Guild Levelling and Alts


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
This is one to find other opinions and see if it worthwhile for the GOA lads here to pass mine on.

I am a player who likes to have a number of alts rather than one who can stick to one player and keep playing him to make him as strong as possible. I have about 8 at various levels already.

The problem is that this damages the guild. Unless all the alts are active, and normally I may play about 3 or 4 in any month, then having them in the guild reduces guild xp and makes it harder to level the guild.

We have discussed a range of options within the guild such as an extra sub-guild for alts, people leaving the guild with their alts when they are not playing them, a maximum number of alts per person allowed in the guild etc. All of these have their problems.

The root of the problem lies in the way guilds are levelled. There must be some way possible that having inactive characters should not affect a guild level in any way - either good or bad. I am not talking here about people leaving the game, we have rules in place for clearing out inactive players as I am sure other guilds do, but about alts.

Is it possible for Mythic to change things so that only active time on any char counts, and that this active time is not then divided by the total number of chars in the guild - which makes inactive players a liability?

I don't want my alts to be outside my guild, but I want my guild to level fast and get the benefits of that levelling (faster mounts etc). What do other guilds do in this area, and does anyone even see it as an issue?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
this was raised with the grab bag type thing recently and im sure they said having alts in your guild doesnt adversly effect it, however that may well be wrong.

end of the day i would like it to be a straight "anyone in guild gets xp, guild lvl goes up" why does it need to be so contrived ? :(


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
the basic formula is that guild xp is divided by all members of the guild, online or offline. thus the closer you have members online to total members (e.g. 12 of 12 would be ideal), the faster you get guild xp. for example there are still some guilds were formed on the first day, like ours who are far lower rank while we are gaining approximately 40% guild xp per day and we're gr37 currently with generally 10+ of 13 members online at prime time and members never being offline more than 2-3 days.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
the basic formula is that guild xp is divided by all members of the guild, online or offline. thus the closer you have members online to total members (e.g. 12 of 12 would be ideal), the faster you get guild xp. for example there are still some guilds were formed on the first day, like ours who are far lower rank while we are gaining approximately 40% guild xp per day and we're gr37 currently with generally 10+ of 13 members online at prime time and members never being offline more than 2-3 days.

Guild exp is calculated by the dividing the exp gain by the number of people online. The only thing hurting progression is having people online who sit around town doing nothing.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
wrong. a guild in the u.s. leveled insanely fast (32-7 in 1.5-2weeks) by kicking anyone that was offline. this was a guild with 30-40 members.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 11, 2004
Yeh i'm pretty sure it works like that already and alts don't effect the xp. It was raised, and i think answered, sometime ago on these forums so you could try looking that thread up. As to why it's in place, its because this way prevents massive guilds shooting ahead of the smaller ones - to allow people to play in the numbers they like.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 11, 2004
wrong. a guild in the u.s. leveled insanely fast (32-7 in 1.5-2weeks) by kicking anyone that was offline. this was a guild with 30-40 members.

It could be that kicking the members had an effect but then it might have been other things they did such as high activity (kicking all offline people and reinviting them must have meant there was a pretty high level of people most of the time). I wouldn't consider it a solid example although I admit it may be true.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 10, 2009
Guild exp is calculated by the dividing the exp gain by the number of people online. The only thing hurting progression is having people online who sit around town doing nothing.

Totaly 100% wrong.I also play on usa server...the guild askes members to actually leave the guild when they log out,the only people ever in the guild are always online and active.Gained half a rank in 1 day.Rank34 to almost rank35 in 1 day.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
I can see the idea of trying to stop the big guilds shooting ahead due to sheer size but that is one of the reasons for joining a bigger guild, to work together to improve status, the way it is done now is not right.

I would rather let the big guilds get on than have to remove members from the guild if they are inactive for 3 days, or join the guild each time they login then leave before they logout.

From what has been said a guild of one person (someone can start a guild with help and then all rest leave) would advance at a crazy speed - that cant be right.

I think the current way of 'forcing' people to leave guilds with inactive alts is wrong. It works against guilds with casual players (making it harder for casual players to get in a guild) and against players who like to have alts. It should be purely based on what xp the active players earn, not on what inactive ones do.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
As far as I understand the mechanic, if a guildie earns xp or renown, the guild also earns a percentage of the xp/renown gained. Bigger guild = more people online (potentially) = more xp/renown being earned = guild levelling faster. Alts and offline players are only harming the progression of the guild in that they are not online earning xp. This doesn't mean they're dead weight that's actively slowing the guild down.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 10, 2009
As far as I understand the mechanic, if a guildie earns xp or renown, the guild also earns a percentage of the xp/renown gained. Bigger guild = more people online (potentially) = more xp/renown being earned = guild levelling faster. Alts and offline players are only harming the progression of the guild in that they are not online earning xp. This doesn't mean they're dead weight that's actively slowing the guild down.
your wrong,the exp is also split between those offline so the more offline the less exp going to the guild,why do you think the yank guilds get members to leave the guild while offline?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
at least guild ranks count for little other than status. the only real thing you gain is the faster mounts at gr37 and frankly they're not such a huge advantage at all. it's mostly a prestige thing i guess and the smaller guilds are almost always going to have more players that gravitate to doing whatever is necessary to achieve things i think.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
your wrong,

My wrong what?

the exp is also split between those offline so the more offline the less exp going to the guild,why do you think the yank guilds get members to leave the guild while offline?

Many many things the Americans do are confusing and do not make sense to rational human beings. This is but one example. I can only assume, like in certain other cases, they're doing it because they're misinformed.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
he is right though, grammatically incorrect but right ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
Why on Earth would it reduce the guild's xp income based on how many players there are in the guild? Offline players reduces the GXp income anyway, without it nerfing the GXp coming in from the active players as well. If that's correct, it's a bit of a stupid system.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
it's a very stupid system, especially considering the dynamics of the game (large scale warfare) you would expect that it would be the other way around. none-the-less, while it is hard to prove mathematically, it certainly appears through testing to be the case.

don't hate the player, hate the game and all that ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
I have heard today that, in theory, inactive alts do not make any difference but that it is bugged so in practice they do.

Mythic have also said that the practice of leaving the guild whenever you log out of the game to maximise guild xp is seen as an exploit by them and action will be taken against guilds that do it. They didn't say what action.

So eventually it may be fixed, but god alone knows when.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Mythic have also said that the practice of leaving the guild whenever you log out of the game to maximise guild xp is seen as an exploit by them and action will be taken against guilds that do it. They didn't say what action.

we had an e-mail from a csr saying the complete opposite. gg misinformation on whichever side it turns out to be :p

edit; also i'd like to see a quote/link confirming this


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
VN Boards - Guilds rank eploiting should be taken away how sad

is one place where Andy_Mythic said
As is the case with all exploitable behavior, we take these things very seriously.
Thank you for bringing this possible issue to our attention. We will be closely monitoring the situation and will react accordingly to any issue that we may find with the current Guild experience system.
It is important to us that no guild have an unfair advantage when it comes to level progression. Keeping that it mind, we also do not wish to penalize those who are using the Guild system in the spirit of the game and as is intended"

If that helps at all?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
that's pretty vague though. it doesn't really say anything to be honest.

a guild dinged gr40 last night, war legend, a french guild that has been using the guild kick method.

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