Film Hanna


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Acutely surreal, love the way it's shot and the use of sound. The actors are great, especially the child ones.

Good action, good plot, well made. Go see.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Saw it last weekend, some decent parts but most of it was nonsense, they tried to make it too arthouse and it just came across as pretentious instead. Also Cate Blanchett was rotten.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
12A advertised as an action film.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It's a good film, kind of Leony, lots of character development.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
It's a good film, kind of Leony, lots of character development.

Leon didn't try to be a pop video though, nor did it have massive chronological jumps that made no sense. As I said before, it tried to be arthouse and failed but it didn't succeed in being mainstream either because of said failings. Waz might like to throw names around because people don't agree with him but my opinion is based on actually seeing the film with friends and then having a 2 hour conversation about it afterwards. It was a good idea, some parts were very good but as a compelling story it just didn't come together well, too much of it was style over substance.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The chronological jumps made perfect sense.
tldr, good slow ish paced action film.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The chronological jumps made perfect sense.
tldr, good slow ish paced action film.

Really? She is in the desert, she is in Marakesh, she is in southern Spain, she is in northern Spain, 10 seconds in France, she appears in Berlin. All with no money, no food or change of clothes. The cuts between those scenes give no explanation, instead we get stylised nonsense walking though trees and a rough part of town. Sorry but it just doesn't work, when you add in the pop video escape from the research centre 'somewhere in North Africa' I am sorry but it just all becomes a nonsense. There are bits of the film I really liked but as an overall concept it just didn't work because of the stylistic route they took.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
This review comes pretty close to summing up the mess the film turned into...

Royal blood doesn't always wear a crown. Hanna is an incomprehensible pile of gibberish with great credentials: Joe Wright, who directed Atonement, reunites with one of its stars, Saoirse Ronan, the phenomenally talented teenager with the unpronounceable name, and the cast also includes Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana. The result is unbearable junk. What went wrong? Just about everything.

In the title role, Ms. Ronan plays a girl raised in a primitive cabin in the frozen wilderness near the Arctic Circle. In the first shot, she slaughters and disembowels an elk. No wonder she dreams of exploring the world beyond arrows and igloos. But something is wrong with Hanna. Her father (Mr. Bana) is an ex-CIA man protecting her from unknown perils, training her to be a perfect assassin with home-schooling from an encyclopedia and a book of fairy tales. When the time comes to send her away, he promises to meet her in Berlin (huh?) and jumps naked into the icy water, giving Mr. Bana another chance to wear as little as the law allows.

When Hanna crawls her way out of an air duct, she's in the middle of the Moroccan desert, pursued by a vicious, cold, mechanical redhead (Cate Blanchett with the worst Southern accent in the history of film), a C.I.A. operative who, years ago, killed Hanna's mother and spent the rest of her career tracking down Hanna and her father to finish the job. For reasons unclear, they seem to be threats to U.S. security.

Are you still with me? While Dad strips down to swim in the ocean, Hanna mysteriously acquires a Bedouin robe and walks all the way to what looks like Afghanistan, speaking perfect Arabic. (Delusional geography is just one of the problems.) For a girl who has never left the forest, the world of electric teakettles, television and hotel swimming pools is a shock as she is captured and hunted by a gay assassin in tight shorts who drives fountain pens through his victim's jugular veins. Hanna stays in contact with Dad through postcards, although they have neither stamps nor postmarks. From Morocco, she makes her way to Spain on a motorcycle in time for a musical flamenco number, leaps from the tops of storage tanks wearing only sneakers and hops a barge, leaving a string of corpses behind. Her goal: to reach Berlin and find her father in a theme park replete with a Ferris wheel, dinosaurs and a Hansel and Gretel house run by an old clown who feeds her raw eggs. It takes almost the entire 105-minute running time to find out who (or what) Hanna is and why Ms. Blanchett wants to kill her, but if you are a true masochist who will sit through anything until the projector stops running, you'll have to find out for yourself.

Hanna is contrived, pretentious and not worth seeing even for the perverse pleasure of watching first-rate talents make second-rate fools of themselves. Maybe the movie was shot during Ms. Blanchett's acclaimed stage production of A Streetcar Named Desire, which might explain why she plays a machine gun-toting European secret agent who talks like Scarlett O'Hara, but not why she has an obsession with flossing and brushing her teeth before every homicide. Nothing else in the demented script by Seth Lochhead and David Farr would make one lick of sense even to Charlie Kaufman.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

To say a film is trying to be arthouse but failing shows a complete lack of fundamental film studies knowledge and not even worth trying to argue against.

You can call it pretentious if you like, but the above statement doesn't actually make any sense.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Cho you fail on suspension of disbelief. As the for the jumps to locations - they made perfect sense, although they did take liberties with the time frame - again see suspension of disbelief.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004

To say a film is trying to be arthouse but failing shows a complete lack of fundamental film studies knowledge and not even worth trying to argue against.

You can call it pretentious if you like, but the above statement doesn't actually make any sense.

Or you are spouting your usual bollocks in the hope of a good arguement, I shall leave you with these instead from people who have far far more experience and knowledge of film-making than you might aquire in a thousand lifetimes.

Chicago Tribune Michael Phillips Hanna review -

'Hanna' review: Coming-of-age assassin film shoots blanks with borrowed formula

Hanna: Movie Review - The Hollywood Reporter

'Hanna' starring Saoirse Ronan is deadly dull -

'Hanna' suffers from heavy hand: Movie review -

Critic Review for Hanna on

Too much mayhem hems in 'Hanna' -


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Cho you fail on suspension of disbelief. As the for the jumps to locations - they made perfect sense, although they did take liberties with the time frame - again see suspension of disbelief.

No mate I don't, the film didn't work for myself, all the people I was with that night and all the reviewers posted above. The film lacks any kind of sensible narrative, some parts of it are very enjoyable and then others such as the escape from the research centre are beyond stupid, that combined with a filming style that was in effect pop video. I am sorry you don't agree, that is called having an opinion though and I am entitled to mine, to say I have 'failed' just because my opinion differs from yours is just pure ignorance on your behalf ch3t.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Cho you fail on suspension of disbelief. As the for the jumps to locations - they made perfect sense, although they did take liberties with the time frame - again see suspension of disbelief.

It was an enjoyable film and whilst it was trying too hard but you shouldn't lock in on that.

The constant 360 rotations every time a character was somewhere they hadn't been before were annoying though (think Michael Bay shakeycam using different effect).


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Is the world ending tomorrow since you are arguing about this? :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Or you are spouting your usual bollocks in the hope of a good arguement, I shall leave you with these instead from people who have far far more experience and knowledge of film-making than you might aquire in a thousand lifetimes.

1. No. A film is art house, or it is not. A film cannot try to be art house if it is not art house. It may borrow from art house in various ways but that's not the same.
2. "argument"
3. I like the way you have assumed my film knowledge based on utterly nothing than me pointing out you made an utterly flawed statement.
4. Reviews are reviews, they're not film analysis or studies.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
1. No. A film is art house, or it is not. A film cannot try to be art house if it is not art house. It may borrow from art house in various ways but that's not the same.
2. "argument"
3. I like the way you have assumed my film knowledge based on utterly nothing than me pointing out you made an utterly flawed statement.
4. Reviews are reviews, they're not film analysis or studies.

Oh dear.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
3. I like the way you have assumed my film knowledge based on utterly nothing than me pointing out you made an utterly flawed statement.

In fairness I don't think you backed up your original statements with any logical process, just a judgement and some slagging off.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Much like Nick Hornby novels, Arthouse films are terrible and only really enjoyed by people who think it makes them look clever for enjoying them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004
I didn't think that much of it, was alright.. I agree with Cho's comments a lot of it was a bit random with explanations. I was hoping for a bit more action too. Was fantastic music though, need some of those base songs from the start!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oh look, such arguing over taste in films. How refreshingly new.

"No! My view is right!" *throw teddy*


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Oh look, such arguing over taste in films. How refreshingly new.

"No! My view is right!" *throw teddy*

Actually I didn't say his view was wrong, I just didn't agree and many others don't which I pointed out with links to reviews. As you will have noticed I didn't throw any insults around or childish names, that I shall leave to others.

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