Hi Marfach Albs


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Silverblast said:
I've done GS with 6 people and a BB.. Wonder why this raid couldn't :x.

Because they did Sidhes instead of the GS?

I was reading the thread; you need a buffbot for reading too ?

Go go acuity-buff to Silverblast!

P.S. This topic has opened possible topics like 'Hey 80 Hibs in HTK Odins; how's the weather there? Hope you dont get stuck between all the rams you got in your inventories' .

Even this was or was not a relic-raid is quite irrelevant. The question itself wasnt that urgent that it couldnt have waited a few hours. Would have saved alot of whines from people. A moderator unable to comprehend that simple fact and actually playing the role of victim with his 'Im just a visitor and I can give my opinions'-act forgets he should be an example on how to post here. If you dont want that (or unable to do so) you should have thought about that before you took up the job.

Thats my opinion by the way :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Angara said:
Khalen...want a tissue :( :( :(

I wasn't even there... So what actually went wrong I dunno but as I read more up it seems some albs went RPS crazy again to get a single enemy (that's something I've seen much already) but to post this on a forum is beyond my thoughts.

And I totally agree with Puppet.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
A) Sounds like it could just have been a summoner raid tbh. Maybe.
B) If a hib (in this case Ziva) spotted them in there, it's fair game to tell whoever the hell she likes...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Christ those Sidhe hit hard. Anyone know what the faction is, is it siabra?
Glad Im neutral atm :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Behmoth said:

sounds a bit childish imo you died and they asked why you was there
Since when do I play alb on excalibur? :eek:

My opinion was that if you see a large force in one of the areas that could possibly lead to a relic raid ( this one wasn't - but that's beside the point ), you should limit your information flow to the in-game channels, aka alliance chat or guild chat or whatever.

Even if it wasn't an relic raid ( as this one wasn't ), subsequent tries for them could be spoiled by mids/hibs that read about it here ( and got their information only from this place - not in-game ) and decided to get some fun RP that way. And if it was indeed a relic raid, it would be ruined when posting here. ( as you reach not only your own alliances or the rest that you think of notifying, but also the other realms alliances ).

Is it really that hard to understand? ( might be, seeing as how quoting seemed difficult enough. )


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Wildfire said:
A) Sounds like it could just have been a summoner raid tbh. Maybe.
B) If a hib (in this case Ziva) spotted them in there, it's fair game to tell whoever the hell she likes...

Fair game IN GAME. Not outside the game on IRC, forums etc etc.

And if you wanna post it on FH for some reason, why not wait a while till its all settled and cooled down?

Nobody would have a problem with that if its say 2 hours after all the Albs released/whatever.

If the raid is still going on its lame to post on FH and ruin a potential relic-raid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
Puppet said:
Because they did Sidhes instead of the GS?

I was reading the thread; you need a buffbot for reading too ?

Go go acuity-buff to Silverblast!

P.S. This topic has opened possible topics like 'Hey 80 Hibs in HTK Odins; how's the weather there? Hope you dont get stuck between all the rams you got in your inventories' .

Even this was or was not a relic-raid is quite irrelevant. The question itself wasnt that urgent that it couldnt have waited a few hours. Would have saved alot of whines from people. A moderator unable to comprehend that simple fact and actually playing the role of victim with his 'Im just a visitor and I can give my opinions'-act forgets he should be an example on how to post here. If you dont want that (or unable to do so) you should have thought about that before you took up the job.

Thats my opinion by the way :drink:
Then your opinion sucks, IMO :p. Anyhow they weren't exactly doing sidhes, as a fellow hibbie said somewhere, he ae lulled all the sidhes he can into an ice wizzies pb, causing the 'raid' to get killed. Now wheres that BB, guess I need to buff someone other than myself too.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Wildfire said:
A) Sounds like it could just have been a summoner raid tbh. Maybe.
B) If a hib (in this case Ziva) spotted them in there, it's fair game to tell whoever the hell she likes...

so if a mid spots an alb raid, he can post it on FH so hibs and some logged out mids know about it aswell?
This isnt allowed and the 80 albs in the dungeon might have been a part of a raid and now the mids were aware of albs being up to something aswell.

And Ziva the difference to most haha I wtfpwned you or haha you got wtfpwned threads and this is the timing and that one or a fg albs getting killed isnt something that would alert anyone.

Just make a thread about something 2hours after it happened. The persons who are involved will still remember it, if it was something memorable atleast (and worth posting about). So the thread is still made, just at a time where it cant do any harm (and telling some(logged out) hibs/ all of mid about it can be rather harmful)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
nol said:
Ok, my interpretation of cross realming would be if a hib with an alb account or access to an alb account logged in and said Albs are going to raid or are busy raiding.

If a Hib, with a Hib account sees loads of Albs dying or not and posts here, how is that cross realming?

Ziva is a Hib, you do know this right?

Why does being a mod exclude you from poking fun at other people when they make a right royal fuckup?

As an Alb I'm with you on this.

I honestly dont see the point of kicking up a fuss, perhaps if he was a Mid shouting possible RR on /as would be considered a cheat?


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
judas said:
nothing wrong whit poking ppl for fun aslong as its not done while the raid is still on.
if this was a raid mids whould aswell get knowledge of this due to his so called "Poke". telling ppl outside the game what happens inside the game aint allowed especially if its done on a official forum.

I'm not allowed to talk to people IRL about the game now? <giggle>
Erm and I'm not so sure this is an official forum


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
so lets get this straight, albs need 10 fg to kill a mob that drops 2/3 RA respec stones, a fairly nice cloak and a load of shitty random % qual salvage loot. err can i just say hahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


lol a fairly nice cloak?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tay said:
As an Alb I'm with you on this.

I honestly dont see the point of kicking up a fuss, perhaps if he was a Mid shouting possible RR on /as would be considered a cheat?

it isnt allowed on FH to make a thread that could warn other realms about a RR. Atleast this was the case 1 year ago. As it is indeed considered cross realming as the other realm can use this info to their advantage.

And Tay this is the forum of the uk servers, only forum afaik with zargar and kemor as mods (except maybe GOA's own forum for the E&E) and GOA does make announcements on these boards.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
Tay said:
lol a fairly nice cloak?
to many resists on item slots as it is imo, easier to cap with the Lost Relic quest as it has a nice mixture of different stats


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
um, this thread didn't warn about a RR, it warned us that there were a lot of people needing a rez at the GS.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
nol said:
um, this thread didn't warn about a RR, it warned us that there were a lot of people needing a rez at the GS.

10fg in Marfach sounds more reasonable to assume that there is a RR going on then a PvE raid, doesnt it? So saying 10 fg albs died in Marfach is also a warning to everyone that a RR is possibly going on (it might be just one step in the plan and with that going wrong, it might still have continued).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Driwen said:
10fg in Marfach sounds more reasonable to assume that there is a RR going on then a PvE raid, doesnt it? So saying 10 fg albs died in Marfach is also a warning to everyone that a RR is possibly going on (it might be just one step in the plan and with that going wrong, it might still have continued).

if 10fg albs died near mjollnir and ziva told mids here or on irc or if Ziva used an alb account to warn hibs about a potential rr, then there would be a problem. But how can a person be cross realming in this situation? It's stupid, Ziva is a hib, and she warned hibs in game. After albs got wiped out, we laughed about it here.

I think you guys are being anal.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Ziva said:
Ok, you got a point there, let's close FH. We are not allowed to post what we see. So no screenies, no stories about weird encounters/fights/ingame actions.:m00:

He, when i made the thread i didn't know it would be blown out of proportion this bad. I just thought it was funny to see that many fgs die that way, regardless if the event was a failed RR or Marfach raid.

Imo there is a difference between spying and leaking before/during an event or watching 10 fgs albs die yourself and assuming that whatever event is was, it's finished at that point. But if you want to think otherwise, go ahead :)

*sigh* If someone runs in to a relicraidforce and then spew it out on an IRC channel where all realms are represented or whatever, the raidingparty is doomed to fail cause info from that person. Do you think that is fair?

I can only speak for myself. If i see, say like 15 fg albs heading south from Scathaig. Do I tell that over an open IRC or any other thirdparty program?

A: No I don't

Why you might ask, as my realm isn't under attack I will not warn anyone else except telling it to some friends or my guild but that's all I'll tell thou.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Ziva said:
Ok, you got a point there, let's close FH. We are not allowed to post what we see. So no screenies, no stories about weird encounters/fights/ingame actions.:m00:

He, when i made the thread i didn't know it would be blown out of proportion this bad. I just thought it was funny to see that many fgs die that way, regardless if the event was a failed RR or Marfach raid.

Imo there is a difference between spying and leaking before/during an event or watching 10 fgs albs die yourself and assuming that whatever event is was, it's finished at that point. But if you want to think otherwise, go ahead :)

Like when you kill one alb then post it on this forum is diffrent then posting what 80(?) albs are doing down in a dungeon when it could be a RR. this time it wasnt but how do you know ? You would've spoiled the Raid if it really was. I don't know if anyone else have said the same. cba to read everything.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
blaat you can do cg with 1 fg
blaat why albs need 10fg they are noobs

Maybe you should see it from the other side.
is not about max xp , max items to get. in albion
we kill big creatures etc with an alliance raid cause it is FUN
now the word Fun might sound strange to ppl yelling for 1h + @ mtk to get a group , but really @ albion ppl join up together and have some fun killing whatever even zerging ants @ cammelot can be fun @ lvl 3.
As it looks now both hib and mid looks like a retarded selfish realm were you need friends to get some enjoyment out of the game , ohw an be sure to make a fotm otherwise you out of the main stream.
wonderfull communitie you guys made.
it really makes me to want jump over.


Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
10fg in Marfach sounds more reasonable to assume that there is a RR going on then a PvE raid, doesnt it? So saying 10 fg albs died in Marfach is also a warning to everyone that a RR is possibly going on (it might be just one step in the plan and with that going wrong, it might still have continued).
1. It wasn't a RR, it was a PVE hunt.
2. Allmost all of them DIED at a late hour during weekdays and they released (note: didn't wait to be rezzed). This usually means end of raid since many people log hence the topic from me after i logged myself.

Oh and i wasn't in any big channels at the time on irc but no doubt people there have screamed this long before me probably even while the event was still on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Sohan_thc said:
blaat you can do cg with 1 fg
blaat why albs need 10fg they are noobs

Maybe you should see it from the other side.
is not about max xp , max items to get. in albion
we kill big creatures etc with an alliance raid cause it is FUN
now the word Fun might sound strange to ppl yelling for 1h + @ mtk to get a group , but really @ albion ppl join up together and have some fun killing whatever even zerging ants @ cammelot can be fun @ lvl 3.
As it looks now both hib and mid looks like a retarded selfish realm were you need friends to get some enjoyment out of the game , ohw an be sure to make a fotm otherwise you out of the main stream.
wonderfull communitie you guys made.
it really makes me to want jump over.

ahh u start to zerg at level 3 ... that's why u are soo skilled at it ....

and the word "fun" is the word that pop in my head when i run in to 8 fg at amg emain when i try to rvr

btw, good luck next time u wanna kill a "BIG CREATURE"!!!!!! :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Sohan_thc said:
blaat you can do cg with 1 fg
blaat why albs need 10fg they are noobs

Maybe you should see it from the other side.
is not about max xp , max items to get. in albion
we kill big creatures etc with an alliance raid cause it is FUN
now the word Fun might sound strange to ppl yelling for 1h + @ mtk to get a group , but really @ albion ppl join up together and have some fun killing whatever even zerging ants @ cammelot can be fun @ lvl 3.
As it looks now both hib and mid looks like a retarded selfish realm were you need friends to get some enjoyment out of the game , ohw an be sure to make a fotm otherwise you out of the main stream.
wonderfull communitie you guys made.
it really makes me to want jump over.

such a skill zerging at lvl 3 ;)

now we all know why albs makes zerg :cheers:

PS: i bet its uber funneh to kill mobs with 80 guys :m00:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Sohan_thc said:
blaat you can do cg with 1 fg
blaat why albs need 10fg they are noobs

we kill big creatures etc with an alliance raid cause it is FUN
now the word Fun might sound strange to ppl yelling for 1h + @ mtk to get a
As it looks now both hib and mid looks like a retarded selfish realm were you need friends to get some enjoyment out of the game , ohw an be sure to make a fotm otherwise you out of the main stream.
wonderfull communitie you guys made.
it really makes me to want jump over.

tbh mids can make fun with 1 fg so dunno dont know what u mean...
and yes yes we are selfish and we dont have fun and we must be fotm or we dont have grp !! yes !!

shows again that u chosed the best realm cause u wouldn't fit in midgard with those peanut brains :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
um we do zerg, we zerg things like the dragon, hydra, Final encounters, anything that requires numbers to win. What's the point of zerging something that can easily be beaten by 1fg? Why not go zerg you average purple mob then?

Hi folks, we're making a zerg to go kill some finliaths, it'll be fun, fun, fun...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
nol said:
um we do zerg, we zerg things like the dragon, hydra, Final encounters, anything that requires numbers to win. What's the point of zerging something that can easily be beaten by 1fg? Why not go zerg you average purple mob then?

Hi folks, we're making a zerg to go kill some finliaths, it'll be fun, fun, fun...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
nol said:
um we do zerg, we zerg things like the dragon, hydra, Final encounters, anything that requires numbers to win.
The dragon doesn't require you to zerg, not even the Hib dragon, and still you do it? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
3fg's of hibs is a zerg mate.

10fg's of hibs is a relic raid.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Driwen said:
it isnt allowed on FH to make a thread that could warn other realms about a RR. Atleast this was the case 1 year ago. As it is indeed considered cross realming as the other realm can use this info to their advantage.

And Tay this is the forum of the uk servers, only forum afaik with zargar and kemor as mods (except maybe GOA's own forum for the E&E) and GOA does make announcements on these boards.

Since FH aint been about in this form for more than a few months I would tend to disagree with you.

Just because FH has mods from GOA does not make it the official forums afaik.

If this were the case Perhaps they could use this forums to post about updates and answer questions about the game..as they would in official GOA forums..?


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
to many resists on item slots as it is imo, easier to cap with the Lost Relic quest as it has a nice mixture of different stats

In Alb this in one of the most saught after cloaks....

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