Help find a cure fpr cancer!



In fairness though you can't expect to create a thread like this and NOT get people's opinions. People are only getting riled on this thread because some people won't use it, because they don't agree with it, or don't see how it can change anything. :)


I accept people not wanting to use it but some of the excuses are just lame.


The I can't be arsed one isn't one a agree with, but it is a valid point. The program is obviously not successful in the way it's being brought accross as - or more people would feel that it would be worth the (very small) effort it takes to download it...


I'll give it a go when I get a system that can stay stable for more than 2 minutes. Bloody Intel systems eh :D


Fear the friction I cause.

If one person is allowed to say they're downloading it now, why am I not allowed to put another spin on it by saying I can't be bothered to download it? both provide seemingly useless information (unless by chance, I was intended to do the batch that does find the cure, in which case it really doesn't matter, as it will take perhaps 2 days longer and some other person gets the pleasure of having that batch)

So, all in all, piss off my back about not choosing to run it.

No doubt I'll be ripped apart for this one too :)


ps. I wish this fly in my room would sit still so I can fucking catch it :(

Bastard thing.


Fine don't run the programme. That's your choice but don't post pessemistic shit either. The people running it are, in some small way, trying to contribute to a cure for cancer, or whatever other diseases it may help with.
If some one is in two minds about whether to run the programme and they see the crap that you post they might just go "Yeah, I can't be bothered either". But on the other hand if they see people being positive about it and saying that it's a nice feeling to think that you've got a chance, no matter how small, that the batch you process could be the key to cracking cancer.
It's the negative attitude that really got me. People are entitled to their opinions but when the programme is potentially life saving do you really think it's appropriate to disuade people from using it by being so negative?
Just put a little thought into your posts. Not everything on this board has to be mindless spam you know and threads like this certainly are no place for it.


Every one's free to download it or not. But please dont have the attitude that one person doesn't make a difference. Each person counts, as all possible contributiosn help.
Think about it, all you are doing is finding possible molecules of certian structure to be studied further, if you dont do it, that is one less computer working towards illiminating millions of possible molecules. As for if I dont find the right hit, some one else will find it two days later, well the sooner breakthroughs in finding a cure is made the more lives are saved, even by two days, it could lead to a lot of lives worldwide.

As for pessimism and optimism. Your attutude in combating the illness does contribute to chances of success or prolongivity, I don't say it will definately help, but it does increase the odds.


I'm sorry by I happen to think that more direct action (blood donation etc.) to be worth it, and some software farce just to be complete wank. :)


Speaking objectively - would it not be the case that if something like UD was actually likely to find a cure for something as serious as cancer - then the government, or at least some body, organisation or some such would be making it all official, or at the very least promoting it in the national media etc?

The only "CPU muncher" I actually see "a point" in is RC5 etc since there is a finite, realistic and more importantly attainable goal. You know without a shadow of a doubt that at some point in the future (on a date that can be pretty accurately estimated based on current workload/people running it) someone out there will discover the key that cracks the latest cryptographic code...

I really honestly don't see the point in things like SETI and UD since there is no quantifiable proof that the efforts of the people participating in the project will make the blindest bit of difference in finding aliens or a cure for cancer. For all we know (there's not exactly conclusive proof either way) aliens might not even exist, and molecule analysis might not be the all-singing, all-dancing magical cure for cancer. It's just as likely that a cure will be found in the unlikeliest of places (existing medicine, etc) as it is also just as likely that aliens might not even exist at all.

Since neither cause is quantifiable we have no means of accurately telling whether or not the efforts are - in the grand scheme of things - a complete waste of time. You could argue, for instance, that the processing power required to process all these molecules and find a cure within, say, the next 10 years would be 1,000,000,000,000,000 times the amount currently being dedicated to it by the current participants. There's no way of knowing how fruitful or indeed fruitless the efforts being expended on SETI/UD are until the goal is reached...

It's roughly akin to trying to tap a hole through a wall using a screwdriver, when you have no idea how thick the wall itself is. It could be 1 inch thick or it could be 2 miles thick. No one knows. In any case I strongly doubt any of the people running SETI / UD today will be interested in it in say 20 years time... So I ask, just what is the point - aside from deluding yourselves that you are actually making a quantifiable difference and feeling warm and fuzzy inside.


The point is: At least we're trying.

So what if it doesn't make a difference? So what if the cure for cancer turns out to be the mould that grew on someone's toast? Don't you honestly think it's worth every little bit of effort to try and save someone's life?

If you were in the rescue services and you were pretty certain that someone was going to die from their injuries. Would you give up? Certainly not. You'd do everything within your power to try and save his life, no matter how small the chance. Well this is the same. I don't have any medical training, I'm not a molecular biologist (well, my sister is) and I don't know anyone directly who has cancer. But what I DO know is that IF by my taking 5 mins to download the program and register my details that there's a chance I might save even one persons life, then it's worth the effort to me. I'm not forcing this software on anyone. I just feel that for all the effort you're putting in here to say how lazy you are, you could have taken that time and effort to get the program. Do you value human life that cheaply that you can't give five minutes of your precious time? Or is it far more important, and effort-worthy to you to post pessemistic crap on here?

Just please think about it for a second. For all the time you've spent bemoaning the software, that could have been time your idle CPU that you spent all your hard earned cash on, could have actually been doing some good.


In that case Durzel, I will be interested to see how your opinions change when someone in your immediate family is stricken with cancer.

What you are effectively saying is "hmmm, can't see the end of this street. I'm going to sit here and never move". If you spend your entire life judging activities and ventures purely in terms of quantifyable figures you are going to lead a very uninteresting and boring (if not safe) life.

Do you really think that the human race would be at our technological zenith if all the inventors and researchers of history had thought the same way you did? No, we'd be sitting in caves munching on raw meat laughing and beating to death the cunt rolling around a round object (wheel fyi)

I would rather have 1 pc in the world aiding the search for a cure to cancer than have a billion PCs uselessly trying to crack encryption cyphers. You tell me, what is the fucking positive useful outcome of cracking encryption cyphers? How will that further the human race?

You need to balance out effort against expected outcome value.

Cracking Key = Easy. Outcome Value = Little/None.
Curing Cancer = Hard. Outcome Value - Tremendous.


Point taken that we've no idea how effective the 'cure' discovered through UD would be, but we'd sure find out what it isn't, therefore eliminating possibilities - which, at the end of the day, is a very useful thing.



Originally posted by Perplex
In that case Durzel, I will be interested to see how your opinions change when someone in your immediate family is stricken with cancer.

And I'm really sure he'll wish he had of downloaded and ran some software, because that would have stopped that, wouldn't it?


Originally posted by Wazzerphuk

And I'm really sure he'll wish he had of downloaded and ran some software, because that would have stopped that, wouldn't it?

How do you KNOW it wouldn't?


Because downloading software and running it has no bearing on whether or not you get cancer? Unless the software happens to come complete with a high radiation transmitter that you strap to your head.... :)


No, but it's purpose to find a cure....



You really don't get it do you Wazzerphuk?
Okay, I'll explain in simple terms...

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world. It will more than likely affect you directly through the course of your life either by someone you know getting it or possibley you getting it. Cancer kills.

This program takes a minute to download and another minute to register. Then it sits in your system tray using your spare CPU cycles processing information that could lead to a cure for cancer.

If you've ever had someone close to you become seriously ill, you'll know that you feel utterly helpless and wish you could have helped in any way possible. Maybe if you hadn't tripped your grandad up years ago when you were a kid, then maybe his ankle would be stronger and wouldn't have given ouot on him as he was going down the stairs? Silly to think but, you do think like that nonetheless.

Now in the future someone you know gets cancer. They find out it's inoperable and they can't do a thing for the person except make their death more comfortable. You've got to watch that person slip away from you one day at a time until they die. All the time you're thinking "What if...".

So here's a what if... What if by a combined effort of thousands, if not millions of users just taking 5 mins to download the program actually helped cure the cancer that's killing your friend/relative? What if it was YOUR computer that finally provided the key clue the scientists were looking for?
What if...


Would now be a good time to continue arguing and point out that while people want to 'cure' cancer, they do nothing to reduce the chances of it? lo nicotine, lo all manner of things etc.

If the planet is so jumped up about curing cancer, surely it would be better to start by reducing the number of cases?

Oh, and people will still die of cancer while you're doing this, whereas if the entire planet was so determined to save themselves from cancer (as they seem to be these days) and stopped all the accumlative effects, then perhaps we'd have less cases? admittedly not a easy thing to do, certainly harder than running a possibly futile computer program, but if you're that determined?

Point is, end of the day, people only care when they're the one stricken with it, its a limit of humanity really.

I almost look forward to the argumentative shite you come off with next about my outlook on it.


The simple matter of fact is that I'm not using the program because I have no faith in it being remotely successful, there is no way that this software will help find a cure for cancer. Like Durzel says, if there was a remotely good chance, there would be a lot of backing behind it, from the health services, the government, and the press. There isn't though, because it's not going to make a difference. The real issues, the way that if cancer does have a cure, the only way in which it will be found is by dedicated scientists working away like they currently do. We should be concentrating our efforts into making sure that these hardworking, loyal (and to be frank, miracles) get as much funding as possible, and the support they need.

Some software won't help find a cure for cancer. If you really want to help, donate to Cancer Research, like a lot of people (including myself) have done.


Most of these dedicated scientists have to start from somewhere. They dont randomly start with a molecules and see where that takes them, they start with identifying and studying molecules with certain structures and /or characteristics.
To get one usefull drug you have to screen millions of possible chemicals and their structures. Drugs discoveries start through this initial screening process.
So most companies/ group of scientists will have to go through this screening process or use results of other poeples research and findings.

This whole thing is a collaboration between National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR), united devices and oxford university.
Weather you consider these ligitimate set up or not is up to you.

And amazingly enough dowloading the software doesn't stop you donating money to cancer research. If you don't belive me try it, download the software and see if you can donate money or not.


Like I said in my previous post, Kez and Wazzerphuk, you're taken more effort to read through these posts and defend your laziness than it would take to get the program. Whether you have faith in the thing is neither here nor there. You're not exactly asked to go to alot of effort are you? Click a link on the web page and run the download. Let them know who you are and THAT'S IT! The program starts each time you boot up and connects to the net when it needs to or when you say it can. You don't need to put any effort in to the program.
I'm glad you support Cancer research and charities etc in your own way, but surely you're defeating the whole objective of your intentions their by disuading people from using this program "because it's not worth it". What the hell in life IS really worth it? We all die eventually so why the fuck should anybody care about anything? The point is we would all like to live as long and as constructive lives as possible. The people who get cancer, more often than not don't get the chance to live long lives.
Why the fuck should you be so indignant about taking five minutes out of your precious message board spamming time to get the program up and running. Who cares if it works or not? At least we tried.
And as for preventing cancer, that's up to the individual. If someone wants to commint suicide by smoking, then that's their own choice. Cancer doesn't just mean lung cancer. There's all sorts and are caused by many factors, some of which we don't understand. Preventing something when so many unexplainable and unpreventable things cause it is fruitless. The obvious endevour is to cure those who are afflicted quickly and efficiently.

I'm starting to ramble a little.
My main point over and above everything is this...
Why not? It's not exactly a hassle to set it up running. It's quite a pretty screen saver if nothing else. And if you're doing some good while you sit there and spam BW with trite, then all the better for mankind. At least you're not a complete waste of oxygen.


Wazzerphuk - there was some national press coverage about this program when it was released a couple of months ago. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

As for the fact that you don't think this program will work - whats the harm in trying? It costs you nothing, does not slow your pc down and does not stop you doing other things.



Originally posted by WPKenny
If you were in the rescue services and you were pretty certain that someone was going to die from their injuries. Would you give up? Certainly not.
You'll probably find even the emergency services "give up" when theres absolutely no hope left. Why else would they advocate turning off life support machines to preserve what is essentially a living corpse? Doctors et al struggle to save peoples lifes when and only when there is a possibility of them surviving since that - by definition - is an attainable goal. In any case you cannot compare this kind of thing to something like SETI and UD. I could quite easily dream up some new fangled "cure for cancer" that involves standing on one leg for 2 hours a day - it has just as much credence as that offered by SETI/UD - to work towards a goal that no one can even prove exists.

Do you value human life that cheaply that you can't give five minutes of your precious time? Or is it far more important, and effort-worthy to you to post pessemistic crap on here?
If I genuinely thought UD would help find a cure for cancer I would participate. If someone out there could give me a date by which if all molecules had been examined we would without a shadow of a doubt have found a cure for cancer then I'd be the first person to be running it. As it is there's no guarantee of anything - we could all run UD for the rest of our lives and still be no closer to finding a cure. We could run UD on every computer in existence and it could still take 10,000 years to find a cure, or maybe 10 months, or maybe never...

As a point of interest have you stopped to think just how many CPU cycles UD wastes by displaying all the fancy graphics it uses when it runs? You could argue that the CPU cycles wasted showing these animated images could be better used perhaps in actually "finding a cure" ?... A cynical mind would argue that without the eye candy a lot less people would be inclined to run it, but that would be a terrible thought wouldn't it ;)

Originally posted by Perplex What you are effectively saying is "hmmm, can't see the end of this street. I'm going to sit here and never move". If you spend your entire life judging activities and ventures purely in terms of quantifyable figures you are going to lead a very uninteresting and boring (if not safe) life.
It's not the same thing at all. To use your paradigm - inventors, scientists and researchers spend their time in the pursuit of goals that - scientifically - are measureable and attainable. Discovering the World is in fact round is a process with a measureable goal (ie. determining using various equipment that it is either "flat" or "round"), the continued pursuit for cures for various diseases (including cancer) in science labs is quantifiable by definition since other diseases in the past have been cured/alleviated through such discoveries. Millions and millions of pounds/dollars is pumped into such labs because this ongoing pursuit of vaccinations, treatments and cures is a measureable and quantifiable goal. In contrast there has been (and I doubt there will be any serious commitment) to the UD/SETI project as anything more than a hobbyist's pastime simply because - as anyone with any brains can see - there is absolutely zero proof that the results will make the slightest bit of difference to finding a cure for cancer, or finding aliens in outer space.

I find it somewhat comical that people lament about how we're being pessimistic for not running this utility, whilst at the same time "biggin up themselves" for helping to "find a cure for cancer" when no one actually knows conclusively that it makes the slightest bit of difference...

Here's some food for thought for you - while you're all beavering away running UD on your PCs 24/7/365 - spare a thought for all the precious natural resource that is consumed through running your PC for this time, when otherwise (were you not actually running a tool that basically only keeps your PC running at 100% load (and thereby consuming more electricity)) you would most likely switch it off when its not "in use" constructively. :rolleyes:


Much of the research into a cure for cancer is done either by large multinational companies (Glaxo / Britishbiotech...Who have huge investment backing),
or by academics such as University of Oxford (who are utilising the UD agent software) it does NOT matter what System/materials/equipment or software is used there is very little backing behind it. This is why there is a large number of charity organisations as mentioned in this thread.

The people who are using this software are DEDICATED scientists who are probably paid a piss poor wage and trying the best they can with limited resources.

Surely something that does not cost you anything and that could (however small a chance) help find a cure for cancer is not a bad thing



I can't beleive how closed minded some people are in here. Defending their corner when they haven't really got a leg to stand on. All we're saying is "Why not give it a go? What harm can it do? None..only good."
This is the last time I'm gonna post in this thread as there's little point talking to a brick wall that's got its back to you and has ear plugs in and keeps singing "lalalalalalalala....I can't hear you!.....lalalalalalalalala".

If you don't want to run the program, fine don't run it. You'll be saving trees with the energy you save from not running your processor at full whack. But on the other hand, please don't disuade others from using the program. It's not doing one blind bit or harm to try it. If it fails, then fine, it fails. But if it works, then the minimal effort we put in will be extremely rewarding.

This is meant to be a positive thread with the general theme of "Let's help save lives" and you guys come in here saying "I can't be bothered." Fine. Be like that, just please don't spread your ill mannered sentiments in this thread.

Like I said, I won't be posting in this thread again. I will be keeping a close eye on it however.


Durzel you truly amaze me.

"If someone out there could give me a date by which if all molecules had been examined we would without a shadow of a doubt have found a cure for cancer then I'd be the first person to be running it. As it is there's no guarantee of anything - we could all run UD for the rest of our lives and still be no closer to finding a cure. We could run UD on every computer in existence and it could still take 10,000 years to find a cure, or maybe 10 months, or maybe never... "
a) emergency services and Doctors nurses what ever will try to save lives untill no hope, even if no guarantee of success
a) You are right there is no guarantee, as there is no gurantee in in any scientific research, so does that mean we shouldn't try?
b)Science progresses through research, all results can be valid. negative result will lead to seeking, alternative methods until all avenues have been tried.
c) as for the use of electricity while this programme is runnig, personaly I switch my pc when not in use. I dont go to bed thiokning shit my pc could be working for a cure for cancer. It runs in back ground when I'm at work or using my PC.
d) once again to discover a new drug you have to screen millions of molecular structures, a process which take a lot of human/PC hours.
If you dont wont to down laod it, that is fine. Just dont give BS about no garantees of success, or I want date of discovery ,,,,,,


Originally posted by WPKenny
But on the other hand, please don't disuade others from using the program.

And don't persuade them either, let them make up their own mind. I've not disuaded anyone, I've merely stated my opinion on the matter, as have the others who aren't all for it like you are.

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