How Classes Get Nerfed In DAoC



Saw this posted on another board and it made me laugh at just how accurate it is:

1. Someone who dies to your class gets angry. They have no real data only that they were slain by your class at least once and are tired of it. (Note that the underlying logic here is that any class which I die to is overpowered. So what is inferred is that in their minds the ideal state is for their class to win every time.)

2. That person posts that your class is overpowered anywhere on forums.

3. People from his/her realm agree and people in the third realm also agree. Clearly its in everyone's favor to nerf that class since its not in their realm.

4. People start to post on that classes board. They reply to threads like "I am glad I am a XXX (class)" with comments like:

"You are overpowered. The nerf bat is coming. Prepare to cry more noob."

5. Now people start posting on the dev round table. Many people whine. Lots of people from other realms start to come to your board to post more (See #4).

6. Your own class members start to post "We wont become nerfed because...." threads. And even more people reply from another realm.

7. People start posting links to screenshots where someone in your class lands a stellar critical (or quad in the savage's case). Others do the same thing. Forget that this happens 1% of the time. Forget that they don't post what level, gear, or type of resists they are wearing. Forget that they may have been sitting, naked, on drugs, or god knows what else. Forget that 99% of the time you DONT do this kind of damage. Forget that you can provide screenshots of other classes doing this kind of damage (spear heros, mercs critting with a DW, armsmen, etc.) All that counts is the sheer volume of whines about your class.

8. Begin to see people in your OWN realm post this kind of post:

"I admit class XXX is slightly overpowered. Perhaps a 5% damage reduction is in line. But in my opinion they are balanced."

9. Get ready to see rabid posts from other realmers with completely non factual data.

"I am sick and tired of your class hitting me for 600 damage EVERY SINGLE ROUND."

"Your just upset because your class can one shot a tank"

"You deserve to be nerfed because your class can solo my entire group unbuffed!"

It gets hard to have ANY thread in your board without someone from another realm posting there.

10. Now finally you will see people in YOUR OWN CLASS post things like:

"I hope we dont get nerfed too hard. I am pretty sure we will be nefed though. Perhaps a 5% damage adjustment."

11. A person with an agenda will create a web site with data from a class they know nothing about from "volunteer data" They will use this information to develop mathematical models of the damage your class does (supposedly) then compare them to other classes.

People will accept this website as 100% accurate and no one will bother to answer any questions from your class at this website, its data, or conclusions. Everyone in the other two realms will use this link as an explanation as to why your class should be nerfed.

12. Mythic will have a grab bag or designer note with a very oblique comment about how they are examining your class. If you aren't already, now you should be worried.

13. Now the posts to your boards become frantic. Get ready for there to be MORE posts in your own board from other realms then from people playing your class. People start to make new IGN IDs with names like <insertclass>Sux or NerfTeh<insertclass> then posting even more mindless blather.

14. Even more posts like #10

15. Judgement Day... Mythic announces a new patch. Everyone in your realm is floored at the huge changes to your class.

16. Spiteful jerks from other realms come to your boards and post sharp remarks about how happy they are.



Well we certainly recognize this from the zerk-nerf movement, very spot on there :) Fails to mention the all too classic class comparisons that take extremely little regard to the actual classes, as well as the people who have played the class to lvl30 RR2 and thus can firmly establish how overpowered they are.


In my opinion you shouldn't nerf the classes that are good.
You should boost the classes that are way below.

Archer's are getting this fine treatment with Penetrate Arrow and Rapid Fire.
I like that.

*hugs Mythic*


your forgetting that Mythic probably don't pay too much attention to these boards so if we have conserns (or moans) we should probably do it on the US boards.


Lol :) Nice post, made me laugh, but so true. :)

I'll have to test the changes to archers before i agree with them though ...


Missing one point tho.. the one where a class actually IS overpowered as heck and needs serious nerfing.. whatever.


Originally posted by ashitaka
Missing one point tho.. the one where a class actually IS overpowered as heck and needs serious nerfing.. whatever.
what class is seriously overpowered??



Or Savages!


Originally posted by ashitaka
Not bonedancer or enchanter atleast!

Bonedancers yes, but I dont see whats so great about the enchanters. Yes, ofc once in a while they get some overkill in the lord room, but that is because noone killed the chanter.

Many classes has the potential to kill loads of people if they are the fight classes, and stupid\daring enough.

Take the animist. If they get to put up their mana bar in shrooms they can kill an FG easily if they dont have mezz and if they come through an MG 2 at a time ish. And on keep defence\raid with a few of them.. sheesh... *imagines 50 shrooms set up to deal with the alb zerg (that for some or enother reason dont mezz the shrooms)*


Originally posted by Edaudric
In my opinion you shouldn't nerf the classes that are good.
You should boost the classes that are way below.

Archer's are getting this fine treatment with Penetrate Arrow and Rapid Fire.
I like that.

*hugs Mythic*
Effort of boosting 30+ classes = large.
Effort of nerfing 1 class = small.

Now work out why they nerf.


Bd bd bd bd bd bd bd.... hmm, I just dinged 50 the first time in my life this week and I have now taken part in RvR as L50. Had a few BD encounters, my god are they tough...


Originally posted by old.Mitsu

Or Savages!

You obiviousely got crap resists tbh :p.

Originally posted by SFXman
Bd bd bd bd bd bd bd.... hmm, I just dinged 50 the first time in my life this week and I have now taken part in RvR as L50. Had a few BD encounters, my god are they tough...

Dont worry your in LoE if your sltong enough you can kill a BD with your 32man groups :p.


Thats pretty accurate Cad. Sucks as well but thats how they keep you playing. Nerf your class so much that you start a new 1, hence keep playing the game.

Whines help 2 though :p

Roo Stercogburn

Hehe Dak, made me chuckle and wince at the same time.


Anyone see the irony of a post about uninformed whines that aren't backed up by factual information when the post itself isn't either? :D


Originally posted by korax_
Bonedancers yes, but I dont see whats so great about the enchanters. Yes, ofc once in a while they get some overkill in the lord room, but that is because noone killed the chanter.

Many classes has the potential to kill loads of people if they are the fight classes, and stupid\daring enough.

Take the animist. If they get to put up their mana bar in shrooms they can kill an FG easily if they dont have mezz and if they come through an MG 2 at a time ish. And on keep defence\raid with a few of them.. sheesh... *imagines 50 shrooms set up to deal with the alb zerg (that for some or enother reason dont mezz the shrooms)*

Ok then, then how justify that alb pbaoe class has

1) No speed
2) No world war 3 pet
3) No nuke-debuffs
4) No 9 sec baseline stun

Ah its just fair and square!

And how do you justify that bonedancers have double nuke (4 sec recast insta lifedrain? lol...) and debuff for their own nuke. Fair too imho.


Originally posted by ashitaka

3) No nuke-debuffs

They do actually have a nuke with built in debuff, but otherwise i totally agree with you.


BD Body Debuff is in the Darkness Spec Line
BD Body Lifedrain is in the Suppression Spec line

Good luck finding a Bonedancer with enuff spec points to spec both lines high

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by ashitaka
Ok then, then how justify that alb pbaoe class has

1) No speed
2) No world war 3 pet
3) No nuke-debuffs
4) No 9 sec baseline stun

Ah its just fair and square!

And how do you justify that bonedancers have double nuke (4 sec recast insta lifedrain? lol...) and debuff for their own nuke. Fair too imho.

You're not comparing two like classes. Points 1-4 also describe a Sup SM, Mid's PBAE class.

Regarding the double nuke: that is the only way for a bonedancer to achieve decent damage output at range. He is a caster after all, and both nukes are very low power compared to other caster nukes from other realms (which is as it should be: this is a caster pet class after all). The final thing is it uses up INCREDIBLE amounts of power to do this and can't be sustained.

People die more to bonedancers because they disregard the pets rather than because the class is overpowered, though it is a very tough class to fight against. Its the first pet class in DAoC where ignoring the pets is fatal unless you can apply a large amount of damage very quickly.


The Alb-whine patrol is on the move again. If you cant beat em, nerf 'em, Albion chant. True words.


Nonetheless it should not be tough for two classes of any type to take down one class.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
You're not comparing two like classes. Points 1-4 also describe a Sup SM, Mid's PBAE class.

Regarding the double nuke: that is the only way for a bonedancer to achieve decent damage output at range. He is a caster after all, and both nukes are very low power compared to other caster nukes from other realms (which is as it should be: this is a caster pet class after all). The final thing is it uses up INCREDIBLE amounts of power to do this and can't be sustained.

People die more to bonedancers because they disregard the pets rather than because the class is overpowered, though it is a very tough class to fight against. Its the first pet class in DAoC where ignoring the pets is fatal unless you can apply a large amount of damage very quickly.

Bonebancers pets are nothing more that self healers, you say take out the commander first but he gets healed while doing so, same with any of the healer pets, and why you are taking out the pets what does the BD do, just /face or /stick and spams you with LDs.

Any caster class that has only one good line, and within that line one spell that while there makes the BD almost imposible for another player to take out (group or solo), and if removed would make the BD totally unplayible. I've never seen any other type of BD subpets except the healers, that because mythic didn't make them good enough to be of any use.

Lets be honest, how many BD would replace all there other spells for (including the pet ones) for a 4sec instent 1500range PowerTap (like the necros one).

Cavex ElSaviour

BD's are NOT overpowered. they go down easy when they face a 6 man grp


Originally posted by Cavex ElSaviour
BD's are NOT overpowered. they go down easy when they face a 6 man grp
*dies of laughter*
Good one :)

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