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- #31
I like stirring. Lets go !!! 
Originally posted by [NC]Sturty
Originally posted by Bodhi
The stigma about gaming seems to be going, at least as far as PlayStation 1/2 is concerned. You have no idea the number of women I have had hanging on every word after saying "Hi. I'm a cunt with no friends. I have a PlayStation 2."
I don't get it :-(
Originally posted by feigned innocence
oh, by the way, what's all this "penge resident" cr*p. Never been there, never wanted to. Is this a random tag generator just like that Metal Gear Solid one that was on the web a while back ? Maybe I should read the FAQ, rihgt ?
Originally posted by testin_da_cable
-wij: you really missed me. yes you did =P
Originally posted by Wij
Vivi always falls over like an ickle babeee
Originally posted by feigned innocence
If it takes a few hundred posts to get out of essex, I could be here a while...
Originally posted by Lead Nibbler
btw can NE1 help me on the second disc against that mist monster in the Ifea tree?
Originally posted by testin_da_cable
-staz: while on the subject of shags....here's another thing....1)hide the ps,2)clean the house,3)cook a wonderfully extravagant meal and supprise your woman wiv it,4)forget about that and take her out for an extrav..you know,5)bring her home and show her the bottle of quality booze you had thoughtfully left to chill in an icebucket by the bed,6)let her drink most of it[but don't let her notice],7)point her in the general direction of ....well not the ps duh
,8)after you wake up genuinely try to remember where the ps is stashed
can't fail
Originally posted by Wij
wot's SS 2 ?