Loyal Freddie
- Joined
- Apr 4, 2004
- Messages
- 611
Yes I'm bored. Prydwen down and this took some time to make, even beats crafting
-I did not enter those who said +XX, since they are either to young to be in this post or to old.
-If you posted soon xx years, thats the age I went with in this post.
Special note to those post farmers
31 DeadOnArrival
25 Adianna
15 Afran
27 Alaron
23 Amanita
24 Amelyn
28 Anarawan
21 AngeLujo
16 Arabnisse
17 Aragyn
19 Baldir
19 balkeriz
28 Belomar
25 belxavier
25 Bhalage
29 Bloodcore
34 Bluesky
16 Bori
17 brad
20 Brite
48 Bruin
24 Bubble
14 Bugz
27 Caeli
22 carp
26 Caylan Raal
22 Chimaira
21 Chronictank
26 Cirandi
17 Congax
29 Dakkath
30 Dandare
28 Danhyr
21 danmrman
38 Dardalion
17 Darkmack
30 Darkptang
18 Daux
21 DavidH
34 Deepfried
44 Dilanta
22 dimerian
27 Djib
23 Dorin
20 Downanael
36 Drachais
18 Dreami
20 echome
24 Eden
20 Edlina
24 ElemenT
19 Elitestoner
23 Ethild
21 Etinay
18 Eva
26 Evergrey
14 Eversmallx
17 Faelinor
28 Fefner
33 Gahn
26 Gaino
20 Gamah
29 Graendel
27 Groal
23 Grund
34 Gustav
20 haarewin
18 Haggus
34 Heheyougotbackbone
23 Henrock
27 Heta
23 Hiolo
19 Huntingtons
29 ian heaps
28 Isgaroth&Ths
32 Isletha
28 joejohnson kotl
32 Joohl
29 Joor
35 Jupiter
28 Killerbee
25 Kraben
42 Krait
30 Leel
18 Legean
26 Liff
38 Lifv
17 Listerine
24 Littles
26 Luona
29 Lyrre
42 Mactavish
22 MaditioN
32 Maeloch
28 Manisch Depressiv
32 Margaret
20 Martok
19 Megarevs
18 Mikah75
16 Minimac
21 miracle-mm
23 Moberg
22 Nausilus
21 Niroth
17 Noli
21 Oledo
18 Overdriven
30 Oxy
47 Oysterboy
19 pikeh
28 Pilskaft
36 pip
24 Pjuppe
19 Priz
22 Profion
30 Quinlan
24 raid
34 Rastian Majere
18 Rellik
18 Rothzak
15 Samaroon
21 scarloc
33 Shandar Shadowwalker
31 Shike
25 Sinnica
38 Skaronfist
31 Smellysox
21 sneakies
32 Souledge
17 Straef
25 Swedishwolf
30 Tafaya Anathas
30 Takitothemacs
19 Tareregion
20 technasia
20 Thadius
22 Tsabo
21 Uberlama
26 Valgyr
18 Wazkyr
27 Weld
28 Vermillon
35 Weylander
29 Wilburn
38 Villikko
17 Vladamir
35 Wyst
19 Xxcalibur
25 xxManiacxx
24 Zerach
26 zYnc
19 Cozak
23 Sycho
23 Lethul
24 Joline
30 Soha
30 yuirthegreat
28 Blizard
27 jiqnox
28 Talsar
25 toxii
26 majty
18 FAM87
21 Watchh
22 shorti
23 Puri
19 Tosen
30 Prudil
TOTAL Years 4223
TOTAL Subm. 168
AVG. Years 25,13690476
-If you posted soon xx years, thats the age I went with in this post.
Special note to those post farmers