I don't think NPC merchants will be of much use on player housing either. DAoC doesn't have the sheer variation of 'credible' weapons to use or the amount of mobs that drop good weapons like UO does. In UO you could take a few guildmates and go hunting daemons, balrons, dragons, lich lords, (and I've forgotten what the spider things and the serpent things that were at war with each other but you know what I mean) and come home with a few vanquishing swords or spears or dragons bane swords, or arachnid slaying or you know what I mean... you could go out regularly and have many good different weapon and armour drops that weren't craftables and were almost rares themselves. In DAoC you can do what? get a bunch of people and go kill legion? go kill the dragon? woo... that's like not likely to drop anything ultra new or different. There should be more varied mobs that drop some fantastic weapons that are better than anything craftable (albeit they shop drop very rarely such as the *uber* Vanq short spear).
And they are making a separate zone for the housing? this will make it even less likely for people to go and buy from the NPC's if they have to get a horse to somewhere that's more than 2 minutes ride away from the portal keep to emain. Why go to another zone to buy a weapon when you can organise to meet someone in Tir na nog, Jordheim or Camelot where they have just crafted it for you in person, maybe they will only craft at their new home but I don't really see much point if they can't buy the resources to craft there.
I'm assuming maybe you can bind at your house but then again I don't see why anyone will bind there except for maybe spellcrafters who insist on crafting at home.
Now don't get me wrong, I applaud Mythic for taking new (and quite bold) steps to add new things to the game but I think maybe they're doing things in the wrong order. Why put houses into the game when there's no need for them yet. Introduce new rare weapons that cannot be crafted and drop from mobs that perhaps don't need 50 people to kill then have an hour long argument over who deserves it (the epic mobs are the closest things to this but still not much variation in the drops). Introduce rare drops that aren't even weapons, but can be used for decorations in and around the houses (ok so there wouldn't be much point in making THIS happen before housing )
Also I think maybe the UO view point may make NPC vendors more more suited to that game than DAoC as you could see a lot more of the world around you and could ride around on a horse. Will people really be willing to walk around a landscape on foot, only being able to see 2 or 3 houses at a time and speaking to many different vendors just to buy a weapon that any LGM weaponsmith can make?
On a positive note though (omg no way!!) player or even guild run villages and towns could introduce the roleplaying element to the game, many people may now have a more suitable atmosphere to just hang out and talk, create events and so forth.
This would be a welcome break to *log in* - */random send from someone Come to emain!! 17 fg albs!!* - *log out bored*.
Maybe they could also create ranks in the villages so maybe certain members of the 'council' or the 'governor' could place objects such as lamp-posts, wells, fountains etc...
Anyways, I've written far too much now and my brain is starting to function again so I'd best switch off for a few hours before I get warmed up and become moderately intelligent like I was in my younger days
Another thought would be the craftable decorations that were in Ultima, would these also be brought into DAoC for the houses? or just have a set menu to decorate from?
Sorry to keep bring up UO but it's the only thing to compare with really.
Also what are peoples opinions on Mythic deciding to implement this? Should they bring in more aspect of the game to make it more 'roleplay friendly' such as houses and more crafting or should they leave it to Ultima Online and just concentrate on improving the RvR aspect of the game by improving the classes and building new zones etc?
One thing I don't think they have answered directly yet is, how exactly do you buy them ?
I mean, with what? Originally I was under the impression it was going to be Bounty Point based, yet in the statement it simply says that theres 4 models per realm from least expensive to most expensive, expensive in terms of what they do not say.
Personally I think its a nice idea, so long as they make some sort of use for the house, e.g Extended Vault, lockable door that you can set only certain friends / guildies to enter, and make it so you can choose the location within the new zone (first dibs on the riverside cottage.)
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