This one is about the media's representation of the war.
Absolutley disgusting, is my opinion.
They've been showing nonstop footage/pictures of war. In particular, guns firing, explosions, people on fire etc. Total glorification of the whole horrific process. They've had people right in there with a squad as they run through a town which could still be hot with enemy activity.. exciting isnt it!! They've had reports on how both sides are in breach of the Geneva convention by displaying pictures/footage of POW's while, closely followed by "and here's that footage now!". There is a distinct lack of appreciation for the severity of war, and imo leans on you to think it's all a bit exciting, but not really take in just how awful it all is.
It's quite obvious from all my other posts that I'm very anti-war, but I fully accept that it is sometimes a neccesity (not in this case.. but that's another issue completely). I just think the media is trying to present a diluted view of the war. Something to which people can say "war isn't nice, but damn it looks cool!". I honestly think something should be done about the way the media portrays this, but of course how do you get it to display more respect for war without getting in to the whole censorship area.
Dunno, just my 2 cents.
Absolutley disgusting, is my opinion.
They've been showing nonstop footage/pictures of war. In particular, guns firing, explosions, people on fire etc. Total glorification of the whole horrific process. They've had people right in there with a squad as they run through a town which could still be hot with enemy activity.. exciting isnt it!! They've had reports on how both sides are in breach of the Geneva convention by displaying pictures/footage of POW's while, closely followed by "and here's that footage now!". There is a distinct lack of appreciation for the severity of war, and imo leans on you to think it's all a bit exciting, but not really take in just how awful it all is.
It's quite obvious from all my other posts that I'm very anti-war, but I fully accept that it is sometimes a neccesity (not in this case.. but that's another issue completely). I just think the media is trying to present a diluted view of the war. Something to which people can say "war isn't nice, but damn it looks cool!". I honestly think something should be done about the way the media portrays this, but of course how do you get it to display more respect for war without getting in to the whole censorship area.
Dunno, just my 2 cents.