


Well, in my second holo I get... Master Swordsman.

Can't work out if this is a good or bad thing... but 450k exp for most lvl 4 items... not so nice!


Originally posted by Carfax
Well, in my second holo I get... Master Swordsman.

Can't work out if this is a good or bad thing... but 450k exp for most lvl 4 items... not so nice!

Heavy Swordsman wont be too hard, try and grind up the tree with the melee mitigation first, then get your ass to dathomir, buff up and go kill baz nitch solo for the rest of the XP :)

The mind bleeds are a killer :) Seen a MHS drop lairs of bull rancors without much effort :D blast damage rocks :cool:


People who had a character over 3 weeks old got one (or 2 thanks to a screwup by SOE) for christmas (just if u didnt know :D )

Or... (just a few possible places to loot holocrons)

DT's can be found around static imperial GCW bases, or by taking Garm Bel' Ibis final mission. (you can abort the mission to try it again over an over an over) He can be found in the Capitol building in Coronet.

Rebel Surface marshals
Found in static GCW bases but they also spawn in Large Rebel base missions taken from your average imperial mission terminal.

Force sensitive NPC's or Force crystal hunters are found dotted about dantooine, or found by taking the jedi quests from the waterfall cave in the NE of dant...
You can also try your luck at the force crystal cave in the NW of dantooine. It used to be very easy to kill them for nearly every combat profession... but now they "use the force to throw junk at you for 1600 damage" or invade your mind and cripple all your stats to 100 odd :D

If you want to buy them from someone who has camped the spawn locations, be prepared to pay anything from 150K to 5 mill per holocron... I spent about 4 weeks just hunting them around dantooine and by retaking Garms mission over an over. I didnt find one, just a load of useless CDEF pistols and carbines :(


If anybody wants one on on Infinity/Chilastra (and has one on Chimaera for me), let me know :)


my first holo was master ranger and i was shittin it cos of camping xp which is a ball ache but its so piss easy its unbelieveable in 2 hours i made 2-1-1-2 should take a week tops :D

hope i get a base proffesion next :)


Originally posted by amuse
and im stuck here with chef

I had Entertainer, Chef and Pikeman...

the three least played class's in the game.... coincedence i think not ! :p

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