Hippies defend



Originally posted by K0nah

Wish we could say the same for the 60odd 40-49s in Lyonesse who couldnt be arsed... :rolleyes:

Oh well next time :cool:

F me m8, it's not like you needed them though.

I died around one side of the keep and for about 10 mins after a thick column of albs just kept streaming in until I released*

I do wish my countymen wouldn't automatically roll in albion, all that King Arthur/Camelot stuff is all old bollocks anyway :D

Why would you not want to be a maurding uncultured barbarian ffs.

*Or should that be a column of thick albs.


lol, aint my kiddies, just hit her with the handbag a few times, shes green to you, shouldnt take long :p

Herbal Remedy

would have had that relic until reports off mid attacking excal came through so we had to suicide shame really with you 2 being in bed with each other yet you whine and flame when we attack when one or the other realm cant help u or use irc to warn - guess youll be waking up one morning real soon with no relics at all hibs. welcome to night raids , u brought it on yourself

you flame when we take relics at night , we take em primetime u just cry to the other realm for help - guess it just shows how much u guys really suck ah well going to be going to bed late got to get my sleeping pattern right


Notice how Albs are crying their arses of because another realm took advantage of the situation.
Now you know how we felt when we did our 'primetime' hib raid and found that there was a ton of Albs blocking mmg on our way back, but did we fail? :p



blah blah blah

whine whine whine

omg,stop this plz,3 realms=one use the current situation(dagda raid from albs),thats the way it goes sometimes! :clap: :clap:

Icebreaker<Celtic Fist>

This is just a Game



Well done for taking most of our keeps, who knows what would have happened at Dagda, there were loads of hibs and albs, it would have been a great battle though.

All this conspiracy rubbish really irritates me, logically that would be the best time for the middies to raid. You are pretty much hated by both realms, mostly because of the arses that post here, understand that both realms will exploit every opportunity to make you suffer, I really feel sorry for the decent albs...


Just a litte thought, hey middes look over there *points at dagda* U know u got a relic in there 2? How come I havnt heard about raids against dagda? (kept for ours thats continues flamed)

Just a litte thought


would have had that relic until reports off mid attacking excal came through so we had to suicide shame really with you 2 being in bed with each other yet you whine and flame when we attack when one or the other realm cant help u or use irc to warn - guess youll be waking up one morning real soon with no relics at all hibs. welcome to night raids , u brought it on yourself

Ahahahahahaha, stfu you damn whiner. Trolls might be stoopid but not stoopid enough to missinterpret your intentions. Perhpas Hibs should start whining about the constant two front war in Emain. Ask Adolf H what attacking the Sovietunion did to his plans of world domination. I'm growing really tired of Albs blaming their failures on cross teaming all the time.

You suck Herbal!!


Nice Defence From Hibernia and to be honest im not so sure Albion would have taken our Relics simply because we had the most amazing amount of Defenders i have ever seen..
It would have been a good fight but im not so sure you ( Albion ) would have taken our Relics as easily as you may think..
Now one last thing a very good Raid from Albion they did show that they can take keeps and go for Defended Relics at a decent hour and for that i /salute you but as for Herbal and his threat of early morning Relic Raids well that in my opinion is what makes Hibernia and Midgard hate Albion look at it like this if Hibernia took 5 Midgard Keeps in 1 hour and if Hibernia had 3 undefended Relics would Albion attack Hibernia ....Not hard to work out is it..

Regards Nicky.


if hibs and mids are in bed with each other, why did we nick the power relics from the mids in the first place? :p


Originally posted by old.Nafta

I'm growing really tired of Albs blaming their failures on cross teaming all the time.

Good then u might think twise before u start blaming YOUR failures on late nights and zerglins.

And just out of interest....how much rps did u hibs get? U must have got alot when we just stopped fighting and started screaming for u to kill us :).

Btw...can you mids please get some numbers next time or stay out of our frontier... It is sooo irritating to have to suicide to defend excal just to get there and see that the mids are allready wiped... Just Kidding btw :).

Still i would like to say gratz to the big winners of today...the hibs that got our pwr relic..well done :clap:.


Originally posted by old.Ebeneezer


Tell your kiddies to stop gloating please. They really are nauseating little feckers.

this thread got posted by the guy who made a thread titled "this is what all mids/hibs want to see" and screenshots of them spamming /laugh at a corpse :) 3 words spring to mind kettle/pot/black


I got some great rp's when all the albs decided to suicide.:D Thnx.

Also there was quite a lot of tanks just sat down in the keep waiting for the second door to open. Not so sure that you Albs would have taken the relic even if you had broken through. Great attempt though. Hats off to you all.

Herbal, stop taking everything on these boards so personally. The threats of early morning raids is just boring now. We all know u can do it. We all know you have done it and probably will do it again. Do Albion and everyone who plays its reputation a favour - stop being such an arse.


Shame it ended in suiciding , every alb in that army was living towards the big clash that would have occured when the 2nd rellic door went down. The entire way it was set up was in hoping to find a large number of defenders in dn dagda. Unfortunately we were forced to make a change in plans when mids were reported at excalibur. All in all this was the most epic night of RvR this server has seen upto date and a big congrats to all who participated in it. C u for the next round.


Well spoken Arthwyr, and I cant disagree with those jumping herbal, plz do albion a favour and stop with all these meaningless threats of late nite/early morning raids, it is cause of ppl like u we got this 'so called cross realm teaming' if u want to call it that.

And I still have to point in the direction of Dagda =>>> Hey Middies, u still got your power relic in there, so plz do some raids on the treehuggers so they get to spend some money on relic doors /kiss


I would like to congratulate the albs for an excellent invasion of the hib frontiers. :clap: :clap: :clap:

At the time if the first keep's falling i was on an alliance raid of mid. About 20+ of us roaming towards ygaddra. After each fall suspicions grew. When we finally got to our destination after a very short time a message came across from someone who hadn't come with us that a very large alb army had been spotted. Then we knew for sure that albs were after our relics and decided to suicide back so we charged the uber guards at the keep. There were a few mids about at the time and a few mucked in to help the guards (hope u enjoyed the free rps :D ).
Now surely from the falling keeps and a decent sized hib expeditionarry force suddenly suiciding must have given the game away to the mids too. Anyway i got back just in time for the stand at scathaig. I'd run of with a small grp just b4 the attack and been happily nukin a few stealthers that were about when a load of deaths messages appeared.
I raced back to scat but as i approached my perf meter hit the red. :(
My computer completely froze for about a minute and when it moved again (very jerkily) i was just a corpse on the ground. I'm amazed at how many albs u managed to amass and would like to congratulate the organiser for how well they performed the near imposssible job they must have had. :clap:

I was inside the relic keep whilst it was under siege also but didn't stay long, my screen was jumping about so much i couldn't do a thing. :(

Anyway to sum up grats albs for a superb raid which had a very good chance of success had the mids not decided to join in. And grats the mids for takling advantage of the situation and to the albs again for a swift recovery. And lastly grats the hibs who's computers could actually stand the strain and mounted a very good defence of the relics. :clap: :clap:

p.s. (/mini rant) I'm very dissapointed with the games code allowing such massive lag and framerate reductions simply because a large battle is occuring. Sureley the whole point of the game is to have massive pitched battles. The game was completely unplayable during that battle for me and my pc is above the recommended specs on many recent games releases AND i have a broadband connection. I mean if they were designing the game to include big battles they should have refined the code so that it was playable during these battles. (/end mini rant)

/edit added rant (couldn't be bothered with new post :p )


I almost wish we would have let mids take the damn relic while we took hibs relic, then we could do it all over to the middie scum next week. To bad, I like stepping thru fields of mid corpses much better that hibbie ones. Well, see you soon hibbies. I'm sure next time there will be at least 30 people sitting at excal while relic raid in the future. :sleeping:


Arya: What lvl were those doors at Dun Nged?

Ryo: Nice to see you stilll out there m8. Still miss your Caba pet from the beta days...

Lessurl: Aye said it a couple of times also. The lag is the killer in all battles.


Heh i went to/near bolg with my Guild buds and seen the massive alb force.. we were chased down by a grp of albs.. killed .. i released and quickly went to scath just before the albs hit it.. lmao.. i was standing there with 3 green on my perf meter then it was ref on framerate and jerky ashell.. as to say i lasted long enuff to dish a few heals then died.. after watching for maybe 2 mins.. Daoc dropped to the desktop..which meant i lost my grp place..

So quickly logged back on and went to dagda got a grp and soon as the albs hit the keep i could barly walk up the stairs in the keep lol... soooooo much lag i thought my pc would expire.. but i managed to heal up as much as i could..

then joined in with meh guild in the fort retakes and helped clam one ;) :clap:

I don't care for flames or all that bollox cos i ejoyed myself (even with the lag) :m00:


And I was out working again :( Why does all the good action always come when im working!!! Stop these silly things and wait till I am online.

IRC should say something like: Ohh guys Cerverloc is online, lets commence relicraid ;)

Anyway I see Hibs got a relic, well done and be prepared to lose it again.


Re: And still noone admits the cooperation?

Originally posted by old.Fangrim
Are the mids and hibs sharing spit under the shower too?

Coincidence? Looks pretty weird that every time Albs are occupiced with one realm, the other attack.

For as long as I've played on Excalibur, Midgard has ALWAYS taken advantage of people who are fighting eachother. If I'm at Emain wall fending off Albs, it's standard that I ask rangers/shades to keep an eye on Midgard wall, coz I've been attacked in the back too often by em. It's their standard tactics it seems, and they use it against Hibs and Albs alike. This is no criticism towards the Mids btw.


Lessuri, nice post.

To Hibs and mids, gratz u evil people.
Nice raid by the hibs and good planning by the mids to take advantage of our relic raid.

My poor graphics card will never forgive u lot for the hard time it had lastnight :)

Loads of fun :)

40+ Armsman


I think we did pretty well there , not much hibbies dared to jump on wall ^^

maybe it was the 20 scouts with a preloaded crit shot? ;p


Originally posted by Khalen
Arya: What lvl were those doors at Dun Nged?

Lvl 5, we upgraded them like 2 mins before you arrived. It was our guild keep *sigh* *sigh*

You bashed em down quiet fast tho. GJ =)


guess youll be waking up one morning real soon with no relics at all hibs. welcome to night raids , u brought it on yourself

I was all against the late raids, but after that IRC crap i say go for ir. Its their own fault and at least there'll be nobody on IRC to go crying to.

Hibs ask us to attack a defended keep, but when we do they go crying to mids on IRC so that we stop attacking. Lamers.


Gratz to the albs for a very scary raid. We had a fair idea you would try to punish us for taking your power relic and were waiting for you, but we didn't expect you to bring a force quite that big (or maybe we were just hoping you wouldn't). Just so you know, you sewed much fear, confusion and doubt amongst the defenders sitting in Dagda waiting for the battle to come to them as alliance chat was filled with debate about our best chance to defend (come out and try to intercept your army? Defend at nGed? At Scathaig? Just sit tight in Dagda and wait for you to arrive? Surrender? :p ) not to mention more and more desperate pleas for every available hib to drop whatever they were doing and get to Druim Cain as we watched our keeps fall one by one and we started to realize just how powerful your army was.

When you smashed the advance defense force at Scathaig, we were genuinely afraid you were strong enough to take the defended relics.

So thanks for an epic battle - gave some of my lower level guildmates their first taste of large-scale RvR - and I'm sure we'll see you all again sooner than we could wish.

To the albs who are accusing us of cross-teaming with Midgard, you do yourselves no honour. We may whine (fairly or unfairly depending on your personal taste) about numbers and raiding times, but we don't accuse you of sucking up to the middies every time you capitalize on us being tied up fighting Midgard to start pinching our keeps, or when you flooded emain to kill hib defenders while Midgard troops were stealing our spear. Just because Hibernia and Midgard are both your enemies doesn't make them allies.


omg... cant ppl understand that even if someone posted something on irc.... its NOT possible for mid to assemble a force in 5 mins go for 10 mins to relic keep and then die 10 mins later. They had planned that raid much earlier. They saw our keep fall one after other and they gave it a go. Stop making big things out of nothing.


Originally posted by old.Akirai

I was all against the late raids, but after that IRC crap i say go for ir. Its their own fault and at least there'll be nobody on IRC to go crying to.

Hibs ask us to attack a defended keep, but when we do they go crying to mids on IRC so that we stop attacking. Lamers.

You would have gotten all, and it was quiet impressive to see, Alb army moving forward, smashing anything in it's way. /who Sheeroe /who cursed forest gave 0. still we hadn't enough peeps to stop ya, if you'd break thru.... So much bout we don'T outnumber you ^^


Originally posted by old.lewstherin
omg... cant ppl understand that even if someone posted something on irc.... its NOT possible for mid to assemble a force in 5 mins go for 10 mins to relic keep and then die 10 mins later. They had planned that raid much earlier. They saw our keep fall one after other and they gave it a go. Stop making big things out of nothing.

Lewstherin in my point of view its not the fact that you (mids) attacked excalibur (i would do the same if I knew the other oposite realms where fighting) its the fact that a hib went straight to IRC to ask for help (regardless if u mids where already planning to do it anyway)...and i think that's lame move.

Note: I dont include the all Hibs in this ...i just include the one that actually did it.

Anyway great RvR night!!!


naite - I can assure you that if Hibernia knew who this frikking ryland arse was, we would vote it out of our fair kingdom forever, we don't need help from anyone, most of us would rather lose the relics.

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