Guild Divine at fins



I gave my friend a tell this morning i said u get on fins list bro he tells me nope a guild called Divine has taken the fins spawn and will let no one join them even though they not a full group.

A list had to be started outside the zone until they leave cos they will let no one join them.

This is just sad the prime leveling spot in hib and they lock it up refuse to let anyone but there own join keeping 15 players waiting looking on thinking wtf is going on here.

They could gone fomor pulled there for there guild mates is they wated to help exp some there own but taking fins and putting it there pockets and telling everyone to go to hell u cannot join go ask the guy sat in briefine to join his list is just sad.


indeed i did see i was there early saw em said errr hmmm
and then figured there was no list as no one was around ..came back at 9ish and looked around still there said gay and then asked if anyone had a list and am now 3rd on tank list..

i dont mind em pulling like that but they will get better exp @ other places

of course if they let me join and leech i wouldnt care =)


Some players still dont have si have to use fins but if it getting that bad guilds are taking the spawn and fook everyone else its a sad day for hib


if im not mistaken they where there first. so its fair enuff that they claim the spot. Yes its CF fins spot, but there is infact other and better places. EZ fx, go there if you wanna exp.


so a group of six players refusing to let anyone join them is ok dinfar then it is a sad day for hib


Originally posted by iziz-minx
so a group of six players refusing to let anyone join them is ok dinfar then it is a sad day for hib

Always been like this, what gives you the right to join any group you wish?


Originally posted by iziz-minx
so a group of six players refusing to let anyone join them is ok dinfar then it is a sad day for hib

they should be forced to let you join then ? sounds wrong to me!


Then they take the piss out players who turn up for fins group saying things like ahh great exp lovely gold etc etc so u guys still think this is fair enough


They got there 1st the spots theres, there is no written law saying there has to be a list leave em alone and xp somewhere else.


since fins is the primary exp spot for 43+ ppl without exp groups or similar, i personally wouldnt camp the spot.

but if it "forces" ppl to get their act together and start groups at EZ/si etc, it aint all that bad really


im easy but fins is kinda tradition ..but not a rule/law so im happy for em ..but seems a bit rude =)


Originally posted by iziz-minx
Then they take the piss out players who turn up for fins group saying things like ahh great exp lovely gold etc etc so u guys still think this is fair enough

no, they shouldnt answer in a rude matter.
dosnt change the fact that they can camp the spot as they got there first though.


I said nothing about any written law i just said its sad and a shame for those 44/49 that have only fins to go on

I been 50 long time just felt sorry for my buddy be nice to get him to 50 soon as poss.


haha lets face it groups in ez zone are rare at times and not everyone has si yet.

Dinfar i agree on if they there first etc never said other wise just said it was sad to hog it.


Never camped finliaths and I went from 40 to 50 with my Hero in no time :)
But that was the the time ppl were still grouping
in Innis and killing Glimmers. SI screwed that
a little bit.

It's their right to camp the spot and their right to refuse people. Not nice, but what is these days?
It's also your right to refuse them in your groups and RvR groups. Action means Reaction :)

Prime exp spot? right :p


Originally posted by iziz-minx
I gave my friend a tell this morning i said u get on fins list bro he tells me nope a guild called Divine has taken the fins spawn and will let no one join them even though they not a full group.

A list had to be started outside the zone until they leave cos they will let no one join them.

This is just sad the prime leveling spot in hib and they lock it up refuse to let anyone but there own join keeping 15 players waiting looking on thinking wtf is going on here.

They could gone fomor pulled there for there guild mates is they wated to help exp some there own but taking fins and putting it there pockets and telling everyone to go to hell u cannot join go ask the guy sat in briefine to join his list is just sad.

beats me why they do fins actually ;)


Originally posted by vintervargen
since fins is the primary exp spot for 43+ ppl without exp groups or similar, i personally wouldnt camp the spot.

but if it "forces" ppl to get their act together and start groups at EZ/si etc, it aint all that bad really


to many ppl (like me myself :clap: ) are to lazy atm. It might have been good for hibernia in the long run if the fin spot in CF was camped by a guild like Divine for a week or so. would force ppl to start making groups on other places. and whoppa, maybe it would have lead to a few new places with lists? ;)


I went 0-50 without Fins there to fooking boring and have crap drops, if u havent got si get it, its not exactly expensive.



agreed with u this morning but then got an fg together to go to fins in the frontier for my lasy to bbus

much better xp although the pop is crap at times got a list running there for you now so pm lewuski

ps.just dinged 50! :)

Roo Stercogburn

Hmm, have to agree if someone gets to a spot first, regardless of where it is, then they have the right to stay there until they go to bed if they wish.

I understand the frustration though if you were depending on it to xp in a free-for-all kind of way, especially if thats what is traditionally done there. This kind of thing has happened in Malmo in Mid at times when guilds do the occasional xp fest or guild event there and those that turned up there because "Thats where you go" start to get very ratty indeed and you have to feel a bit sorry for these peeps too.

Personally, the list for fins disappearing would make my life easier when I log on my druid (45, 43 regrowth and climbing) for some fun. With all the buffbots running around its sometimes nigh on impossible to get groups and because there are lists going peeps often don't use the LFG window at all since they are just waiting for a Fins group.

Actually I've seen people bailing on good groups just for Fins groups. You've got to wonder whats going on in their heads at times :D



Let me begin with that we (Divine) went up early in the morning to get some good exp at cf fins, because we noticed that the spot had been camped everyday. We got the tip of exping there in the #celticfist channel btw. We had tried many places in si, ez, df and crim fins and nothing suited our group.

After awhile exping at cf fins, people starts to log in and ask for list, we said that we didn't have a list and didn't need more people because the exp was decent and we didn't want to make it worse. Then people start forcing us to invite more people and telling us that we are not allowed to camp the spot and guild groups are not allowed there etc. And the information entered above about us being rude is just bullshit and you know it, we answerd you with a nice manner and even told you where you could start a new group and gave you the list with people wanting to join.

We are there to get good exp and having a nice time and why should we be forced to invite people just to help other hibs out?
If we want to help others exp, I would much rather help some new people in the game than people being childish and forcing us to invite.

Iziz you know it doesn't work like that. Let's make some parallels:
Then every powerlevler in cm should and be forced to invite others that wants to be pled. If he doesn't do that he will get bad reputation and he will be hated.
Rvr groups should be forced to invite lower lvls just because they need rps aswell.

So what you are saying is that evryone must help each other out and exping without a full group is selfish.

And the thing about cf fins being prime exp spot in hib, what difference does that make?? There is alot of exp spots you can visit and still get good exp. Yes we are new in hibernia and didn't know you were so sensitive about cf fins, but the manner shown when we exped up in hib is much worse.

Some examples:
At parthfarm lvl 50s come and pbaoe our mobs and continue in the same way for hours, yeah right that is not rude and we are selfish......
At Coruscating mine alot and I do mean alot of plers destroy our exp and taking our mobs etc, not to mention when gimped groups drag their mobs in our pbaoe when they can't handle them and le us die instead...really nice...

At last we just wanted to exp fast at a really good spot. And we did nothing wrong. If you can't get a spot at fins find another spot ffs.

Twix lvl 47 Enchanter

Proud member of Divine!


Sleip there is nothing wrong with camping fins imo =)
But really, fins exp suck :p If you all got SI there is LOTSA spots there with better exp.
Even EZ will be better cause ppl hardly ever exp there so you might even get some camp bonus :p


Rightly or wrongly the fins group/list has been going for longer than many people have been playing the game. I recall threads exactly the same as this in the past which got the complete opposite response, e.g. the new campers were flamed for being there. The regular fins list should be dropped imho, but for the time being it still exists and out of common decency people in hib did not camp that spot. Our own guild has taken xp groups to CF many many times, but never camped the main fins spot, cos of the list. Until the list is dropped, the spot shouldn't be camped by other imo. You can't enforce this true, you just have to rely on people to be decent about it. Hib used to be this way, but more and more this seems to be no longer true.
From what I hear there is great xp to be made outside TS. How about people log at AF and someone starts a group there each morning and heads out to the area around the TS entrance? It's supposed to be great running around there killing everything as you go and a lot more fun than fins!!


Just get a bard and lul their pulls if you don't like em ;p


People wanna be more and more politically correct in this game :]

It's getting a bit too much, and has been so for quite some time, but once the PC trend starts, there's no stopping it.. so that being said, WHAT is wrong with them taking the spot? No rules that say they cant :]

Oh, but of course, be decent.. why? You pay your sub just as much as the next guy, it's your choice..

And so on and so on, heard it all before.

Funny this tbh :)


"You pay your sub just as much as the next guy, it's your choice" is very true. It's always been true, but the fins list used to be able to operate without this problem ......... now things have changed, for the worse imo. It's a shame, but that's the way it goes I suppose.


Apart from these people being in the same guild, I don't see any real difference between what they did, and what other people (ab)uses the list to do - the only real reason why I like/liked the list, was because it were open to everyone, however that seems to have changed quite alot with focus pulling... If ya don't fit into such a group, you could just as well forget getting into fins group.

Nah... I think people has ruined it for themself by shunning melee character types at fins, if they hadn't done that and kept it open to let everyone have a shot of getting some xp at those levels, more people would probably have been supportive of the list -- however, this hardly got anything to do with Divine as such, they just came there and did it as a guild instead, ticking others off enough to open a debate.


i lub you shrye :]

can i just add that shrye is correct in that this would never have probably reached here if it was just random people..

you get all sorts of random ppl focus pulling, or screwing the list, not accepting tanks etc etc.. thats lead more to a detoriation of that spot than anything else in my opinion, this is just another step


I think the point is that fins have been known as the xp spot since before the European servers even existed.

It has always been the case that one person would hold a list of people and each time a person left a suitable replacement would be chosen from the list.

It has always been that way for a very very very long time.

With xp a lot tougher to get these days fins is for some of us the only decent way to get xp.

So a guild goes in and takes over the fins. I don't believe it was intentional to annoy anyone. But not even keeping a list was always bound to piss people off

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