Happy Eid


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Wolverine from X-men??


I would...

Even after Teedles.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
How cowardly to insult someone without trying to express a point of your own with regards to the conversation. As I said in my neg rep, grow up kid and get off benefits.

Oh the irony, calling someone cowardly while going around giving people negative rep alongside with what I assume are attempts at insulting messages instead of dealing with it in the thread.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Oh the irony, calling someone cowardly while going around giving people negative rep alongside with what I assume are attempts at insulting messages instead of dealing with it in the thread.

"How about trying to engage in conversation rather than negatively repping me like a coward?"

That's the comment he left in my user CP. What a knob.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Funnily enough I've had two negatives and two positives, both in this thread lol.

One each for the same comment! One person understanding the humour, the other pontificating about multi-cultural societies :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
This is why a rep system is not a good idea because there is always some fool who abuses it.


Apr 20, 2011
This is why a rep system is not a good idea because there is always some fool who abuses it.

Like you, perhaps? Complaining about negative repping when YOU were the one who negatively repped me first?

Have another :).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Using negreps and having rep disabled, i feel there's some ironing there somehwere.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Don't really know how to put it more clearly.

Umm...i feel there's some level of irony in using the reputation system against people while having it disabled yourself.

Or what Raven said :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
lol he's negative repped me again, what an appalling wanker :)

Go on, do it again if it makes you feel good. Or you could run and tell your mum I suppose ....


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
"My comment still stands you fool. Not enough intelligence or bravery to engage in conversation so you hide behind your friends. Quite funny but sad at the same time. Midlife no-hoper."

Oh look, he's done it again. Lol. Bainteor, you're a bit of a fuckwit if you think that leaving such messages will sway me toward your opinion, which seems to be based largely on an exaggerated sense of moral superiority. I tell you what, why don't you try, here and now, to put your view across? We can debate it rationally?

Put your money where your mouth is; by that, I don't mean around someone's cock.


Apr 20, 2011
Don't really know how to put it more clearly.

Umm...i feel there's some level of irony in using the reputation system against people while having it disabled yourself.

Or what Raven said :p

Enabled my reputation if it makes you happy. I bet I have slightly more than you imagined :).

Tom, I have already expressed my constructive views in this thread; the difference between me and you is that you have not. You are the one that needs to prove himself, not me.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Lol. I got another one for commenting about his negative comment. Great.

"Lack of respect for other members just because they argue their OPINION better than you do you own. Shameful."

Bainteor, did you actually read my post? Did you go find out what the word narcissist means? You haven't demonstrated that you did either.

I can't see where you've shown anyone even the slightest bit of respect in this thread when all you go on about is your perceived higher intelligence than, well pretty much the entire human race. Then you you mouth off about others being scum without giving proper reasons.

You seem to have the impression that you've proven a point somewhere in this thread. You've threatened to explain yourself on numerous occasions but I fail to see one where you've properly represented your opinion based on logical and valid reasoning.

I'm not sure why anyone really gives a fuck about positive or negative rep round here. I only looked at mine for the first time in years because others mentioned you'd been handing out negative rep in an effort to stroke your e-peen.

As you can see I've been a member of these forums since late 2003 as have many others posting in this thread.

The only reputation we care about is how much of a cock someone comes across as in their posts. I don't need to check some stats, that have most likely been artificially inflated by the person's groupies who laugh because they said some cool cliquey phrase, to tell if someone's a cock.

Right now I'd say your reputation has dropped off the bottom of any kind of recognisable scale to all but 1 or 2 people who seem to share your warped, twisted view of the world.

There's no reading between the lines here. Most of us are adults and can fight our corner perfectly well out in the open on a public forum. You on the other hand skulk around like a snidey teenager who thinks getting gold stars on his homework is a matter of life or death.

While I've already said I couldn't give a crap about getting positive or negative rep, it's obvious it matters to you. So here you go...have some negative rep. It'll make me feel all wamr and cosy knowing your face will be turning a deep shade of purple as you bang your mouse and keyboard in frustration at the (perceived) injustice of it all!


Apr 20, 2011
Right now I'd say your reputation has dropped off the bottom of any kind of recognisable scale to all but 1 or 2 people who seem to share your warped, twisted view of the world.

Ask anybody on these forums about my reputation and you will find out that I honestly couldn't care what people think of me :).

People just cannot accept that others are different, and hold different opinions to others.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Ask anybody on these forums about my reputation and you will find out that I honestly couldn't care what people think of me :).

People just cannot accept that others are different, and hold different opinions to others.

If you truly don't care then why go to the effort of disabling your own and then re-enabling when people point that fact out and tell everyone that your reputation count is high? Looks like you do care.

And by "People" I take it you're including yourself? If that's the case then why bother commenting in the first place since you weren't arguing a point, you were attacking (throwing insults, etc) people for having a point of view?

So a liar and a hypocrite as well as a narcissist? the list just keeps growing....


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Funnily enough I've had two negatives and two positives, both in this thread lol.

One each for the same comment! One person understanding the humour, the other pontificating about multi-cultural societies :D

You negatively repped me for pointing out something that is factually correct and showed the local Muslim community was being understanding of their neighbours. However it didn't fit in with your closeminded views. So please stop with the bleeding heart already.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003

Please please please can I get my old catchphrase out? Pwetty pwease? There appear to be some idiots posting on this thread, going on about what fantastic lives they have and how they are integrated into society, whilst signing off all their posts with "I am a level 23472347329 Paladin with +17 in multiculturalism and a +4 in basket weaving whilst being feard through West Midglaaaard".

Seriously, what a fucking cock socket. Throd wasn't being anti-muslim, he was being anti-ICan'tGetOutMyFuckingDriveAt7:30am you fucking cretins.

Jesus Tittyfucking Christ. Get a grip.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Aww, more neg rep from bainteor. Not that the comment that went with it makes much sense tho. Something about running to my friends being more cowardly than being a man and taking him on in the thread. Which is odd because I was fairly certain that my comment about his irony was in this thread, must have been my imagination tho.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Tom, I have already expressed my constructive views in this thread; the difference between me and you is that you have not. You are the one that needs to prove himself, not me.

I wasn't aware that I need to prove myself to anyone, you least of all, but if it makes you happy:

To defend Eksdee a bit, it does sound as if you are slightly bias against these particular Muslims.

Biased because shouting down a megaphone and waking everyone up, they weren't thinking of anyone but themselves? I'd be biased against them too. In fact I'd be tempted to go outside and ask them kindly to shut up.

It just reminds me of a lot of people I know; a lot of the time one would brush off noise at 7:30AM and just get on with it but others may use it as a platform to condemn others, making more of a deal of things (or scaling up its importance) merely because of the subgroup that is causing the problem rather than the problem itself. And the fact that you have already shown bitterness about being an underappreciated 'white heterosexual male' suggests you feel some sort of unrequited resentment towards others that do not fit into your social and cultural background.

I've read throddy's posts for probably about 13-14 years, lets just say I wouldn't ever presume he is racist. I would, however, presume that like most people in this country, he thinks that people expecting everyone to tiptoe around them and their silly superstitions are idiots, and should either get with the plan, or get to fuck.

Not calling you a bigot, just maybe a bit of underlying bias.

In this thread you've done a fairly good job of demonstrating that actually, you're the bigot. Not Throddy.

Edit: Just to illustrate this point in a clearer way, the poster on page 4 said it all. Would you complain about drunken people disturbing you at 7:30AM on new years day? Probably not, because they are participating in a social and cultural activity that you, on a subjective level, find acceptable - but because that is your opinion it does not make the vociferous celebrations of Eid any worse than those at Christmas or New Years. That is, unless, you feel that your opinion, or definition of social activity, is worth more than others.

Actually most people would complain about that, but then again, when was the last time you heard of NYE revellers shouting down a megaphone at 7.30 in the morning?

But the fact of the matter is that the poster in question blindly, and with naivety, condeming others with the kind of ignorance that accompanies those who chastise drunkards on new year's eve.

Oh the irony. What exactly have you been doing in this thread, if not exactly the same thing? You don't know Throddy, don't know where he lives, who he lives with, what he does for a living, who his friends are. And yet, based on nothing more than your view of the world, you're judging him to be a bigot. You're the ignorant one here, "my friend".

Edit: I'd be happy to destroy some more people in even more humiliating ways with my arguments but I think I've posted enough for one day. Otherwise people will just report me to the moderators again for being too intelligent.

I've quoted that, just so people who might have missed it can see exactly what kind of person you are. Or to be more accurate, what kind of person you think you are.

Just about everyone here knows what you are.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am just waiting for him to roll out his favourite picture. It usually comes out around this time when he makes a fool of himself.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Enabled my reputation if it makes you happy. I bet I have slightly more than you imagined :).

Actually i didn't imagine it at all, if i want to fantasise about a big co...repbar, i'll just look at mine :p

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