Haven't sojourner rangers gotten enough SoM's?


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
I have a sally, but i never ever farm/do any artifact encounter i do not need (in other words SoM)

I have seen it up millions of times, and i just passed it and left while grabbing sally.

this imo falls into the category of those animists chainfarming Danos and Eramai all the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
help your fellow shades out imo :x
wanted SoM for a long time now, np i can feed the greed, to get cloak but its quite anoying not being able to get encounter for it, because of all thoose pricks taking SoM without clearing encounter.

/eatmeh out


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Theseus said:
About the SoM stealthing... if its not up, its not up. End off story.
And if you r really that annoyed with it give me a PM and ill port it out for ya on condition that you have an animist or 2 to clear out the sphinxes after the cloak is ported.
/whine off

Don't think I'm not capable of doing encounter - I can get help from my guild and friends. The problem is that most of the times when I log in to check it's either bugged or down. And I don't have time to camp it for days nor the patience to do so.

So while the sojourners keeps stealing it I have no honest shot at doing the encounter (i.e. get credit (which is a terribly important thing when getting artifacts) and get artifact)

No I don't feel sorry for myself, I don't generalize PM (was in the guild a long time ago myself ffs), I don't think they're a bunch of pricks - but finding the encounter down every time I check the spot because someone takes it for the profit makes me sick, combined with the way that Slytale apparently thinks he's better than everyone else.

Don't for one moment think that I would care wether you farm it 100 times per day or not if I could just get it myself - in that sense I'm as greedy/self caring as everyone else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
well,im sorry but I'll keep sojoing/annoying server about SoM till it gets fixed etc somehow.I am totally pissed at hibernia by just being a stealther.My only char was a ranger until i wanted to try a bard(who is lvl 40 yet).With 6 months w/o proper grps,not being allowed to LOTTO in arti raids because of I am not a damage dealer class(right muskis?),Not being allowed to join farm groups because im not a tank and I cant take theorically 5000 damage like a hero,all I can do is to go and try to join guildgroups or call in some friends(which is rarely).Anyone here any idea how hard is it to get a ranger character up before ToA and After ToA with no group friendly characters in char slots?I tried to farm weeweres like a new character who is trying to ding lvl 49 or 50 in CM;even not for xp,for the loot so that I can make some money to buy some idiot scroll which's worth 3p,where other -farming- classes just came in and started pulling my spot/leaving me no option other than just departing?And yes Silencio,I have 48 days of playtime with 4L2 rank,because I wasted more than half of that time on master levels and trying to make some money.

Sorry excalibur/hibernia,you leave me no option other than doing gateway.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Slytale said:
I took it this morning

1) stalkers don't get rvr groups, we get alot less rps/hour than group chars
2) it's harder for us to get items
3) if we can get som ( as we do ) we can get money for it ... meaning we can get better gear , and actually compete in a group wheres YOUR sorry arse can get away with budget SC and crap toa gear.

I feel for you really

make a ranger and get ml6 - you can do it too ... i'm sure you have some sorta stalker alt... EVERYONE does :)
I feel sorry for you mate.. :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
1) I took SoM once for me, but I’ll take it again for guildies and friends.
2) I don’t ruin the encounter, I start the encounter. Once the cloak is secure, I’ll bring guildies that will kill the sphinxes, so none get’s screwed.
3) You’re asking for help? It took me 19 days playtime to level to 50, as I couldn’t get a group when I was levelling. So just piss off!
4) You’re all rolling up ranger’s cause you think they’ll be uber in NF, while you don’t even have a clue on how to actually play them. You’ll get bored after a couple of days being unable to make a kill as you’re no more than zerg animals and give up on the character. So do us a favour and delete!
5) To all those saying “I have an ani… I have a mental… I didn’t farm it…” well, you’ve farmed lots of artifacts and other items, most of which you sell, so take this holier than thou attitude and stuff it.
6) PM and it’s members have displayed a great attitude towards me and Hibernia. Don’t forget that some of you have done MLs with Adari’s help, directly or indirectly (indirectly he was helping me when I was leading raids).
7) What comes around goes around. The attitude you display towards stealthers is appalling. Let me remind you that stealthers never get a heal or a rezz by the hibernian stampede. You only ask for the info we can provide in RvR without us getting anything in return. The snobbish attitude extends to ML group steps and artifact raiding groups, where we are never the “proper” classes. So just eat it, or make a ml 6 sojourner and get it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Gear said:
2) I don’t ruin the encounter, I start the encounter. Once the cloak is secure, I’ll bring guildies that will kill the sphinxes, so none get’s screwed.
3) You’re asking for help? It took me 19 days playtime to level to 50, as I couldn’t get a group when I was levelling. So just piss off!
5) To all those saying “I have an ani… I have a mental… I didn’t farm it…” well, you’ve farmed lots of artifacts and other items, most of which you sell, so take this holier than thou attitude and stuff it.
7) What comes around goes around. The attitude you display towards stealthers is appalling. Let me remind you that stealthers never get a heal or a rezz by the hibernian stampede. You only ask for the info we can provide in RvR without us getting anything in return.

2. The problem isnt you then, its those that DONT call in guildies to clean up after but sit around waiting for it to get done by others.
3. Dont really see the problem, my first char in daoc was 21 days when I dinged 50 and I had been in groups most of the time.
5. I have animists and I farm encounters if I can, often for money. But what I do is ALWAYS let people in on it for credit, I think thats the problem with SOM encounter, everyone can buy the cloak but problem is getting the credit for it.
7. Your generalizing is as bad as those saying PM steal all the SOM cloaks, both are bullshit. When I see a stealther I heal him as much as I can, as much as my mana permits. When I see a dead one I try to rez him (mind you most dont even bother to reply, they just release cause they wanna port back to PK to get buffs so its really waste of mana trying).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
aphios said:
Tbh im starting to get sick off ppl blaming Post Mortem for SoM stealing.

you did read slytale admitted to taking the cloak this morning? :p

but who cares, go go SHOW THEM ROLEPLAYERS ;)

Tbh you should fuck off allrdy :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
This is one of those things you just have to live with...i dont care if ppl sojo it out. According to "working as intended" its perfectly fine doin it like that..and i dont see why not. A lot of other encounters are being pharmed by Ani's and light ments just the same. No wait ml 1.1 was ment to be doable by 2-3 chars!

I even saw Danos killed by 1light ment+sally, his BB with fop and a mana ment bot for HoT.

So quit whining and deal with it. If u dont have any chance to do any of the above, i feel for you. Dont blame other ppl for what u cant afford(more than 1 acc), cba spending money on or just dont have the time to lvl.

And these days its more each guild for itself than a realm as a whole.


Realised i just repeated what has been said already...ah well :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gear said:
3) You’re asking for help? It took me 19 days playtime to level to 50, as I couldn’t get a group when I was levelling. So just piss off!

took my bm 34 days /played to 50, anything else? x<


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Aloca said:
So what does your greedy pricks stamp come from then?

It comes from having a member of your guild lift SoM whilst stealthed after he went to the trouble of going /anon whilst an alliance buddy spent a total of 12 hours camping the arti all for money, whilst his guild mates come on here and post "it's legit" "cry more newb" "he dosnt do it to make money, he has only sold 3 or 4".

Did he ask if we would like to join a /bg to get credit?
Did he bollocks, he just took it a said "there's no such thing as camping arti's"

Did he make his presence known to someone who had at that point had been there for over 6 hours, and who had to suffer 1 soj'ed snatch already that day?
Did he bollocks, no-one would have known he was there if a ns hadnt stood at the statue trying to prevent it happening a second time. He also went to the trouble of going /anon because as I ran to the encounter with my wardy to help the guy out, and wanted to see how many people had turned up to help, he didnt show on /who

It's a simple fact that first impressions last, last week I was part of a group getting braggarts, we wern't too sure if we could do it. Along came a group from the Chosen Guild, they stopped, offered to help, helped, and didn't even ask to roll for drops when offered. They just helped out, gained nothing (other than the respect of people they aided) and went on their way.
So every time I think of Chosen, I think nice guys.

When I think of PM, I think of people who who stealth into an encounter /anon, don't offer credit to people there all for plats.

And don't give me any of that stealther solidarity bollocks Gear, it was a stealther who had to suffer having the arti soj'ed out from underneath him 3 times in one fucking day by pricks who stealth in /anon just to make plats.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
hmmm.,.i think some people are missing the whole point in thi issue a bit.
I wouldnt be a bit sad if a sojourner ranger took it. After camping it. He can take it with toes , ars , nose, or in whatever fashion he likes, as long as he has been sitting there camping it. Or had luck coming there while he was alone and no one was there(witch almost never happends anymore). What i would call THEFT and bad manners and all that witch any guy with a good upbringing would understand is when someone else have waisted his whole day to get it, and have to sit worried all the time that someone gonna steal it and then steals it just under his nose after it pops......well i wouldnt know about u others, but i would physicly pound the guy who did it in rl if i met him after waisting my whole day....


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Aiteal said:
And don't give me any of that stealther solidarity bollocks Gear, it was a stealther who had to suffer having the arti soj'ed out from underneath him 3 times in one fucking day by pricks who stealth in /anon just to make plats.

Well, you obviously misunderstand stealther solidarity. I will help out stealthers (try to at least) who’s main character is the ranger/ns in question. The problem is that Hibernia is full of Fins PLd stealther toons, played by leet people who for some reason romanticised on the stealther play-style, without even having an idea of the patience required to play such a character. You cannot imagine how many PMs I had from ppl asking me how to spec, how to do this and that, and when you check who they are you realise they’re at fins getting PLd. Well, fair enough, they can do it, I’m not going to helm them tho.

What comes after that, is that they head out to Odin’s or Emain thinking they’re uber/amazing and that albs and mids will just /bow and /die as soon as they see them coming. Obviously this is not the case, they are getting powned constantly, hence they try to make an uber template, thinking that it’ll actually make a difference. NEWS FLASH: It doesn’t! Playing a stealther requires thinking like one. This is what saves your butt, and this is what helps you get that perfect hit on an unsuspecting target. It requires patience and manoeuvring, which is not a skill that you can train in, it is something which you acquire and learn day by day.

However, these people ruin the game to the main stealthers by over-inflating prices on required objects. A player who’s main character is a ranger/ns doesn’t have the farming availability as many other classes. Cash are not easy to come by, apart from the occasional scroll farming (which is nothing but fun). Hence the damage to stealthers. I know someone who PLd a ranger and an NS. He can’t play either, however got SoM and other arties on both toons. Now they’re idle, but those arties are out of circulation.

So in return I’ll say to all of you, don’t give ME that stealther solidarity crap. Rolling up a stealther, doesn’t make you one.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
lol....funny...i heard many people who excuse their stealing of SoM with that their ranger cant farm cash for themself!!!???
Comon....what level is this discussion on m8ts.... U think my Bard is good at farming?????.....well i have leveled some other alts as well since i need to farm sometimes. Its not that hard....:p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Aloca said:
Yes ofc we mostly help each others first but most do shit loads for the rest of our comunity also.
I been advisor since 1 week in daoc, maybe isnt anything for you but i answer atleast 3 peoples question every day how to spec their char, where that town is or any other similar things that you probably never ever would bother replying to.
And as you might know Adari,Squallion, and almost everyone in PM organiced atleast 1 ML raid and many organiced quite a few.

About this topic Censi and Adari for example have Given away loads of these cloaks to stealthers all around hib that cant get a grp to do it normal way.

Have you ever lottoed for a thing in a raid that you didnt need? have you ever killed a mob that doesnt drop anything you needed other than selling?
my eld's advisor flag is on for about a year now i think, u can think doing this stuff for 1 week is so uber nice mighty job and want to show off around, but the thing that matters is doing it silently.

i dont care for 2-3 PM who do raids when they need something off there, the only raid dude in my eyes is Xfear. others (that includes the ones u mentioned mainly) mostly have time/experience to gather people to get their own ml's done, or get a chance to roll on items they want, which i dont really give a fck.

about the group thing; i dont even a bit believe in the thing with 'stealthers cant get a group', anyone who camp som can (at least could, if u mostly-PM pricks didnt sojo it all the time) get the cloak, either by calling their guildmates or getting a roll right due to camping it. so stop the drama plz.

and stop tellin me/us about animist farm stuff too, if i gather 2-3 animists together with my fop and farm something with properly killing needed mobs, i dont care for anything else. its not the same with some twat who wouldnt even be able to take one of them sfinxes to %95 just getting away with the cloak, sit down somewhere, /anon and leech ppl's efforts. if u dont like animists, dont use them on your raids/hunts, go sojo draco maybe? and if you do, stop the shitty talk.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Leave of the PM bashing people

good guild/good people simple as that :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gesp said:
and stop tellin me/us about animist farm stuff too, if i gather 2-3 animists together with my fop and farm something with properly killing needed mobs, i dont care for anything else. its not the same with some twat who wouldnt even be able to take one of them sfinxes to %95 just getting away with the cloak, sit down somewhere, /anon and leech ppl's efforts. if u dont like animists, dont use them on your raids/hunts, go sojo draco maybe? and if you do, stop the shitty talk.


So you say that if we would bring animist instead it would be perfectly OK even tho you been camping there for 29715 hours?

Aiteal said:
It's a simple fact that first impressions last, last week I was part of a group getting braggarts, we wern't too sure if we could do it. Along came a group from the Chosen Guild, they stopped, offered to help, helped, and didn't even ask to roll for drops when offered. They just helped out, gained nothing (other than the respect of people they aided) and went on their way.
So every time I think of Chosen, I think nice guys.

Nice of Chosen, i know i done the same to loads of people many many times.

Nausilus^^ said:
No I don't feel sorry for myself, I don't generalize PM (was in the guild a long time ago myself ffs), I don't think they're a bunch of pricks - but finding the encounter down every time I check the spot because someone takes it for the profit makes me sick, combined with the way that Slytale apparently thinks he's better than everyone else.
I dont think Slytale think he is better than anyone else, why would he he sucks :wub: .
Still doesnt matter why you do a encounter, i bet there is 1 reason or a other to do so, none of them is realy more OK than the other.
You want to take it for your self, none else will be happy for that will they?
In this case Slytale wanted to sell it, so he could get cash and buy some armor. In this senario Slytale got happy becouse he got the cash needed, the guy that bought the cloak got happy becouse he finaly got it, the guy that is making slytales armor is happy becouse he get to sell stuff.
What is better? hard to tell both gain the one that take the cloak.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Aloca said:
Nice of Chosen, i know i done the same to loads of people many many times.
I have no doubt you have, I'm sure you and many people in your guild have helped loads of people. However you insisted on justifying the actions of one member of your guild who stealthed in /anon and lifted the arti under the noses of a group who's leader had been there for 6+ hours without offering credit, and that will be my lasting impression of PM.

Aloca said:
So you say that if we would bring animist instead it would be perfectly OK even tho you been camping there for 29715 hours?

You are evading the issue, is it right to go in /anon whilst stealthed and lift an arti you already have without offering credit to a group clearly there to do the encounter?

If an animist or three had shown up,

1. We would have seen them
2. We could have come to some sort of agreement over credit/rolling or established in time honoured fashion who had the rights to the pull.

and everyone would have been happy.

Stealthing in /anon means that only that soj gets what they want, and everyone else who spent hours camping the arti gets fucked over.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
some of you guys make it sound like this is happening with all artifacts, this is 1. SoM, you know how hard it is for any shade to get GoV? or get into scroll farming group to make money? take it or not, its working as intended, and where as you could join a scroll farming group, or easily go get any of the many other artifacts readily available, this is a 1 off artifact, i'm lucky i have characters for all occasions but for people who only have 1 stealther as main. it's not that simple. you know how long it took me to get belt of the sun on my nightshade? near enough an hour and a half solo ... how long does it take your average tank caster or even battle druid?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Nuked said:
some of you guys make it sound like this is happening with all artifacts, this is 1. SoM, you know how hard it is for any shade to get GoV? or get into scroll farming group to make money? take it or not, its working as intended, and where as you could join a scroll farming group, or easily go get any of the many other artifacts readily available, this is a 1 off artifact, i'm lucky i have characters for all occasions but for people who only have 1 stealther as main. it's not that simple. you know how long it took me to get belt of the sun on my nightshade? near enough an hour and a half solo ... how long does it take your average tank caster or even battle druid?

Thank you!!! :worthy:


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Please close this thread....
Gear: You are 100% right. I also only have a ranger 50 and a NS 50 and cant get stuff done without help.
The bard argument: Bards get grps though mate . they heal stuff and give regensongs + CC .... Rangers do nothing but being good at pulling mobs and takin alot of dmg.

Lille: I wasnt referring to you but to the prick that is bashing on PM. You know i wub ya ;) Gimme a tell if you need help for SoM.

Greetz Theseus


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
If you're resourceful and you know the game, it really doesn't matter what character class you are.

really don't agree with anyone saying stealthers or bards or whatever class cant do this or that.

I've never camped/lottod for anything i didn't need (not that i can remember anyways) and luckily enough (if u can call it luck) i have the items that i recquire.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Gear said:
2) I don’t ruin the encounter, I start the encounter. Once the cloak is secure, I’ll bring guildies that will kill the sphinxes, so none get’s screwed.
3) You’re asking for help? It took me 19 days playtime to level to 50, as I couldn’t get a group when I was levelling. So just piss off!
4) You’re all rolling up ranger’s cause you think they’ll be uber in NF, while you don’t even have a clue on how to actually play them. You’ll get bored after a couple of days being unable to make a kill as you’re no more than zerg animals and give up on the character. So do us a favour and delete!
7) What comes around goes around. The attitude you display towards stealthers is appalling. Let me remind you that stealthers never get a heal or a rezz by the hibernian stampede. You only ask for the info we can provide in RvR without us getting anything in return. The snobbish attitude extends to ML group steps and artifact raiding groups, where we are never the “proper” classes. So just eat it, or make a ml 6 sojourner and get it!

2) This thread wasn't minded for you then, if you don't screw up encounter

3) Is that for me? Lol my first char was ranger, made it about 1 year to 1½ years ago, mostly solo to lvl 50 with 12 days played. Piss off yourself if you want to.

4) Same thing, my main is ranger.. didn't have any other lvl 50 on excal until a few months ago when my BM dinged 50, also by soloing.

7) Don't whine that you don't get heals or rezzes.. it's the life of stealthers. I play ranger because I enjoy soloing duo'ing more depending on how many of my friends are online. I don't play my ranger to be able to run around in zergs and get active healing.. if you want that I suggest you roll a caster.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Aloca said:
I dont think Slytale think he is better than anyone else, why would he he sucks :wub: .
Still doesnt matter why you do a encounter, i bet there is 1 reason or a other to do so, none of them is realy more OK than the other.
You want to take it for your self, none else will be happy for that will they?
In this case Slytale wanted to sell it, so he could get cash and buy some armor. In this senario Slytale got happy becouse he got the cash needed, the guy that bought the cloak got happy becouse he finaly got it, the guy that is making slytales armor is happy becouse he get to sell stuff.
What is better? hard to tell both gain the one that take the cloak.

I can buy the cloak too if I want to.. or farm for the cash to buy it at least - but it doesn't change the fact that noone will be able to sell credit in housing. Which is what annoys me the most - that people do it for profit and don't give a shit about the people who need credit and have needed it for a long time. Ok I take it back about Slytale - was really tired when I wrote that.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Theseus said:
Please close this thread....
Gear: You are 100% right. I also only have a ranger 50 and a NS 50 and cant get stuff done without help.
The bard argument: Bards get grps though mate . they heal stuff and give regensongs + CC .... Rangers do nothing but being good at pulling mobs and takin alot of dmg.

Well..my point was still quite clear. I never farmed or went scroll hunting with my bard, i use other charácter to do that. And it seems a bit easier then if u feel like u have the worst character for groups/farming etc to just do a new character for that, then to walk around rest of game unhappy to play it since u never get groups or can farm etc, or?....i dont know:p
Then one more thing that seems to be avoided at all cost it seems by the stealther"defenders". Is it still ok to take encounter for somone who has ben there all the time cause u feel ur class has it worse???....if that answer is still yes...i hope il never group with ur ranger:p
over and out:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
you can get credit easy if you have the cloak already just tell them you dont need to lotto and anyone will let you join.

cloak = money

money = other items needed

other items needed = just as useful to a soj rang0r as the cloak is too you.

say what you wish, either way a normal tank will get into ANY farming group ahead of a stealther, and a caster will get in before any tank, so look who is last to get invited. only class who has very little to offer a group is a stealther and that is the reason why, pure and simple!

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