Atm I'm lvling Yujie, another SB, have fixed all the n00b(just entered the game and made an assasin without a clue) mistakes from my 1st SB.
I was going to try a SZ spec, 50axe 39la, but speaking to a few current playing SB's lack of anytimes makes this a hard spec apparently.
But then the classic 5spec was suggested axe34 la39 cs34 env/stealth35, which is tempting, as I'd like to have PA-CD, la stun and high env, but I'm starting to think it will gimp my melee dmg.
Atm on Soulsdoorway I'm stealth35 env23 sword/cs/la39, not happy with the so low env.
Heres my question, does the classic 5spec actualy perform well for todays and future RvR within DAoC?
On a second note, GIVF 2.5x would also solve my problem
I was going to try a SZ spec, 50axe 39la, but speaking to a few current playing SB's lack of anytimes makes this a hard spec apparently.
But then the classic 5spec was suggested axe34 la39 cs34 env/stealth35, which is tempting, as I'd like to have PA-CD, la stun and high env, but I'm starting to think it will gimp my melee dmg.
Atm on Soulsdoorway I'm stealth35 env23 sword/cs/la39, not happy with the so low env.
Heres my question, does the classic 5spec actualy perform well for todays and future RvR within DAoC?
On a second note, GIVF 2.5x would also solve my problem