Here's another spec question...



Atm I'm lvling Yujie, another SB, have fixed all the n00b(just entered the game and made an assasin without a clue) mistakes from my 1st SB.

I was going to try a SZ spec, 50axe 39la, but speaking to a few current playing SB's lack of anytimes makes this a hard spec apparently.

But then the classic 5spec was suggested axe34 la39 cs34 env/stealth35, which is tempting, as I'd like to have PA-CD, la stun and high env, but I'm starting to think it will gimp my melee dmg.

Atm on Soulsdoorway I'm stealth35 env23 sword/cs/la39, not happy with the so low env.

Heres my question, does the classic 5spec actualy perform well for todays and future RvR within DAoC?

On a second note, GIVF 2.5x would also solve my problem :p



I also recently made a sb ( 49.5 now :)) and asked a lot of opinions to high rr sbs, read spec threads etc.
Everyone says something different and many of these perform well, so I would say most specs will work, just a matter of preference. Noone has suggested 34 weap though and i think it will be gimpy aswell. I'd say atleast 39+11 or later on less with more bonus.

Might i add another question. Does anyone know how the damage and dam caps in cs line is calculated ? Is this the same as with normal spec lines ( 2/3 spec = 75-125% and level spec 100-125% ) ?
If it isnt , I would go 34cs on my sb to upper my envenom or sword...

Thanks for answering


Something I notice alot of people doing is bringing Weapon line to high levels while leaving Left Axe at 39.

As far as the maths are concerned im pretty sure that..

44left axe

will outperform

39left axe

A spec I had on my friends SB was; 34stealth, 40axe, 44left axe, 34CS, 22envenom, had a lot of fun with it when i managed to get buffs from someone, and it worked very well, although he was rr5l6 which helped a bit.


Well melachi, as a sb ( no experience so correct me if i'm wrong ) i assume the styles you use most are crit strike styles + comeback-frosty for stun ? So why spec high in la when you dont use la styles so much for damage ?
And now my question again : what determines damage from crit strike styles ? is it spec in axe, la or crit strike or a formula with two or three of those ?



Originally posted by Jaem
Atm I'm lvling Yujie, another SB, have fixed all the n00b(just entered the game and made an assasin without a clue) mistakes from my 1st SB.

I was going to try a SZ spec, 50axe 39la, but speaking to a few current playing SB's lack of anytimes makes this a hard spec apparently.

But then the classic 5spec was suggested axe34 la39 cs34 env/stealth35, which is tempting, as I'd like to have PA-CD, la stun and high env, but I'm starting to think it will gimp my melee dmg.

Atm on Soulsdoorway I'm stealth35 env23 sword/cs/la39, not happy with the so low env.

Heres my question, does the classic 5spec actualy perform well for todays and future RvR within DAoC?

On a second note, GIVF 2.5x would also solve my problem :p

In my opinion there is 2 ways to spec. Either for venom playing, using 50 venom as soon as possible.
Or melee specing, high axe/sword, high LA, 34 crit, max 35 stealth, rest venom. (soulblade spec preferly: 44 axe/sword, 44 LA, 34 CS, 35 stealth 9ish venom)


Originally posted by scarffs
Well melachi, as a sb ( no experience so correct me if i'm wrong ) i assume the styles you use most are crit strike styles + comeback-frosty for stun ? So why spec high in la when you dont use la styles so much for damage ?
And now my question again : what determines damage from crit strike styles ? is it spec in axe, la or crit strike or a formula with two or three of those ?


Thing is with 1 LA you do 60% of your base damage, every point specced in it gives you certain percentage back going closer to 100% :eek:, that's why 39 axe/44la should be more effective dmg wise than 44 axe/39 la etc.

Crit strike damage depends of both your main weapon and LA spec, due to LA different mechanics compared to CD/DW where it depends only of main weapon spec being it thrust/slash or whatever :x

CS itself only determines your PA cap=>1 spec in CS is 9 more to pa cap... and style variance AFAIK since i can remember achilles doing worse damage than doublefrost while exping and i was shadowzerk while levelling up :p.

Correct me if i was wrong at some point, but this is what i have gathered so far :x


So we are saying thats its better to spec high LA over high axe/sword ?

I have :
40 sword
40 la
35 stealth
34 cs
28 env

all +15

I am considering a respec and thinking of a higher spec in weapon and loosing env all toghther i find most just purge it away anyways and cba for switching to 4 weapons for more posions. So as you can guess this thread interests me quite a lot.

I was thinking of :

50 sword (ragnorak)
39 la
34 stealth
34 cs
6 env

but not too sure after reading this thread

is the 50 la style any good ?


Originally posted by gupster
So we are saying thats its better to spec high LA over high axe/sword ?

I have :
40 sword
40 la
35 stealth
34 cs
28 env

all +15

I am considering a respec and thinking of a higher spec in weapon and loosing env all toghther i find most just purge it away anyways and cba for switching to 4 weapons for more posions. So as you can guess this thread interests me quite a lot.

I was thinking of :

50 sword (ragnorak)
39 la
34 stealth
34 cs
6 env

but not too sure after reading this thread

is the 50 la style any good ?

When I played Blackdeath was...

+15 to all, see hidden, dr2, dodger2, mop2, augstr2, augqui2, augdex2, purge, and maybe some more i cant remeber.

If i was having a nice non laggy day, Id use Havoc, otherwise just spammed snowblind as anytimer.

Opened with PA->CD if possible of course, then ran through and did 2 snowblinds, and an Icy brilliance, finish off with snowblind backuped by frosty, or Havoc if they aint moving to much backed up with frosty.

Im sure Ragnarok would be a nice style, but goign to 50 in any spec probably does more damage than good. I went from 44axe to 40axe, and the weaponskill drop was quite small, yet my damage soared from the 39la to 44la + dr2.

Really imo LA is much better value of damage/perspecpoint than Axe/Sword.

Btw iirc correctly the lvl 50 LA style is Aurora somethin, although they changed it to 3rd in back style chain for Zerker, i think they left it as is for SB, which is kinda shite :)
Target Parries. hehe, you have much better things to be using as backup imo :)


By raising your leftaxe skill you raise both your basedamage and top damage. And you also raise your weaponskill on your offhand, and therefor hit more often with it.
By increase your mainhand weaponspec axe/sword you increase your mainhand weaponskill (lower opponents chance of evade/parry/block) and also lets you hit harder and closer to your capdamage.

So leftaxe raises your damagecap and basedamage (decrease variance topdamage/lowerdamage you do). And your weaponskill raises the damage you actually do. So you really need both :)

But if you use critstrike styles you need all 3 skills to be decent high because all 3 are involved in the calculation.

Check this spreadsheet out

Most bang for the buc... Is 39 mainweapon 39 leftaxe, but especially if you play a kobbie sb with lower str, 39 in mainweapon might be to low. Give you to low WS and therefor your opponent evade/block/parry you more. note though, dualwield halves evaderate AND blockrate...

One spec I been thinking bout trying out is

44 mainweapon
39 leftaxe
34 cs
35 stealth
32 envenom

Need autotrain to 48 and rr5 to get last debuff.
But who knows what a decent spec nowadays are :)


I use mainly

Comeback / Frosty glaze
Garrotte / Achilles heal

So i guess for me Higher sword / axe would be best as not using la styles as much..........?

Also I like the idea of PA, CD move to back and ragnorak.

dunno really supose will have to try......

Does worry me abit not having de-stat posions but like i say purge and its worth zip anyways and casters dont live long enough to warrant dot's :)


Putting more into LA will increase ur offhand dmg but you still have to remember your hit rate with your offhand. Even with 50 LA you will still miss quite often.

Your spec basically comes down to how your going to play ur sb and who your mostly going to be fighting. Most specs have merit try a few and see what suites you best.

I know what spec im gonna go once ToA comes out and i get myself a certian couple of Sun Axes :) check this video called See through me.

and Lyrre that spec u wanna try is impossible ur env with auto train would be 25, last debuff is 47.


Originally posted by funkdocta
Putting more into LA will increase ur offhand dmg

And your main hand damage afaik. Appearntly by wielding an axe in your off hand, you damage goes to 60% 60%, each point in LA gives .5%, so imo LA spec has more of an impact than Weapon spec, of course weapon spec still definetly needs to be specced quiet high.


Originally posted by gupster
is the 50 la style any good ?

If your a berserker, its ok, but 3rd in a back position combo, and I believe the DD proc is only for zerks as well.


Oh, and someone mentioned Raggy, 50sword style, 1hd, Snowsqual does more dmg in a few exchanges of hits between Soulsdoorway and Dwera, before I respeced her.


ive tried several specs and i would never again spec lower then 44/45 in mainweapon.



Originally posted by garron
ive tried several specs and i would never again spec lower then 44/45 in mainweapon.


Your a little kobold though :)
Ohh so is gupeh, right?

If so maybe go 44weapon+ as Im not sure how low kobolds weapon skill would be under this.


on Yujie, I went norse with +15str +10con at start, so hoping will work out, but thank you everyone that posted for your help, but I think its best for me if I just try for 2nd best debuff atm, seems to gimp my other lines with 30+env :/


Yes I am a kobbie :)

Was looking at that LA damage chart and seems there is hardly any difference damagewise between

50 sword 39 la and 44 sword 44 la..

Wskill Axe Left Axe damage

699 50 39 127 127
671 44 44 129 129

so only 2 damage diff and 28 weapons skill diffence if i am reading this table thing right ..... ?

and snowsquall is ok but ragnorak also hinders your target as well remeber.


souls - why bother? You'll be gimped no matter what you do ;)


Originally posted by Jaem
But then the classic 5spec was suggested axe34 la39 cs34 env/stealth35, which is tempting, as I'd like to have PA-CD, la stun and high env, but I'm starting to think it will gimp my melee dmg.

Atm on Soulsdoorway I'm stealth35 env23 sword/cs/la39, not happy with the so low env.

Heres my question, does the classic 5spec actualy perform well for todays and future RvR within DAoC?

I just recently respecced my SB from 5-spec (36 sword, 34 env/stealth/cs, 39LA) to the same spec you have on soulsdoorway. and I'm hitting way harder now, I actually have a decent chance against other stealthers. Imo the envenom doesn't make that big a difference, but that might just be me


Since the nerfbat smacked the shit out of us,
I've tried virtually every spec there is.
I'll give a little summary of my thoughts about the
3 main specs (crit,sz and 5spec).

44 axe, 44 cs, 21 LA, 34 stealth and 32 env.
With the exception of frosty gaze, this was actually
the spec I enjoyed the most. I did very nice PA damage,
and threw a nasty hamstring chain.

After that I tried the "new" sz spec.
Problem with this spec was decent anytimer, I used
havoc - tyr's, but with enemies running around like crazy,
that wasnt always so easy. I tested with df/snowblind,
but didnt like the dmg/end at all. But by all means, when a
target stood still, the dmg i dealt with this spec was awesome.
But with my previous specs, I'd growed custom to PA, and tbh,
a assasin aint as much fun with out the cs line.

So after dinging rr7, i respecced to:
This spec works great, with the exception of one thing, my
lowbie envenom gets resisted all the time. I cant understand why mythic decided to let the spell/poison lvl be a part of the resist calculation, this destroys possibilities to split points over several different spec lines. Same problem with my rm, where the lvl11 nearsight spell gets resisted all the time.. Silly imo.. But back to the issue at hand, im planning to try and lower cs to 34 now,
and go :
40 axe, 39 LA, 34 cs, 33 stealth and 33 env. I will lose some
ws, cap on cs styles etc, but seeing the importance of env,
i think that will be a fair trade off.

Will be interresting to see how that works out..


Yes im a kobold (wich i today regret alot)

Even if 44la 39weapon would outperform 44weapon 39la dmg wise checking cap on gray con mobs or on paper,
our style bonus is only on mainhand and if you spec low you get lower weaponskill = hit target less , evade'd and dragon fanged alot more then if you would have spec it higher.
It's how i've experienced it.

After 1.62 ive tried a fair number off specs,
right now im speced 45weap 34 la 34 cs and have last debuff it works quite well,need abit more time to get used to it tho.
Last debuff is a must in my oppinion gets resisted far to much with low spec.



All nice specs and ideas...
I like this brainstorming over a spec and making tough choices :).
If now only our other realms counterparts had to make them it would be fair.


Muh, one question.
You have 20 envenom + 11 probably + 6 from rr = 37 the second best str/con debuff. Does this one get resisted that much ? Or are you talking about lower venoms ?



sorry but..... do ANY sb's go for stunning stab? havent played my inf for a while... has it changed?


Originally posted by scarffs
Muh, one question.
You have 20 envenom + 11 probably + 6 from rr = 37 the second best str/con debuff. Does this one get resisted that much ? Or are you talking about lower venoms ?


aye, that's the env i specced for, and it gets resisted alot.
I would estimate like 1/2 or 1/3 times, and that's way too much.
And towards a slash infil, you're on 30% before u even realize
it got resisted and you have to re-apply.


Originally posted by haroat
sorry but..... do ANY sb's go for stunning stab? havent played my inf for a while... has it changed?

On Soulsdoorway, I went39cs for SS, I found it good if you about to 1 hit them after doing PA-CD and just carry on the combo, but rest of the time, PA-CD then couple of back position worked better for me.

But, I don't think there is much point going above 34cs unless you plan on a critblade spec, where your 44+ cs.

EDIT: spelling ofc ;P


Originally posted by Muh
aye, that's the env i specced for, and it gets resisted alot.
I would estimate like 1/2 or 1/3 times, and that's way too much.
And towards a slash infil, you're on 30% before u even realize
it got resisted and you have to re-apply.

0_o thats not good...
I also specced to get that one :/
As a new sb to get last venom i would have to give up on either cs or la, and thats not good.
Pfff give us 2.5 please.


ok I did it respecced to :

50 sword
39 la
34 stealth
34 cs
6 env :)

rr5 so all +15

seems nice so far i dropped an infil in 2 ragnoraks got 2 * 100 crtis :)

my weapon skill is 1419 buffed which is a lot higher than before bare in mind i am a kobbie.

will be playing this spec for a while will let you all know how i get on :)

also if it dont go too well think of all that money I save on envenom I will be able to afford a respec stone very soon! :p


So far, I've seen a few specs discussed in this thread, all seem to work well for different people it seems, but its clear, a SB has to gimp one line to able to make the others better, wether to give up weapon/env/cs spec, but everyone goes for the LA stun style, which is a lifesaver sometimes :)

Gupster, is that the "soulblade" spec? or am I thinking of something else? :)

Let me know how your new spec turns out for you too please? :D

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