HMV PS3 Pre-order Bargain


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
ST^ said:
Nothing at all to do with it being a more capable machine? Heavens no! :)

no. as said previously, the game was a buggy PoS when it came onto the 360.

how does more apparent power suddenly fix bugs in a piece of software?

has the cell got some kind of program in it that can decode the games on the fly and fix bugs?

no, the developers fixed them.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
ST^ said:
Nothing at all to do with it being a more capable machine? Heavens no! :)

It has more to do with it being a year later on the PS3.

And also i don't remember Oblivion on the 360 being a buggy POS either, if your on about your 360 freezing or something that isn't to do with the game.

Sure the game had a few glitches if you went out looking for them but i never came across any bugs that made me have to switch the game off. I played that game for 2 weeks straight and was/still the best game you could get for the 360.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The article does say it runs faster due to taking advantage of the cell, but meh, I guess IGN are PS3 fanboys too :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
ST^ said:
The article does say it runs faster due to taking advantage of the cell, but meh, I guess IGN are PS3 fanboys too :)

It doesn't matter too much really seeing as most people bought a 360 just for a Oblivion at the time the PS3 nuts probably caved in months ago and bought a 360.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
My 2cents in this are i would like to see the selfish pricks that buy ps3s to sell on ebay burn. Secondly according to analists the UK will be a good place for the ps3 to possibly sell out because apparently we are more likely to spend big on gadget. The PS3 is the ultimate gadget hence Stuff and T3 touting it as being the best gadget of last year befor it was out :)

I have no idea how it will really sell but if the Sony hating sheep on these forums are anything to go by its doomed :) That being said i do know 5 people from work who will buy them so im selling out one shop at a time!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
we only spend big on gadgets because we have no fucking choice.

everything costs so much, you either buy it and spend big or dont buy it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
tris- said:
we only spend big on gadgets because we have no fucking choice.

everything costs so much, you either buy it and spend big or dont buy it.
Lol thats true one day a big electonics company will see they can make a fortune out of this. Let you buy ot from the us site and ship it over. They would make some nice profit from that imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
I didnt like oblivion on the 360, a constant low frames per second :S


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
To put in another 'me too'.

Me too, the Hi-def formats are something I won't be considering until I have a 1080p TV sat in my front room, which isn't going to be for another 2 to 5 years. The PS3 is an impressive piece of kit, no doubt about that, but it really does have to drop in price and get a good library of games before someone like myself will invest in it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Already have a pre-order in with you guys online, however I may cancel it if the new xbox comes out at the same time (it's apparently black, with HDMI and a 120Gb HD).


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
however I may cancel it if the new xbox comes out at the same time (it's apparently black, with HDMI and a 120Gb HD).


I really can't afford a ps3, although it is tempting. I'll probably get one at some point this year. A new 360 though would be purchased, especially knowing I can sell my current one off quite easily.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Already have a pre-order in with you guys online, however I may cancel it if the new xbox comes out at the same time (it's apparently black, with HDMI and a 120Gb HD).

You would be happy to hear that a year after spending £280 that your consol has now been replaced. And the site i just read shows a pic of a motherboard with HDMI from a source who did not want to be named. I would call this a rubbish rumor untill MS make a statement. But if this 3rd xbox dose appear the price will be interesting


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
£299 apparently, which is a nice bargain! Of course MS will deny anything until they are near to launching (see apple and ipods, with the stupid exception of the iphone), otherwise it will hit current 360 sales! The number of different sources for the rumors is just getting too big for it to be some spurious rumor.

The xbox 360 will have been out for nearly a year and a half, and the only thing that the original won't be able to do is the HDMI, and of course the black case/controllers. Anyhow, this is getting rather off-topic!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
You would be happy to hear that a year after spending £280 that your consol has now been replaced. And the site i just read shows a pic of a motherboard with HDMI from a source who did not want to be named. I would call this a rubbish rumor untill MS make a statement. But if this 3rd xbox dose appear the price will be interesting

What are you smoking? It is a 360 with HDMI and a bigger hard drive, it isn't a different console and it doesn't make the current one obselete. It plays the same games, the same movies, the only changes are a digital video output and bigger hard drive which was on the cards anyway. The current version will not be replaced, the new system would be sold as a 360 home entertainment system for IPTV providers, it won't even be available through retailers, you will need an IPTV subscription through BT to get hold of one.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
What are you smoking? It is a 360 with HDMI and a bigger hard drive, it isn't a different console and it doesn't make the current one obselete. It plays the same games, the same movies, the only changes are a digital video output and bigger hard drive which was on the cards anyway. The current version will not be replaced, the new system would be sold as a 360 home entertainment system for IPTV providers, it won't even be available through retailers, you will need an IPTV subscription through BT to get hold of one.

wow how much of a point did you make about the chance of the media version of the PS3 and how it would be such a rip off bla bla, now i do it about the 360 and get this? Makes me laugh


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
wow how much of a point did you make about the chance of the media version of the PS3 and how it would be such a rip off bla bla, now i do it about the 360 and get this? Makes me laugh

Eh? That sentance made no sense at all, please be clearer so I can respond properly.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
What I basically said is I suspect you are being highly hypocritical by complaining of the ps3 because there were rumours of them releasing a 3rd version to allow better media streaming. You claimed this would be stupid to release yet another version of the same consol. Now you complain about me saying MS doing the same would be a bit daft. So I was saying nice double standards.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
What I basically said is I suspect you are being highly hypocritical by complaining of the ps3 because there were rumours of them releasing a 3rd version to allow better media streaming. You claimed this would be stupid to release yet another version of the same consol. Now you complain about me saying MS doing the same would be a bit daft. So I was saying nice double standards.

Erm the new 360 is rumoured to cost £299, the media edition of PS3 is rumoured to cost £599. Your point is? The 360 is already a great media streaming box, and it costs a damn sight less than either of the PS3 on offer. The new 360 would not offer any new media capabilities, it would just offer HDMI and a bigger HDD for video recording.

Again as I said before, this new black 360 with HDMI and a bigger hard drive is most likely the IPTV version and will be for subscription services like BT's upcoming video on demand service. If it turns out I am wrong then it will be a new MCE 360 and go on sale at £299, the larger HDD will be offered as an upgrade to current 360 owners as we all fully expected.

As for complaining about a 3rd PS3 with better media capabilities, are you telling me that the £450 box they are shipping already isn't overpriced? It could do all the media streaming you could wish for already if Sony just opened the list of format support, instead they are making a more expensive version available which exploits peoples desires for an all in one media centre, the new box would add a bigger HDD and wider format support yet cost £150 more. That is my complaint.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Erm the new 360 is rumoured to cost £299, the media edition of PS3 is rumoured to cost £599. Your point is? The 360 is already a great media streaming box, and it costs a damn sight less than either of the PS3 on offer. The new 360 would not offer any new media capabilities, it would just offer HDMI and a bigger HDD for video recording.

Again as I said before, this new black 360 with HDMI and a bigger hard drive is most likely the IPTV version and will be for subscription services like BT's upcoming video on demand service. If it turns out I am wrong then it will be a new MCE 360 and go on sale at £299, the larger HDD will be offered as an upgrade to current 360 owners as we all fully expected.

As for complaining about a 3rd PS3 with better media capabilities, are you telling me that the £450 box they are shipping already isn't overpriced? It could do all the media streaming you could wish for already if Sony just opened the list of format support, instead they are making a more expensive version available which exploits peoples desires for an all in one media centre, the new box would add a bigger HDD and wider format support yet cost £150 more. That is my complaint.
No i am saying you sticking up for a 3rd 360 and slagging off a 3rd PS3 that dose not officially exist is massive double standards. Nothing more nothing less. But as i said at the time a 3rd PS3 with the features they promised in the original would be a huge piss take thats why i do not see it happening.

I actually think the 3rd 360 would have been a brilliant idea would have been a potential killer to the ps3 if released with internal HD DVD at the same time.

And untill i see a official Sony statement about a 3rd PS3 i will trust them and assume all of the new media support will come down in updates (which has been rumored).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
No i am saying you sticking up for a 3rd 360 and slagging off a 3rd PS3 that dose not officially exist is massive double standards. Nothing more nothing less.

I actually think the 3rd 360 would have been a brilliant idea would have been a potential killer to the ps3 if released with internal HD DVD at the same time.

And untill i see a official Sony statement about a 3rd PS3 i will trust them and assume all of the new media support will come down in updates (which has been rumored).

You are so paranoid. I was slagging off a 3rd PS3 because of the rumoured costs, not for any other reason, anything else is just paranoia on your behalf. I didn't slag off the 3rd 360 for the following reason. It is rumoured to cost £20 more than the premium, it only adds HDMI video out and a bigger hard drive which will be made available as an upgrade to current 360 users. The new PS3 is rumoured to add no new hardware beyond a bigger hard drive mainly because it doesn't need any, all they are adding besides the hard drive is PVR fuctionality via software and yet the price premium over the 60gb PS3 is massive. A 120gb drive doesn't cost £150 more than a 60gb drive, it costs £10-20 more and I can provide proof of that if you are in doubt.

So basically, an extra £150 for £10-20 of hardware and a software upgrade.

No double standards there, just calling a spade a spade. The 'new' 360 is rumoured to cost £20 for a bigger hard drive and HDMI, for the little extra cost you get great value in return. Oh and the new spec doesn't bother me as an existing 360 owner, if I want the bigger hard drive I can upgrade and quite frankly I don't need HDMI anyway. Someone buying a 360 might feel unhappy if they release the new model in the next few months, it isn't as if they are buying an inferior console though by getting a 360 today.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
You read there was going to be a 3rd PS3 and moaned about it. Purely fictional at this point dose not exist Sony have not said they are working on it so the price came out of the back of some one head.

I read people are happy about a rumour of a new 360 and ask are they happy that there is a new version? I did not attack it I said if you have a 360 premium are you happy that after 12-18 months you no longer have the best consol.

You show up and ask me what I have been smoking for asking that question basically again up to that point I had not even expressed an view on if I though it was a good or bad thing. ?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
So the premium will still be the top version even though there is a better higher speced version?? So if you want the top end version you will have to upgrade. I think thats simple enough to understand.

Pedantics police have got me again i did not meant it has been replaced as the top modle not that they would stop selling it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
You read there was going to be a 3rd PS3 and moaned about it. Purely fictional at this point dose not exist Sony have not said they are working on it so the price came out of the back of some one head.

I read people are happy about a rumour of a new 360 and ask are they happy that there is a new version? I did not attack it I said if you have a 360 premium are you happy that after 12-18 months you no longer have the best consol.

You show up and ask me what I have been smoking for asking that question basically again up to that point I had not even expressed an view on if I though it was a good or bad thing. ?

No, I moaned about a console idea that Sony have already floated so lets have it right. They talked about a PVR version of the PS3 with bigger hard drive. The price came from people in the buisness who also costed the PS3 and got it right.

As for 360, personally I am happy to see the new model. It offers no new functionality over the 360 which means your 'happy that after 12-18 months you no longer have the best console?' comment is irrelevant because the 2 things added do nothing to improve performance and the games look EXACTLY the same as the 360 premium console. You seem to be under some mis-aphrension that the 3rd console is in someway superior, it isn't. It has more hard drive space and a HDMI out for people who want to use that connection. It offers nothing concrete over the other connections and the extra hard drive space is not needed in anyway for gaming.

As for your comment about the console being replaced, you are dead wrong there, the premium system will remain as it is. You said you weren't expressing a view but that is a crock of shit, you said it was being replaced when it isn't and that isn't the first time you have mislead and repeated misinformation to try and show the 360 in a bad light.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Right my last post on this because I get bored of you telling me I’m wrong because you are not reading it how I meant it. (This is where you can comment about my lack of typing skill and the fact I do not write clearly, but I post between doing things at work so could not care less).

I said replaced yes, did I mean that the premium would go away? No, I meant in that there would be a new console on the top of the tree. Not clear I grant you.

If this new 360 comes out it could be great if it had the big HD Wifi and the power supply internal and was black I could even buy a 360 again. This is where you point out that the big HD and wifi are not needed to play games and I should put the power supply behind my TV. Well I could and you’re right. That dose not mean I would not like a 360 that could look neat and tidy.

So is this new 360 came out with a internal DVD internal wifi and internal hard disk I would buy one yes they are great for streaming and I liked about 5 of the 26 games I gave away enough to re buy them. So I'm not slagging it off I was merely wondering why people were happy about a new 360 when the sheep were against a 3rd ps3. (Now repost the fictional specs and price tell me I’m stupid again and explain how sony are ripping us off again)

And give me a break I might have written alot slagging the 360 off most of it tongue in cheek, but all I read form you is new articles about how BaaaaaaaaaD the PS3 is.
Is that because you have one? Nope.
Tried one and did not like it? Nope.
You are very anti PS3 if you search the web you can find lots of reviews about how good it is and how people like it. But all you do is post stuff slagging it off.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
If this new 360 comes out it could be great if it had the big HD Wifi and the power supply internal and was black I could even buy a 360 again. This is where you point out that the big HD and wifi are not needed to play games and I should put the power supply behind my TV. Well I could and you’re right. That dose not mean I would not like a 360 that could look neat and tidy.

So is this new 360 came out with a internal DVD internal wifi and internal hard disk I would buy one yes they are great for streaming and I liked about 5 of the 26 games I gave away enough to re buy them. So I'm not slagging it off I was merely wondering why people were happy about a new 360 when the sheep were against a 3rd ps3. (Now repost the fictional specs and price tell me I’m stupid again and explain how sony are ripping us off again)

And give me a break I might have written alot slagging the 360 off most of it tongue in cheek, but all I read form you is new articles about how BaaaaaaaaaD the PS3 is.
Is that because you have one? Nope.
Tried one and did not like it? Nope.
You are very anti PS3 if you search the web you can find lots of reviews about how good it is and how people like it. But all you do is post stuff slagging it off.

I don't post so much about how bad PS3 is, again you are putting words into my mouth. I have said on many many occasions it is a powerful piece of kit, my criticism has been how Sony bungled the launch and made a few unwise design choices. You are reading that criticism as hate because you are a Sony fanatic, that doesn't make me wrong or a PS3 hater. The articles I posted were not my words, I was making a point that there were problems but I have never EVER said the PS3 wasn't a decent machine as you know bloody well. As is usual Soze you twist everything and never post proof such as quotes, you are a soundbite machine grabbing snippets here and there then taking them out of context.

Back to the 360, we have wireless controllers, we have a wireless adapter that takes up to practically no room. Inbuilt wifi would benefit many but there are millions that don't need wifi and so why should they have to pay for it? Yes the PSU is a monster, would love to see it go internal but it isn't happening for at least 2 years sadly because of design and heat issues. Bigger hard drive, yes please. Microsofts one major mistake was choosing 20gb when they could have gone 40gb for $5, fucking hate corperate penny pinchers.

You say your slagging off has been tongue in cheek, perhaps but you have posted numerous untruths based on misinformation you had read in a couple of other threads with regards to 360 and I shot them all down. You might not agree with that but I have always backed up my posts with information which is generally obtained from creditable sources, as far as technology goes I have worked as a computer engineer for nearly 15 years and whilst I would never claim to be very knowledgeable about current console architecture I do have a firm grounding in PC architecture and it enables me to get to grips with some of the more complex information. If I have posted any misinformation then it is a genuine mistake on my behalf, it isn't some blinded fanboi'ism. I have said about 20 times, I will happily buy a PS3 when the price drops and it has some great games, that will not change and you can call me an Xbox sheep or whatever, the cap doesn't fit I am afraid.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
hehe, those Soze vs Chodax threads are quite a good read :)

Soze "omg you keep slagging off the ps3, you're so triple-standed"
Cho "Erh no"
Soze "dont criticize my writing skills! and dont bring up those stupid articles"
Cho "I dont criticize anything <continues with a very long answer>... and dont you dare to mislead people again"



Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
even after all that, they still love each other


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
bum bandits.....

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