Tallen said:Ok, played this evening, 24 hibs on, 1fg, 3-4 in another group and a few stealthers.
CK has (yes, i counted) 50+ albs, lost count at 50.
The alb zerg tonight was the biggest i have seen since BG's were invented.
kiuss said:Happy to see hibs, they normally r good players even if they give up fast :/
exponentiaL said:Wouldn't you give up fast if you had to face 50+ Albs every time you venture forth in Thidranki, or get assraped by a stealthsquad?
(invisibletank) said:2nd..plz dont tell me that "rynnor" is an alb coz ... for 3hrs maybe hibs where everywhere but for 3yrs on daoc on excal albs where zerging and u QQin alrdy... /cough any1 ?
rynnor said:No - rynnor is a player who plays this game called daoc - albs are characters in a game - guess what - we can play all 3 realms![]()
Jorof said:Funny, every time i've been out there not one person from BoT guild is even online. So i lead a grp and we do well, thing with hibs are we invite everyone and anyone to join our grp (unless ur BoT - only run with the leetz0rs or whatever, i ran with them one time!)
Where mids and albs dont really have fg's running around, hibs do .. when u see more enemies than your grp your natural reaction is to shout ZERG!