How much should a SCer charge


Tesla Monkor

Leladia's 'estimated cost' is based on 6x gem cost. (It takes an average of 6 tries to get any given 99%Q Gem.)


Originally posted by -Nxs-
I dont see how people can only charge 1.5p for doing a full set and actualy make a proffit, its just not possible unless you are lucky and manage to make all the 99% gems within the 6 attempts it is suposed to take.
Cost on both my sets (9 items each) was below 1.5p each time (1.2p and 640g), so you can easily make a profit - focus staffs cost more but most people don't need them. :p


Originally posted by -Nxs-
One question.

In Lleana's SC calculator.... how is the EST total calculated ?

When making items for the guild, I set NO markups at all, and tell them the EST total, then proceed to make the gems and charge them how much money I have used to make the gems, effectivly a cost prince, but this price is ALWAYS more than the EST total when making 99% gems.

This is my reason for going mat+200% on overcharge items, as the EST figure often lies.

I tend to find its pretty accurate, sometimes its too low sometimes its too high but averaging it out, its pretty good for me, most gems I make do fall in the 6 tries although like any crafting you do ocasionaly get a complete bitch of a gem (my highest retries was 42) but on the flip side I also do make a fair few gems in 1 hit.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
... I know exactly what you mean tho, had a few customers that state what they need then... just as you have got the materials and are hitting the craft button they say "Ohh no wait, lets change the +10 str to +10 dex"

Or the people that expect a full 99% 5.5 o/c set to be completed within 30 mins :)
Welcome to the club. Now you know why there are always more and more Spellcrafters in the game, and always less and less to find any.

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