Heretic PL


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Any heretic with monster rez want to help me lvl my heretic with the monster rez lowbies trick. As a bonus grp a cleric same lvl or lower than me and spec it rejuv and pl one of your mates same time. I got all the spots thought of allready . Bored, but if u wanna know more pm me lol.

Givf monster rez multikills >_<


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
its good to do it to two heretics ive tried it :p one can heal the other and mega exp

ofc I do not condone PL at ALL and I hate it and I have been leveling/duoing with another tic from the start and it will stay that way to 50


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
Stunned said:
Like this


Anyway it works by rezzing someone with full power and health and no ressurection illness and for a little while they are a 'monster' which does PBAOE damage .. which is pretty DAMN high so its easy to kill a lot of things. After a few mins (not sure how long) you change back to normal with no health (0%/1%) but you keep all power, so you can heal yourself.

Heretic also have a normal rez incase someone doesnt want to get a load of agro :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
<looks up the definition of condone>

"excuse: excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with; "excuse someone's behavior"


maybe I used the wrong word I don't know... I don't support or believe in it
(shh anyone that wants to call me a hypocrite :p)

because... all people did as soon as heretic came out was pl it straight to 50. The Idea in having a new char is to PLAY it...I have played all my chars and I may suck at them but I have played them at least


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
When you say "play", you obviously mean "play them in PvE". However, some people have had enough PvE as it is, and thus PL their characters to 50--it's not as if there is not enough PvE left to do after 50 anyway, what with artifacts, drops and MLs up the wazoo. Furthermore, it can be argued that you don't really learn how to play a character properly until you take it into RvR (if that is your goal, that is)--nowhere else do you get such a harsh training environment such as when you pit yourself against real enemies.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
sorry belomar I take it u pl'ed all ur chars :touch:

you asked me why I don't like it I gave a reason.. I don't care what anyone else thinks I was defending myself

the fun part for me is the pve...getting to 50 by playing the character is a significant achievement for me... all I do in rvr is die which is not much fun ... I take it I don't need to get a definition for PLAY because im sure it means to have fun


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Matteh said:
sorry belomar I take it u pl'ed all ur chars :touch:
No, I didn't. For your information, I've played this game since the Beta, and I have levelled enough characters to 50 the old-fashioned way in my time.

Please note that I was not attacking you, I was careful to say that "some people" feel this way. Sorry if it appeared as if was enforcing my own views on you, that was not my intention.

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