Hib Loop 12 nov


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i think everyone except total retards knows who epo is

(...a total retard ;))


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2005
Caledwyn said:
u have to organize fg fights ?^^
and u still think the problem is that the lowies don't get fast enough high and equipped than the old ones leave?
naaah, I think the big guilds should come down off their high throne and realize that they can't take anymore only the ml10 and rr12 ones, or like "oh he destroyed my toy , don't invite him". Haha but luckily I don't mind if there will be no big groups anymore. New guilds with wls etc. will overun u, that's the fact. Seems to be that u already know it, can't understand otherwise why u diss newcomer guilds like Elite

You think all this is about Elite being a new guild they get dissed?
I wasnt in the Hibloop this day but my guildmates explained what happened. As it have been on several occasions one player from each guildgrp gets in an chatgrp and talk about the setup of rules. We fight and everyone are happy of this. They invited an representative for Elite aswell who started his own personal flamewar in there. Why would they do this? If they dont want to take part of the hibsetup and do their own thing feel free to do it, no need for flames.
I can say as gm of Horde we welcome more players and more guilds to our server. Camlann is so much fun when you can see past all the harsh climate surrounding it.


Jiggle WithMe


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2005
xtortionist said:
not sure what was worse, titans skill as ma, or axtys skill at pre kiting.

no wonder they didnt beat any of the other guilds on open field.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Caledwyn said:
u have to organize fg fights ?^^
and u still think the problem is that the lowies don't get fast enough high and equipped than the old ones leave?
naaah, I think the big guilds should come down off their high throne and realize that they can't take anymore only the ml10 and rr12 ones, or like "oh he destroyed my toy , don't invite him". Haha but luckily I don't mind if there will be no big groups anymore. New guilds with wls etc. will overun u, that's the fact. Seems to be that u already know it, can't understand otherwise why u diss newcomer guilds like Elite

Uhm... luckily, not everyone on the server likes to have their little solo stealther war as apparently you do?
Elite is not being dissed in any way because they are new... acting like total retards is another thing.
Bad behaviour is punished... Good behaviour is rewarded. Could it get more simple than that?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2005
Thanks to all guilds that joined that evening, was great fun.

I will try to arrange it again when i've got the time.

I've made my oppinion about Elite and figured that the problem can't be solved on a forum as it doesn't help to talk with them.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
Im agree with you Jiggle, but when we did the last hib set up with our own rules, all guilds invited followed this rules and all had fun there, only one guild that wans invited and present there for themself didnt follow our rules and was Love, since this day, dunno really, we didnt invite again Love at hib classic, so if Elite want come again to hib clasic and have fun like others there imo they have to follow the rules set up by cg with rest of Group Leader of others guilds, is a big shit that when all have fun following rules come another guild and break this rules only cos they dont know anything about this rules or only cos they want to do and gain rps...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i want everyone in the loop

if they don't follow rules i don't care, i just think less of them and if they pull really lame stuff just kill them.

the more the better rpeez :>


Loyal Freddie
Apr 28, 2005
i think elite did a great job yesterday in hib loop (11.15.) they had 2 healers with spread/DI and killed spanniard without problems, so i think we should respect them a bit more than some of u do atm..

once and for all:
Eporana , best Mentalist on Camlann <Valheru>


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Epo said:
i think elite did a great job yesterday in hib loop (11.15.) they had 2 healers with spread/DI and killed spanniard without problems, so i think we should respect them a bit more than some of u do atm..

Killing 1 group a few times doesn't say much more then that they can kill people.

As I said to odins: "I have no problem on losing as long as its a clean fight" Never seen Elite doing a clean 1 fg vs 1 fg fight w/o some porting away/attacking while buff/adding/etc/etc. When they win a normal fight and starts playing with some respect I am willingly to reconsider my opinion about them but as for now they are scums that should be KOS. :puke:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Epo said:
i think elite did a great job yesterday in hib loop (11.15.) they had 2 healers with spread/DI and killed spanniard without problems, so i think we should respect them a bit more than some of u do atm..

once and for all:
Eporana , best Mentalist on Camlann <Valheru>

respect is not earned by beating a group a few times but by fair play and good sportmanship. Few things that make you look bad imo

- timerstick
- portalcamp
- flame / trashtalk
- cheats like lagabuse (not strafing but windowdragging)
- if you agree on rules, break them
- port out if you loose
- chainkill
- nightraid

Elite scores at least 7 out of 8


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2005
Phoebee-v- said:
Killing 1 group a few times doesn't say much more then that they can kill people.

As I said to odins: "I have no problem on losing as long as its a clean fight" Never seen Elite doing a clean 1 fg vs 1 fg fight w/o some porting away/attacking while buff/adding/etc/etc. When they win a normal fight and starts playing with some respect I am willingly to reconsider my opinion about them but as for now they are scums that should be KOS. :puke:

you think we take care about you are thinking about us??

Satan said:
Blah...Take it easy.
It's only a game.

pacco, non iniziare a spammare pure qua


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Axtanax said:
you think we take care about you are thinking about us??

Odins wannabe. Ask Kuhan imo how to get hated I bet he can write kinda good esa for u.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Phoebee-v- said:
Odins wannabe. Ask Kuhan imo how to get hated I bet he can write kinda good esa for u.

You can also ask Phoebee/mvv on how to form a alliance with more than 4 guilds to take odins keep once. then Horde had 3 relics for some time and now they are getting night raided every night by Dominion/Fourth realm. Fair play? whats fairplay on camlann? Horde only really hated Odins mainly cause we camped the gothwaite house bainshee CAO Warlock's Chanter's and 3 DI Bots which made us pretty unstoppable most of the time and the fact we could defend our keep V any ammout of Horde or dominion or all the guilds they alliance'd with, Horde wont be rememberd as fair playz u stick chain strafe port out when ur on low HP same as most guilds on camlann.

- portalcamp
- flame / trashtalk
- cheats like lagabuse (not strafing but windowdragging)
- if you agree on rules, break them
- port out if you loose
- chainkill
- nightraid

After Horde got killed more than 5 times after attacking our keep with a Alb excali zerg. But then u attack when most of us are offline i think that was what u was waiting for imo.

Horde - lamer guild which alliance's
Dominion - same

Go Go Dominion keep night raided Horde :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Kuhan said:
Go Go Dominion keep night raided Horde :clap:

When did this happen? I only know of the night raids by fourth realm and Nexus.

And we still haven't been allied with a singel guild. We have done events or what ever you want to call it vs a common enemy or goal.

Odin's was indeed very good defending thier keep I won't say no to that. I doubt we would have the numbers to take your keep if you came back. Horde is back to having about 6-10 people online prime time. To attack 1-2fg's(even if alot is bots) is ahrd when u play classes that can one shot people die->rezz chamber up and repeat. We took spanniards when they defended with all they had. We took 4th realm 2 days ago during prime time with 7 people(8 if you count a bb). We lost vs dominion(they where 26 and we where 14.) Thing is at least there is fights vs those guild that is fun. I had more fun the hour we fought dominion in thier keep then the 4h fight that odins lost in the end.

All comes back to what I allways been say/writting to you Kuhan. It is all about playstyle and attetude. What I ment for elite is that they seem to have the same goal as some odins said you had. To be hated by everyone. I won't argue about that everyone can set thier goals and if they think it is fun to destory for other people having fun well sure thing they run thier race but don't count on the server/community/our horde guild/whatever to like it. I can't say that all hated odins, I can't say that all will hate elite. I am writting that I think thier play style is lame and several other agrees. Some don't well thats life.

Nice to see you running around in gothwaite instead of just camping even if it isn't offen you see odins now days anyway. Nice try vs us at the relic when we released it last time it was a fun fight.

Edit: Kuhan when have Horde ever been allied with any other guild and can you prove that someway? I never in my 1.5 years in Horde seen a guild on friends list. So until you have proof of that BS just take a new attack angel you just making yourself look silly.


Btw nice PvP yesterday evening...
No one add, except the Dominion -_-


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Kuhan said:
- portalcamp
- flame / trashtalk
- cheats like lagabuse (not strafing but windowdragging)
- if you agree on rules, break them
- port out if you loose
- chainkill
- nightraid

you never do any of those ofc :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2005
Kuhan said:
You can also ask Phoebee/mvv on how to form a alliance with more than 4 guilds to take odins keep once. then Horde had 3 relics for some time and now they are getting night raided every night by Dominion/Fourth realm. Fair play? whats fairplay on camlann? Horde only really hated Odins mainly cause we camped the gothwaite house bainshee CAO Warlock's Chanter's and 3 DI Bots which made us pretty unstoppable most of the time and the fact we could defend our keep V any ammout of Horde or dominion or all the guilds they alliance'd with, Horde wont be rememberd as fair playz u stick chain strafe port out when ur on low HP same as most guilds on camlann.

- portalcamp
- flame / trashtalk
- cheats like lagabuse (not strafing but windowdragging)
- if you agree on rules, break them
- port out if you loose
- chainkill
- nightraid

After Horde got killed more than 5 times after attacking our keep with a Alb excali zerg. But then u attack when most of us are offline i think that was what u was waiting for imo.

Horde - lamer guild which alliance's
Dominion - same

Go Go Dominion keep night raided Horde :clap:

thats quite a long post considering no1 who knows your in odins is going to read it.

and horde are fairly honorable, most of the members anyway.

and @ axty, shhh.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Kuhan said:
You can also ask Phoebee/mvv on how to form a alliance with more than 4 guilds to take odins keep once. then Horde had 3 relics for some time and now they are getting night raided every night by Dominion/Fourth realm. Fair play? whats fairplay on camlann? Horde only really hated Odins mainly cause we camped the gothwaite house bainshee CAO Warlock's Chanter's and 3 DI Bots which made us pretty unstoppable most of the time and the fact we could defend our keep V any ammout of Horde or dominion or all the guilds they alliance'd with, Horde wont be rememberd as fair playz u stick chain strafe port out when ur on low HP same as most guilds on camlann.

- portalcamp
- flame / trashtalk
- cheats like lagabuse (not strafing but windowdragging)
- if you agree on rules, break them
- port out if you loose
- chainkill
- nightraid

After Horde got killed more than 5 times after attacking our keep with a Alb excali zerg. But then u attack when most of us are offline i think that was what u was waiting for imo.

Horde - lamer guild which alliance's
Dominion - same

Go Go Dominion keep night raided Horde :clap:

Lee, your mum is damn hot


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
just some random gimp who sold his account and hasn't got a clue bout Camlann today


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Most fun in a long long time is after this qq from Kuhan his guild trys to night raid horde and failes

Thanks for a good laugh :worthy:

We know you can't take it prime time as we can't take yours either.

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