Guild Divine at fins



Originally posted by Sleip
.. but if one person breakes the pattern the whole system collapse, one would end up with evrything and one end up with nothing
Good point ......... ironic in this context, but a good point nonetheless :clap:


Originally posted by Sleip

So why can't you just understand and respect that me and guild wanted to exp together at a spot that we saw as the best at that moment and play just the six of us without any others?

Most would understand this and agree with you (myself included), those who dont arent worth bothering with, you cant please everyone im afraid.


alm ost like my name.. but they aint that godlike.. neither am i..


No wonder hib was in general the smallest realm with least amount of 50s... if you all have to level to 50 in the same 2 spots..


its bit of a tradition breaker to ruin the fins spot

although we all know that fins suck - even though it offers regular groupage/exp - remember who ruined it and let them wait at dl for some other group.

other than that, smile and have a beer :)


I understand this guild might not have known about the Finslist tradition but as soon as you noticed the messages why not move on?

Imho it's pretty selfish you stayed there and camped the spot where 8 people (who might not have been able to make a decent group like you) could have gained a few levels during the day.

Sure, there is no written rule for this spot, sure u have rights to camp any spot you want, sure people should not have been rude to you but some people really can't find groups, depend on finslist and get up really early and wait for hours and hours just to get a spot in this finsgroup.

Knowing that (atleast now) hopefully will make your guild explore some nice Hib areas instead of telling others to go xp somewhere else. Just give people less fortunate to find a nice group as yourself a chance to some safe and sound xp. It will give you more respect then breaking an unwritten tradition.


But do they deserved to be hanged cus they chose that spot to xp?

I'm not sure many people actually moved xp spots for other groups, even in the 'good old days'.


tbh first one to get spot gets it , cant denie it

I dont approve for it at all , but I wont nag over it.


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
I'm not sure many people actually moved xp spots for other groups, even in the 'good old days'.

Fins spot is not just any spot because of the list. Sure you can say for you it is like any other, but still this list exists wheter u agree on it or not.

And while GOA did not write any rule about this spot in their CoC (some people really feel the need to keep on slamming with the CoC), not everything is about rules. Proving your actions are justified just because nothing is written about it in the CoC isn't always the right thing to do since a lot is not written in the CoC.


Fins list what Fins list ?
Everytime we have been down there this week not seen a soul - in fact was hard to fill the group.
But was so boring we fekked off to the Bog and made higher xpo on Banshees...

It seems the race to 50 can bring out the red rage in some people - why not have a run around go explore find another place to xpoo fast if you are that desperate to ding 50, Hib's a nice place and SI costs £19 loads to see out there IMO


Originally posted by iziz-minx
so a group of six players refusing to let anyone join them is ok dinfar then it is a sad day for hib

That's up to them. People make guilds with people they like to play with. It's their call if they like to keep it that exclusive. It's their right to deny and admit people to their groups, and claiming they can't camp a spot with 6 people because it's Hib's best xp spot is ridiculous. If you really think it's that morally wrong for them to camp there with 6 people, just make a second group and camp there as well. When people started doing Fins groups, there would sometimes be 2 or 3 fg's pulling from the same spawn in Breifine.


Originally posted by Ziva
Fins spot is not just any spot because of the list. Sure you can say for you it is like any other, but still this list exists wheter u agree on it or not.

I think the importance of this fins list has taken on absurd proportions. It made sense to start it once because sometimes there would be 2 or 3 people asking for a spot... but I hear of people being on it for 8 hours now, with 10 people in front of em -per class-... and sometimes they even leave warshades or knights groups to join em... completely silly. Imo scrap the entire fins list. Just go there, see if there's space, camp it, and PM people if you need someone.


Originally posted by Divinia
alm ost like my name.. but they aint that godlike.. neither am i..


you are not??

but you said...



Originally posted by Ziva
I understand this guild might not have known about the Finslist tradition but as soon as you noticed the messages why not move on?

Imho it's pretty selfish you stayed there and camped the spot where 8 people (who might not have been able to make a decent group like you) could have gained a few levels during the day.

Sure, there is no written rule for this spot, sure u have rights to camp any spot you want, sure people should not have been rude to you but some people really can't find groups, depend on finslist and get up really early and wait for hours and hours just to get a spot in this finsgroup.

Knowing that (atleast now) hopefully will make your guild explore some nice Hib areas instead of telling others to go xp somewhere else. Just give people less fortunate to find a nice group as yourself a chance to some safe and sound xp. It will give you more respect then breaking an unwritten tradition.

Feels like this discussion is going to go on forever.
Ok Ziva let me explain once again. We are new in Hibernia so we didn't know where to find the best Exp, We tried evrything in EZ and it ended up with us getting scouted or the pop was way to slow. We saw the fins spot as the best spot at that moment because of the constant pop of mobs. We didn't know about the fins list tradition and that hibs was so sensitive about it. But as you explain it, just because we are an guild it makes a difference, now why is that so? We shouldn't be forced to step aside just because we are an decent group that couldn't and didn't want to exp elsewhere. And what is wrong with exploring the exp of the fins spot? We saw it as the best at that moment so why move?

Ziva if the will to reach 50 at a decent /played and have fun at the same time is being selfish as you put it, ok then we are selfish.

And I hate to repeat this in every reply I make, We did have a list and we did pass it on to lewskie when he asked for it. We told evryone who signed the list that it is going to take awhile since noone is leaving and if one leaves evryone leaves.


Originally posted by Ch@meleon
Rightly or wrongly the fins group/list has been going for longer than many people have been playing the game. I recall threads exactly the same as this in the past which got the complete opposite response, e.g. the new campers were flamed for being there. The regular fins list should be dropped imho, but for the time being it still exists and out of common decency people in hib did not camp that spot. Our own guild has taken xp groups to CF many many times, but never camped the main fins spot, cos of the list. Until the list is dropped, the spot shouldn't be camped by other imo. You can't enforce this true, you just have to rely on people to be decent about it. Hib used to be this way, but more and more this seems to be no longer true.
From what I hear there is great xp to be made outside TS. How about people log at AF and someone starts a group there each morning and heads out to the area around the TS entrance? It's supposed to be great running around there killing everything as you go and a lot more fun than fins!!
I have to agree with this. Finsspot was and prolly will be the spot where people tend to go if no guildies or other groups available. The decent thing to do still is whenever you get a guildgroup up, you head for any sspot but the main finsspot to xp.
Recent months have seen more of these posts indeed, example the guild that invited guildies over people higher on the list. Although not completely comparable that was not-done either.

Best thing to do Sleip, although it's quite understandable that you don't really want non-guildies in a guildgroup, is to take your guildgroup to other xp-spots and leave main fins to the single players.

[edit]hadn't read that one of your guys doesn't have SI, still, the comment above remains :)[/edit]


Originally posted by iziz-minx
so a group of six players refusing to let anyone join them is ok dinfar then it is a sad day for hib

So you are supposed to not yourself decide whom to join your xp group??


Think people are taking the 'Fins list' a bit too far.. it's not some Hiberninan Holy Shrine that can't be defiled ya know.. it's an xp spot.. I mean wow, for once someone will have to use a bit of effort and find other people to group with somewhere OTHER than the fins... say it aint true!!!


that someone can discuss this topic over and over again - doesn't it get boring ?


Yeah it does ;)
Btw, we had a guild group outside TS last night. You all really should try it at least once ....... the xp was sssssoooooooo much better than I've seen at fins or even in EZ. The other thing which makes all the difference also is that when your moving around more to find a spot where 3 mobs are standing, you lose track of time and forget to look at your xp bar a lot more. Makes it move a lot quicker. A watched pot never boils, etc, etc.
Go over the bridge on the way to TS and just run around in that whole area outside TS. Fomors I think the mobs are called. The other bonus is that we seemed to get a drop every other pull :)
Ditch the fins list 'fortehwin', as they say


we used to pull in front of TS - aslong u have to switch spot the xp keeps being high and boredom is lower since u are not in the same routine all the time.

but still - drop this whine reagrding fin spot

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