called something? Well anyways instead of 9 months it should be 35-40 years. Youngsters are nothing but a bloody nuisance.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Whisky maybe. Stopped drinking white lightening ages ago :drink: . Come to think of it 12 yr olds are probably downing the stuff regularly. Seems so in the papers anyways.

Age piff. Nothing to do with playing DAOC. I will still rip you lot eds off when I am in my bloody 70s (if I live that long). You either are intense or you ain't. That intensity stays with you for all your life - or it will with me for sure. I have boozed an insane amount to stop my brain from driving me barmy that is how intense I am. I purposely destroy my ed to stop it going ballistic on me. Weird eh?


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
MKJ said:
Whisky maybe. Stopped drinking white lightening ages ago :drink: . Come to think of it 12 yr olds are probably downing the stuff regularly. Seems so in the papers anyways.

Age piff. Nothing to do with playing DAOC. I will still rip you lot eds off when I am in my bloody 70s (if I live that long). You either are intense or you ain't. That intensity stays with you for all your life - or it will with me for sure. I have boozed an insane amount to stop my brain from driving me barmy that is how intense I am. I purposely destroy my ed to stop it going ballistic on me. Weird eh?

why are you so mean to this "Ed" guy?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Cos he is eh - so strange. I in my destroying ed phase at the moment so bear with me. Wot it like to be 'normal' anyways? Everything so rosy all the time? Bah you don't know the half of it. My brain is incredible yet as odd as hell. It can shoot to the heavens and solve problems or invent stuff that could make me a fortune yet I have to live in a 'normal world'. They reckon chemical imbalance is doing it and I would go along with that. I - me whoever that is - is still in control though (just). Thought the struggle with me ed would be over by now - 48 - but it ain't. Still the same infact kinda as when it first went awol on me at the age of 17. Ain't embarassed putting this stuff down cos it educational for you and lets face it you need as much of that as you can get wot I can see of it.

By the way I could be playing with you again you know :) .


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
MKJ said:
I hate youngsters you see.

MKJ said:
Whisky maybe. Stopped drinking white lightening ages ago :drink: . Come to think of it 12 yr olds are probably downing the stuff regularly. Seems so in the papers anyways.

A few bad actions by a minority of people and you take them to be all the same, pathetic if you ask me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Ah someone to talk at last. Bout time someone became provoked. Nah I just write stuff m8 to get a response most of the time. I got neices and nephews of a very young age who are wonderful. Every person is unique for sure. On the other hand the 'yob culture' should be jumped upon from a very high height because those are just bloody idiots.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
You know wot I think I can feel an impromtu (sod the spelling) poem coming on - 2 secs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
MKJ said:
You know wot I think I can feel an impromtu (sod the spelling) poem coming on - 2 secs.
No poems not again please oh please!!!!!!
Stick to blues playing omg!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Ok - popular demand. Who the hell is controlling my fingers? am struggling here. Eh wot are we talking about infact? Wait. Poems. Here. Take it while you can.

Age? Wot are you on about?
Youngsters - important - eh - are you barmy?
The aged are the ones with the clout
Youngsters ---->>>> send the clowns to the army.

Nothing is as important as age
Respect should be given on a silver platter
Age is just that - AGE - experience - eh old can feel rage!
Youngsters- teenagers - hell they just don't matter

You lot ain't realized yet
The old age pensioners hold the key to success
Age is the answer m8s to every hidden fault (not rhyming - too far drunk)
I can hardly write this (drunk beyond) but I will under duress

Age=Respect and if I hear different you can expect trouble.

Not bad but am destroying ed bigtime at the moment.

*bloody crap above but I would like to hear some of your poems after you have necked half a bottle of whisky!

Edit: removed that line about loving yu all. No way sorry.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
MKJ said:
Ok - popular demand. Who the hell is controlling my fingers? am struggling here. Eh wot are we talking about infact? Wait. Poems. Here. Take it while you can.
Wtf? What's your defenition of popular? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Well 'popular' is asking questions like wot you r. U interested. Ok so that is out of the way. Wot you want to know about life or wotever m8?

Sure is strange how I can take over a Freddys thead eh? Just like that. How come? Well I pick up stuff from your typing to write a book on each of you.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
MKJ said:
You know wot could be a good idea to start sum age guilds. I would be in the 45-50 yr old guild. Damn good idea if you ask me cos to be around your own age group is and would be a calming experience - I think? I hate youngsters you see. No idea wot they are for. We should all start life as a 35-40 yr - eh womb thing - you know tis called something? Well anyways instead of 9 months it should be 35-40 years. Youngsters are nothing but a bloody nuisance.

You're just bitter
And the reason that you hate youngsters is probably that you envy them


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
MKJ said:
Well 'popular' is asking questions like wot you r. U interested. Ok so that is out of the way. Wot you want to know about life or wotever m8?

Sure is strange how I can take over a Freddys thead eh? Just like that. How come? Well I pick up stuff from your typing to write a book on each of you.
Write a book on moi? :I Well, I guess I am worth a book or two, not necissarily in a positive way ;(
MKJ said:
You know wot could be a good idea to start sum age guilds. I would be in the 45-50 yr old guild. Damn good idea if you ask me cos to be around your own age group is and would be a calming experience - I think? I hate youngsters you see. No idea wot they are for. We should all start life as a 35-40 yr - eh womb thing - you know tis called something? Well anyways instead of 9 months it should be 35-40 years. Youngsters are nothing but a bloody nuisance.
You must've had some troubling childhood :p

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