Hmmm mids dont have their lucky day at sursbrooke


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Arumos said:
mids held well at the lord and albs like you said never really did anything else than send up monster rezz people. Must admit tho there was ALOT of mids at lord :cheers: definatly the kind of morale boost we needed pulling off a defense like that.
Benowyc last night was fun. Alliance chat after our group got wiped trying to disturb Alb reinforcements to Beno, and then at a late stage deciding to try and get inside (Kagato hit me for 664! :mad: ):

[Alliance] Somebody: "is beno lost?"
[Alliance] Me: "Yes."

Fifteen minutes later I am ankle-deep in Alb corpses on the stairs to the lord room. :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Ofc most rvr paccies are soj...but...

Bistrup666 said:
Errrhhhhmmm I don't know many RvR paccies that is perfecter :confused:

Most RvR healers go sojourner cause of the better use in RvR, some use 1 perf as backup for shammy tho, but the majority is soj.

Well ofc most rvr paccies are soj...but during the latenight part we probably only had about 2-3 healers in total (and probably less).

Also: 16 albs defending vs 20-30 mids (the 04.00 try) + bots (had 2 there myself just tog get some kind of healing (our group had 1 shaman as only active seer).

I dont know ofc but if the albs there were just 1 fg with decent setup there (8 people) it wouldnt be hard for them to insta own the 20-30 mids without any kind of healing ability. With 2-3 pbae, 2-5 range damage dealers and seers its strange you couldnt kill mids faster. With storms doing 400 damage per 2 seconds all mid casters lost half their hp before even reaching the top of the stairs and with no healing thats bad when you run into 2 pbaes (since that means you die:). So there really wasnt much of a chance for us to ever make it up...

The reason we didnt see any cc is basically that there werent any ccable char there.

The warlocks...most of them solo...its hard (read impossible) to get warlocks to do any kind of organized attack ever. 90% of them solo (they are just to good solo to convince them to join groups) the rest 10% just arent enough to get some damage output out there.


ps. I remember a couple of months ago when we had 1 fg mids vs 50+ albs in Blend...kicked their butts 2-3 times in lord room before they gave up!:) Its not hard vs a serg without seers etc...nothing much to be proud off...just be happy for the rps!:) (That was before monstreress got populair ofc. Not sure it is doable for mids any more with only 1 fg nowdays) ds.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Benowyc last night was fun. Alliance chat after our group got wiped trying to disturb Alb reinforcements to Beno, and then at a late stage deciding to try and get inside (Kagato hit me for 664! :mad: ):

[Alliance] Somebody: "is beno lost?"
[Alliance] Me: "Yes."

Fifteen minutes later I am ankle-deep in Alb corpses on the stairs to the lord room. :D

you went from mole to beacon of light! :worthy:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Arumos said:
damn right, bloody good fun that was.

mids held well at the lord and albs like you said never really did anything else than send up monster rezz people. Must admit tho there was ALOT of mids at lord :cheers: definatly the kind of morale boost we needed pulling off a defense like that.

was about twice as many mids in the lord room as there were albs there (should know I made it almost to the back wall and watched for a bit :))

even a full out charge wouldn't have got us far unless we'd somehow managed to get about 10 zombies all at once as part of it :(

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